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Everything posted by connda

  1. @Sheryl Hey Sheryl. Do you have a web link to the seller who is sell Puritan's Pride 10mg 120 tabs for 500 THB. I've looked and the best I can find is ฿850. Thanks!
  2. You haven't been back to El Paso or any of the Blue State cities in the US lately.
  3. He's still bent out of shape that the "Ai farang" wouldn't take his masks from him three plus years ago. Anutin is a quintessential Thai elite: Hates foreigners; loves foreigner's money.
  4. Of course it does. The up-coming generations pose a direct threat to the status-quo. Lawfare 101: If it poses a threat - make it illegal.
  5. My cats eat them and you need to give your cats worm meds on a consistent basis. The little buggers do contain worm eggs and larvae.
  6. How many Thais were arrested for drunk driving on the same day - and never were reported in the news?
  7. Not when your wife to be is 47 and has kids and grandkids. That is not a normal part of Thai culture.
  8. "Was I stupid to agree to........." Yep! 👎
  9. ... she is wayyyyy past her expiration date at 47 - and - she has grandkids? Either way, I'd say that sinsot would be out of the question. Sure, if Khun Farang was marrying a 25 year old Isaan beauty who is pure as the wind driven snow and never had children? Ok - I can see a marginal amount of dowry for the parents. At 47 years old, ie, just a few year away from menopause plus she has children and grandchildren and probably was previously married? You've got to be kidding me. I think my wife was 47 when we got married, had a kid, and previous marriages. Sinsot wasn't even a topic of discussion. Had it been we wouldn't be married. Find me a Thai guy who has paid sinsot for a 47 year old "used" wife with kids and grandkids. Heck. There are plenty of 47 year old childless spinsters out there as Thai guys don't want them. So - "Stupid is as stupid does." The Thai net-citizens are applying conventions to a farang that they would not apply to themselves.
  10. Sorta like claiming all foreigners will need to wear masks, 'eh?
  11. This is about hoovering more wealth from those who can least afford to pay. "Fairness for small businesses?" Bunk.
  12. Year in, year out, by this time during the annual "burn season" every country other than Thailand is blamed for Chiang Mai's and Northern Thailand's bad air. Meanwhile as we drove up our mountain valley yesterday, the mountains are burning on both sides of the road and on into the distance. Obviously fires set by Burmese, Cambodians, Indonesians, and Chinese arsonists, no doubt.
  13. So ironic given the fact that he was tasked with "cleaning up the corruption" in the first place. <sigh> No wonder the world no longer has real heroes to look up to. Just fictional Marvel characters at best. <gag>
  14. If you're a non-Westerner in a Western country, all you need to do is utter the magical word: "Asylum."
  15. Like usual, we are not participating. I imagine in the village it will last from the 13th to the 16th as "real" people, unlike the BKK elite, need to work for a living. The only difference is that we will be avoiding Chiang Mai for three weeks starting on the 6th. My guess is that the idiotic "extended version" of Songkran will die on the vine as the locals as well as tourist get tired after the first week. Certain high-ranking "leaders" will probably high-tail it to the UK or UK to escape the killer PM 2.5. Speaking of which, did our friend Big Joke return from the UK to turn himself in? <sound of crickets>
  16. No, not quite the same. This year the globalist billionaire elite class is pushing via their media networks that Thai air quality will clear right up if all of the commoners stop eating meat.
  17. There are low-balling the figures. Like pick a time when the AQI isn't 250 to 350 and the maps are lit up in reds and purples.
  18. Until the next "emergency" where your Fearless Leaders lock your commoner butts down and wipe out the remnants of small and medium sized businesses for good.
  19. What I learned as a systems engineer: If ain't broke, don't fix it.
  20. Thais would just wipe them out again. It's not about reintroducing them; it's about enforcement. It's funny that in the US enforcement is widespread and so effective that in many places deer, and even elk, are a road nuisance. And yet in Thailand? There is no will to do what it takes to preserve wildlife or the forests or the air quality. And making the commoner eat f***ing bug is a BS solution. Trust me - those trying to force that solution on the plebs will be enjoying Kobe beef steaks while flying in their private jets 35K feet above your dirty commoner's heads while on their way to their beach-front mansions which are suppose to be under 20 feet of water by now. 100% bravo sierra and kee kwai.
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