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Posts posted by connda

  1. I've been in CM for about 8 years. I've employed at least 7 different dentists. I've gone out of my way to explain that I am highly sensitive to tooth pain, and they will probably need to use additional anesthetics and the injections may need to be in places other than what is effective for 95% of the rest of their patients.

    Every, and I mean every dentist has eventually failed to numb a tooth they were working on. The universal response is a look of dismay and a retort like, "I no understand. I give you injection. You stay still, we done soon" as I'm in exceptional pain. I never had this happen in the United States.

    I'm literally afraid to go to a dentist although I need work done. I'm pass worrying about cost. I desperately need a dentist that has competence in their ability to provide pain-free, palliative care during dental procedures. I'm desperate at this point. I can't sit through another torture session, and I'm tired of dentists who either don't care or don't have the English language skills to understand me. Help!

  2. I really don't care if anyone agrees with me or not - Personally, it's irrelevant to me. I'm simply pragmatic.

    So when I use to teach, I taught to the average and above average students in my classes. My experience is that in almost every Thai school without exception, students who have inadequate foundations in the most basic of English concepts are simply passed though to the next level. So conservatively, in any given class, over 50% of the students are completely unprepared and unable to comprehend the material that is being taught. That is a problem with the school's administration, the MoE, and other educational and political entities that affect educational policy in Thailand, especially when it comes to learning English. And no matter how much we bitch and moan, it ain't gonna change anytime soon, and Thailand as a potential hub of global business and commerce will suffer for it in the long run.
    So, me personally? I pick the best and the brightest, and those with potential or dedicated interest, and I concentrate my effort on them. I'd rather have 50% of my students understanding the material at the level they are suppose to be learning at, then to have 90% of my student unable to comprehend basic English that they should have learned and understood three year ago.
    If you think failure is bad, then your future is none too bright. If you can embrace failure and learn from it, then it becomes your friend. But Thais! Omg! Talk about a culture that is adverse to failure. And there is the paradox: you can't succeed without accepting failure. But don't take my word for it. Do a little digging in history and see how quickly Edison developed the light bulb.
    So agree with me; don't agree with me. Mai bpen rai. I'm right on the mark with this issue. If it's over your head or offends your sensibilities, so be it. Continue teaching mediocrity. Your students will be delighted to have a diploma without any supporting knowledge. Darn - you can't take a 'selfie' of knowledge, now can ya? You can only take a selfie of you and your worthless diploma. Want to change the system? Change your own priorities. Sack up. Break out of the mold.

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  3. "OK you can get off me now...."

    Did she make any references to "beached whales". I've heard that one at least once, which is why I'll just tell her to take to the crow's nest and feel free to come down when she's finished, which is usually less time then it takes to make toast.

    "Why you farang strong, go so long?"

    "Because I was married to Farang women before I met you my Thai beauty who is still the hottest thing on wheels, well, at least for 5 minutes!"

    "You get off now. You heavy like buffalo. Where my present?"

  4. Hummm. If I remember rightly, it was something about Naowwww and boom-boom. I guess there is something about body to body friction that creates heat. However, not being a physicist, we had to subject that to empirical analysis. Must admit, I was pleasantly warm after the fact and decided to sleep in with the wife considering that Christmas in our neck of the woods is just another day except for that empirical analysis 'gift giving'. Might have to try that on New Year's Day too if its cold. Works pretty well when the outside temp is about 10C.

  5. i have to laugh at the Europeans 'feeling the cold' and running out to buy heaters to use for 3 nights or whatever. i lived in Europe for many years and never really felt the cold there, but this is nothing! at 6:00 this morning it was 13 degrees here. in Dusseldorf it is 8. in Prague it is 4. very comfortable now in London at 12.

    It's called acclimatization. When I lived in Alaska, 5 below zero was par for the course. At 10 degrees in Thailand, I'm bloody well freezing.

  6. These idiot van drivers have hit and killed 4 dogs and a cat within 50 meters of our house over the last three years. Narrow road, blind curves, and idiots driving at speeds in excess of 80kpm on a road that should be rated at less than 40kph. These idiots round the blind curves driving in the middle of the road, or worse, over taking another car and passing in the oncoming lane. There are no shoulders on our section of the road. Freaking dangerous.

    I'm waiting for the first human to get their clock cleaned in front of our place, most likely a child or elderly person.

  7. Has anyone seen solar lights like these for sale in Chiang Mai?

    The Nokero "Prima" N202 is a sleek, portable solar light bulb that is perfect for individual task lighting. The compact solar light is Nokero's newest model and has a high and low setting. It provides up to 25 lumens of light for 3.5 hours on the high setting, after charging for a full day in direct sunlight. $17


  8. Out of interest, has anyone ever reached Bhanga during Vipassana? They say that is when the most deep-rooted Sankharas come out. And if so, was there a turning point in your life or anything noticable or significant?

    I had another decent meditation this morning of Anapanna. I wonder how long i should continue Anapanna before beginning Vipassana again?

    Yes, i definately agree that we should not be meditating to achieve a certain state or feeling during the meditation. I wonder if i should also apply this to my counting of benefits aquired in life from the practise?

    Have you every sat, and no matter how you sat it was physical pain and the mind in endless internal dialog. Well, there you go: "the most deep-rooted Sankharas come out". Well, at least according to S. N. Goenka.

    My own teacher would have just told me that my business was to practice, not worry about the results. "Practice is like raising a duck. If it grows fast or slow, it's the duck's business not yours. Let go and just do your own work."

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