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Everything posted by connda

  1. Until the next "emergency" where your Fearless Leaders lock your commoner butts down and wipe out the remnants of small and medium sized businesses for good.
  2. What I learned as a systems engineer: If ain't broke, don't fix it.
  3. Thais would just wipe them out again. It's not about reintroducing them; it's about enforcement. It's funny that in the US enforcement is widespread and so effective that in many places deer, and even elk, are a road nuisance. And yet in Thailand? There is no will to do what it takes to preserve wildlife or the forests or the air quality. And making the commoner eat f***ing bug is a BS solution. Trust me - those trying to force that solution on the plebs will be enjoying Kobe beef steaks while flying in their private jets 35K feet above your dirty commoner's heads while on their way to their beach-front mansions which are suppose to be under 20 feet of water by now. 100% bravo sierra and kee kwai.
  4. Good idea. Deforestation is the way to go then the arsonist would have any forests to burn down and blame it on global warming. The air would clear right up, well, except for all the sugar and corn fields that are burnt on the alter of Big Agricultural who privatize the profits and socialize the killer air pollution.
  5. Periodontist. Try Dr. Nataya at Grace Dental. A consult + periodontal cleaning will cost all of 2200 THB if my memory serves correctly. You can save a lot of dental problems by getting semi-annual periodontal cleaning once you're over 60. Bad gums lead to all sorts of avoidable dental problems.
  6. It's that time of year again for those American expats who hold Thai bank account(s) to file an FBAR with the US Treasury. It seems as though the filing deadline is still April 15, 2024. Just a "heads-up." It looks as though the site may have been slightly changed from last year. Here's the filing link for individual filers: https://bsaefiling.fincen.treas.gov/NoRegFBARFiler.html
  7. They're rioting in Africa They're starving in Spain There's hurricanes in Florida And Texas needs rain The whole world is festering with unhappy souls The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch And I don't like anybody very much!! But we can be tranquil and thankful and proud For man's been endowed with a mushroom-shaped cloud And we know for certain that some lovely day Someone will set the spark off And we will all be blown away!! They're rioting in Africa There's strife in Iran What nature doesn't do to us Will be done by our fellow man
  8. Let's just have a "Bash Russians, Chinese, and Middle Eastern Muslims Day" and just get all of the hatred and vitriol out in the open. Then show your patriotism by flying back to your home country and volunteering for military service. It's amazing to watch Westerners hype war-fever, enmity, and Western nationalism day-in and day-out. Then when you get what your asking for -- WWIII -- you morons do understand that China is a stone's throw away from you, right? The entire world would work just fine if all parties agreed to participate in global trade while staying out of the domestic affairs of member nations. Well, not to worry. Everyone here is going to probably find out what a nuclear war looks like while your personal "leaders" and the billionaire class go underground. "Sucks to be you peasant ground-dwellers."
  9. It's my understanding that they'll be passing out special masks with integrated GPS trackers - "For the safety of tourists," of course along with a special Android / iPhone timestamped apps where the foreigner will have to take a picture of themselves four times a day while wearing a mask. And special masks for the bar-trollers as well.
  10. As I said last week, "See you next week bob."
  11. Heroin would be much better 'eh? Ahhh, there is nothing like the smell of moral relativism in the morning.
  12. You will own nothing and be happy - and eat zee bugs commoner serfs.
  13. ...and dish rinsing spray nozzles next to the toilet - what's the world come too? 😉
  14. It's Easter? Heck, I've lived here long enough that Christmas can come and go before I realized it happened. No longer pay any attention to Western holidays.
  15. Go consult with an orthopedic doctor. Age my friend. It gets everyone although we deteriorate in different ways at different times. In the meanwhile, try yoga for tight hips (or just gawk at the yoginis) https://www.prevention.com/fitness/g20457906/12-yoga-poses-to-open-your-hips/
  16. The billionaire-class is pretty open about stating their vision for the rest of us: A Neo-feudal, rentier state where you'll own nothing and are barely be able to clothe, shelter, and feed yourselves. Look - how many people in the West are already living rough on the streets. These people wish to be lords and ladies fine, lording over the neo-peasant-classes just like in the Middle ages. We're getting there. Like the Middle Ages, streets in the Western neo-liberal bastions of democracy are open-air sewers - just like they were before a more enlightened gentry opened their sacred purse-strings and actually built infrastructure for their citizens. Unfortunately we are back to watching the effects of social entropy. What I believe they'll end up fomenting is their own demise if they aren't able to stoke a world war in short order. There's nothing like a world war to "mow the grass," i.e., cull the commoners while enriching themselves with the spoils and machinations of a war economy. Just get your commons to hate the people they tell you to hate, then hype nationalism and patriotism, and then show them to the battle-fields. But ya never know. Thing go sideways and it's guillotine time for the overlords. Especially when the authority-classes of cops and army aren't treated any better than the serfs. And when ya get to that stage, everybody potentially ends up with their neck's on the chopping block. We're heading into a Fourth Turning and it ain't gonna be pretty. "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme," and 80+ years after that last dance, the band is beginning to once again play the war-dirges, and unfortunately, even the commoner-classes are shining their dance shoes - fools one and all.
  17. That right - you can only graze the commons on Sundays. The law locks up the man or woman Who steals the goose from off the common But leaves the greater villain loose Who steals the common from the goose. The law demands that we atone When we take things we do not own But leaves the lords and ladies fine Who takes things that are yours and mine. The poor and wretched don’t escape If they conspire the law to break; This must be so but they endure Those who conspire to make the law. The law locks up the man or woman Who steals the goose from off the common And geese will still a common lack Till they go and steal it back.
  18. ‘Living hand to mouth’: Record number of police officers turning to food banks Then they learn how to feed off of (corruption) those whom they are tasked to "protect and serve," especially as the West's "leaders" facilitate the transfer of public wealth from the commoner to the uber-riche and the once First World industrial nations become little more than developing-world (with third-world enclaves) nations who deliberately destabilize their own societies. Order out of chaos.
  19. Study history. It works until it doesn't. Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
  20. How will the billionaire-class get by if the commoner-classes make a livable wage? All of their money should be hoovered up by Larry Fink and friends and the commoner-rentees can just eat flour mixed with grass.
  21. My city car with an ICE engine gets over 50 mpg. Why do I need a hybrid? If you really are an ecophile who believe that the earth's population will become extinct in 1995 2000 2007 2016 2023 2030 as the polar ice caps melt and floods Martha Vineyard or Rehoboth Beach or other beach-front properties where the Obamas, Bidens, Gores and other "greenie" live, well then, try driving something other than a status symbol. And for the Gores and Obamas and the like? Fly commercial. Hypocrites one and all. "Do as we say, not as we do - commoner serfs."
  22. Try this simple thought experiment. First: What type of password do you use for Internet banking? Generally (if you are smart) a password the is relatively complex containing upper/lower case letters, numbers, and special characters - or - you use a six to eight word phrase generated by following a protocol like Diceware. What type of password protects your Android/iPhone app? A 6 digit numerical pin or possibly a passcode pattern. Basically - no protection at all. Second: Where do you enter your password for Internet banking on your computer? Generally, in the privacy of your own home unless your on the road with a laptop. Putting a towel over your keyboard (and head) may look stupid in public, but it is secure. it just depends how risk adverse you are. Where do you enter your weak-ass pin or passcode pattern on your Andriod of iPhone? Maybe at home. But if you are one of those who extol "the convenience of going cashless" you enter both your phone's passcode as well as your banking apps passcode in public. Now - look around you in a public setting - how many camera do you see? How many camera don't you see. Get the picture? (pun intended). Third: If you have any security consciousness at all, you strive to keep you home computer as secure as possible. Using open-source operating systems and keeping your OS and apps updated, paying attention to physical and computational security and the like. Granted - anything that isn't "air-gapped" from the Internet can be hacked, but for the average Joe Public who isn't in the cross-hairs of a state security agency, you can probably keep your computer and apps well protected. On an Android or iPhone? <laughs> These OS were developed to harvest user data, and as such, the OS allows application developers to harvest data as well. Example. I saw an Android "flashlight" program once that was about 20 MB is size (it takes a few Kb of code to turn the bloody light on). When you install it, it wants access to just about everything on your phone: files, pictures, contacts, location, yada yada yada - i.e., it essentially spyware as well as bloatware. Yes - you can find an occasional Android app that will allow you to place a "real" password on your banking app, but its a poor design that often requires making a copy of the application. It's obfuscation, not security - it's not a secure solution and the design can be easily hacked. Then you also don't know what access you've granted to all those "useful" apps you've loaded on your Android/iPhone which have access to wayyyyy too much of your phone's capabilities. So no - using a banking app (or any app that you need to have a modicum of security) on a phone is at best not a very secure option. And that, I'm afraid, is by design.
  23. Run VirtualBox in Linux and then set up a virtual machine instance in VirtualBox to run Win10 so you can run the few Windows apps that you may need like Adobe Acrobat. Plenty of tutorials on Youtube to help you along. https://youtu.be/OWmD8obq4eQ
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