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Everything posted by connda

  1. It angers me that there are people in this world who now can hate a man like this based on his skin color and the fact he's a man - regardless of his personal and evident compassion for humanity. So although I'm a descendant of European heritage as well as a biological male, I'm just sad. I'm sad that so many people demand "tolerance" for their views and proclivities while hating others. Really. How many people in our current Western civilization detest those who are descendant of European heritage and those who are biological males who love biological women? So no. I'm not angry. Just sad that people can not accept others for their humanity alone. I find intolerant people to be sad, regardless of the targets of their intolerance. Unfortunately - that is the nature of the reality into which we were born. However - I commend people such as this gentleman who is accepting of humankind for being human. In between that, we can disagree with others and yet maintain respect for their concerns.
  2. I'll shake hands with anyone. It's not on my list of phobias. If I at a pub, I'll go wash my own hands the next trip to the hong naam. But, I've found a lot of Westerners to be germaphobes. Well, elbow bump.
  3. I could sit at places on Highway 11 near where I live and video all the traffic down the wrong side of the highway. I'd bet I could capture 20 to 50 a day. It happens that often. Another place on Highway 11 people routinely drive down the wrong side of the highway to get from a U-turn to a side road. That intersection is maybe 100 yards from a police station. Trust me - who cares?
  4. In the US, driving the wrong way gets you a jail sentence. That's how dangerous the US considers that kind of driving to be. Here in Thailand. 500THB. Now, any wonders why Thai roads are the most dangerous in the world.
  5. Before we were told that the shot will stop Covid. 100%. But they don't. So now we're told, "Get them because they will keep you from getting sick." The 'experts' lost me after rolling out the world leader to convince the plebs that "The shot will 100% stop Covid." I don't see any reason to continue to get shots every 4 months on the off-chance that maybe you'll get less sick because 'experts' say so. I don't trust most of these 'experts' because most have conflicts of interests with the companies they supposedly regulate.
  6. Every person I personally know who have been vaccinated with two or more Covid vaccines has come down with Covid. Just saying.
  7. He needed the 7th shot. Maybe an 8th too.
  8. I walk the same speed. My wife's speed depends on whether she is in a mood are not.
  9. Finally. I'll be one of the 10% who will actually take it off. My guess is that the majority of Thais will voluntarily continue to wear one pretty much forever.
  10. Bunk. Properly trained and under control of the owner. I've been around wonderful Rotties. They are the exception. "My Rottie wouldn't hurt a fly!" Yeah - until they do. Most need a lot of hands on training. Untrained Rotties will go after "weakness" in a person or another animals. Including children or even 'weak' adults. Anyone who has a dog (I've got seven and two of them can cause damage and I'm aware of it - it's part of our defense-in-depth home security. Should my dogs ever get out and hurt someone? I'd be 100% at fault. And I'd take 100% responsibility. So - It p***es me off to see owners trying to escape financial responsibility for their dog's behavior. And Thailand's concept of compensation is absurd. Commoners get zilch. Foreigner a little more than zilch if anything. 200 stitches and the mental damage to go with it? Put a price tag on that? My bet? The guy takes the 10,000 fine. That will be less than the medical bills for the foreigner's kid. And if that was my child? Well - it's not my child.
  11. I'm just thinking like a business person. I sell somtum for 30 THB. I put 500THB worth of bud in my somtum and sell it for 30THB (you're not going to sell somtum for more than 30 THB in my village) in order to attract sales. I'm sorry - it's financial suicide. And by the way - making people high without their consent should be criminal.
  12. Basically - any of us who were raised in this culture knows the stories to be pure, unadulterated bunk. Thai agencies will be trying to out-perform themselves in making up marijuana horror stories. Really - It's Reefer Madness 2.0 Thai Style.
  13. This is going to be the daily Guncha Fear Porn hour Thai news I see. There is probably a new anti-cannabis agency dedicated to making up Reefer Madness stories to spread on the Thai media daily.
  14. I kicked it. Then inflated the tires. I'll ignore it until next week when I start it up for a few minutes.
  15. The answer is no. File a claim and your rate will go up so that the insurer compensates themselves from your future claims. Once you have a habit of making claims? Look out. Insurance is for major claims. Any dings or minor accidents - fix it yourself on your own dime. They will get any payment made to you back in spades.
  16. For online purchases you can assume your debit card works like a credit card. The bank knows the proper name associated with the account. Personally I don't use anything but US issued credit cards and I limit my purchases to US retailers online. Mostly because the bank's foreign transaction fees are upwards of 1% otherwise. Now, when I want you buy something online in Thailand (or SE Asia) which I can not get COD (I ❤️ COD), then I use a Thai Bank debit card. I have one account which is keep around with only the amount of money in it needed to keep from getting dinged by the Thai bank's minimum account level fees - about 2500 THB. When I want to make on online debit card purchase, I transfer that exact amount to this debit card account from my primary account (the one I get my pension funds sent to). Doing this way I don't worry at all about fraudulent debit card transactions after paying for your goods and services. The most I'm going to lose with debit card fraud in that minimum bank balance. A little bit of paranoia is a healthy thing. And Debit Card fraud is a real thing here in the LOS. In the US, your Credit Card purchases are protected under the Fair Credit Billing Act. This is one reason I steer away from Thai credit cards - you have no Consumer Protection. But if you maintain a Visa and/or MC debit card account and fill it as you need it for online purchases - you're pretty safe. Well, imho. Personally - I prefer cash. "Oh but digital transactions are so much more convenient!" Bunk. The transactions take longer at the checkout as the plebs fumble with their QR codes and transaction glitches. I've been behind too many people in a checkout line where I end up waiting 3 to 5 minutes for them to get their transactions cleared. Me? Cashier: "2456 THB." Me: Here <hands over 2500> Cashier: "44 THB is your change <hands receipt> Me: Thanks! Person fumbling with their smartphone behind me: "But you'll get Covid!" No you won't. Your chances of surface contamination is less than 1 out of 10,000. That can be verified via the CDC. By the way. When was the last time you disinfected your smartphone display? How often do you do that? Think about it. Smart phone displays are probably one of the filthiest surfaces in the world.
  17. I get 23 kilos/liter. I don't even care about gas prices. These corporations are taking geopolitics and are making a windfall killing by amping up the hyperbole.
  18. I've just taken a break with the Wheel of Time series after book 6 Lords Of Chaos. I've moved on to the last book in the Expanse series. Leviathan Falls The last two books in the Expanse series takes us much further than the TV series. And although I enjoyed the TV series I think the books are significantly better, deeper, richer. And the TV series chooses to end without exploring the theme of the Laconian Empire and its use of the Protomolecule. Here's a book review. https://thecityvoice.org/2021/12/16/leviathan-falls-review-the-churn-even-at-the-end/
  19. It stays tight and quirky right to the end. You'll binge watch right up until Season 4 Part 2.
  20. Well, makes it evident that there is a niche market that has yet to be exploited.
  21. I'll live to be 100 based on that test.
  22. All U-Turns in Thailand are "U-Turns Of Death."
  23. Give it a year to assess the economic effect. Don't smoke are the same wise words you tell a child when talking about alcohol. Too young don't drink, or smoke cigarettes, or marijuana. Smoke responsibly are the wise words you talk to the public about marijuana. Just like 'drink responsibly if you chose to drink.' It's the same concept.
  24. What are the prices if you pick up the product in person? Or in other words how much of a discount would there be?
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