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Posts posted by connda

  1. I am totally and wholeheartedly opposed to death sentences, there are a few reasons for this 1. By shooting an individual, quickly and cleanly, we make him into a Martyr and this is likely to produce a heroic response in his group and make him into a person of high regard 2. Once you have committed a capital felony, you have nothing to lose, so why not do it again and again without risk of penalty increase 3. A prison sentence affects not only the inmate, but his whole family and circle of associates and so it burdens the entire group which supported the crime. It is therefore not only more just but it allows the burden to fall where it can achieve the best result and lastly 4. Study of these people over a long period ( 20 years or more ) is surely the best way to equip our practioners to identify and deal with the problems that these people have. If they are psychotic, then force them to undergo 6 hours per week of face to face study with and by students for their entire sentence. Maybe some good can come out of their miserable existence.

    FYI, they don't shoot people here anymore (15 rounds to the back with a Heckler-Koch machine gun - brutal). It's now lethal injection. Obviously they have a supplier for phenobarbital that the USA doesn't.

  2. A Thai witness and a copy of their Thai ID and Tabian Baan both signed.

    I don't understand this. I'm on my fourth extension and never had a Thai witness. On the original (1st) extension we did have the village leader sign a statement that I lived in the village that was witnessed at the Amphur government offices, but I can't remember if that was for Immigration or in order to get my own Tabian Baan (yellow book).

  3. So having children means even more documents are required, only in Thailand.

    I for one am outraged.

    Fancy immigration requiring documents to confirm paternity before granting a visa.

    How backward.

    It's so easy to get visas into the UK and USA. They let anything pass and are the epitome of compassion

    It's so easy to get visas into the UK and USA. They let anything pass and are the epitome of compassion

    Well, at least it is in the USA! All you need to do is fly to Canada or Mexico and cross into the country illegally. You'll be rewarded with a green card and a pathway to citizenship. Now - for all those foreign nationals wishing to enter the US the correct and legal way, well the emperor president has told you, "so sad too bad suckers. Do it illegally and maybe you'll get in along with your extended family." Personally I'm glad that Thailand enforces it's immigration policy although I'd like to see it loosened up a little for foreigners married to Thai Nationals.

  4. I have never seen a spanking in Thailand, only words.

    Yeah im also bothered by the fact that I haven't witnessed any child abuse here, maybe you can open a kindergarten were you beat the kids since the lazy parents wont do it?

    I took my licks as a kid at both home and school. I'm not psychologically damaged by the experience like most progressive liberals would like you to believe. Corporal punishment has it's place when used judiciously, and when and where I grew up it was just a right-of-passage as a kid. My parents never abused me, nor my teachers. But I don't expect nanny-state lovers to ever accept that view. Mai bpen rai.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't take that type of disrespectful behavior from any kid: Thai, Farang, or otherwise. I would have put the kid in his place immediately, and GF and I would of had a serious heart to heart talk afterward. I've noticed that Thai women tend to dawdle over their kids, my wife included. However my now 21 year old step-son turned out just fine. But I never had discipline problems with him, he was just very shy and quiet. He's breaking out of the shell now.

    If you plan on remaining with this gal, get the kid issue solved asap. Best of luck.

  6. They'll carry on minding their own business, but if disturbed they can be dangerous. If you have any children around, I suggest you get it removed.

    They can be dangerous. A young boy and an elephant have been killed this year by them that I know of. Yeah, and elephant! But a swarm of large wasps can do a lot of damage. If you ever drive south of Lamphun on highway 11, about a kilometer north of Maeta is a vendor that sells nests as curiosities. Yeah, bigger than an ottoman. Some, much bigger.

  7. Maybe webfact or Lite Beer could look into this. My wife was watching Thai news and I caught the TV out of the corner of my eye as a CCTV camera catches what looks to be an SUV just falling out of the sky. I'm like, "Oh my god!" I ask her what happened. Apparently someone had an accident on the 7th story of a parking garage and ended up sky diving. It's one of the more disturbing things I've seen. Just about the time you've got your peripheral vision honed to look all around you while driving, you get crushed by a flying SUV. You can't make this stuff up.

  8. Bill Gates, who has devoted much of his financial resources and personal energy to improving the quality of teachers in the US, has said:

    Obviously Billionaire Bill is throwing his money into a black hole. Common Core??? Rotflmao. cheesy.gif Thailand definitely does not need to follow that lead. The quality of education I got compared to the quality of education my grandkids get? There is no comparison. We learned or we failed. Nowadays, no child fails. Children's education is uniformly mediocre in the US, just as it is in the Land of Smiles.

    Want role models? Look to China, Korea, and India for educational models that actually work.

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  9. Is he a British MP? Well actually, a Brit MP wouldn't have to come to Thailand. He'd be protected by 'his own kind' in the UK government imho. You can even get away with murder if you've the right 'friends' in high places. Issue a D-notice, seal the details under 'national security', and Bob's you uncle! Obviously this kiddie-fiddler wasn't 'connected'.

  10. They obviously have not watched the latest TAT video I hate Thailand about falling in love with the foreigners not stabbing or robbing them we have to love them and be so so kind to them or we will never shake off the most dangerous destination this sort of news just won’t help get us the next 25million tourists here before Christmas.

    Maybe the TAT's next venture will be "I Was Assaulted in Thailand". I'd love to see them spin that! whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  11. " but i believe they have things like pepper spray, tasers, extendable batons and ziplocks. sometimes even handcuffs. "thumbsup.gif

    In the announcement on television given by the prosecutor this morning, he didn't seem able to answer many of the reporters questions because of procedural limitations but I'm waiting to read or hear more about the circumstances regarding the different stages of the six shots that were fired.

    From the moment the first shot was fired by the police officer up until the sixth shot there must have been some discernible loss of bodily functions by the victim? In other words, no matter how threatening Michael Brown was at the beginning, after he received the first two or three shots surely as an unarmed man he would have been rendered considerably less able to cause serious injury to the police officer?

    And if that still wasn't the case, why didn't the police officer substitute his gun for a taser or some other less lethal weapon?

    Or why didn't the police officer fire at his two ankles or his two legs?

    Yeah, Maybe Officer Wilson should have shot Brown's foot or at least his big toe so he couldn't get away. I think you have been watching too many police movies.

    No because usually in the police movies the baddies are armedermm.gif

    In my country a police officer has an obligation not to take the life of someone unless it is absolutely necessary

    Then, are you assuming that it wasn't absolutely necessary?

    Advice to those taking either side of the argument: do you plan to read the grand jury documents that have been published, or are ya'll going to simply listen to your favorite biased news outlet and parrot their rhetoric?

    I don't know what happened, neither do you. The individuals who understand this the best are the 12 jurors who heard the case: 9 white and 3 black if race really matters.

    I've download the testimony and I'm going to start reading. If you want the truth, I'd suggest doing the same.

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  12. Michael Brown shooting: Ferguson grand jury does not indict officer Darren Wilson

    Nick O'Malley

    US correspondent for Fairfax Media

    A white police officer will not face charges over the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager in August.

    Amid rising tensions on the streets of Ferguson, a St Louis County grand jury declined to indict officer Darren Wilson, 28, for firing shots that killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said.

    Brown, an 18-year-old African American, was shot dead after he was pulled over by the Mr Wilson in August while walking down the middle of the road with a friend, Dorian Johnson.

    Mr Wilson says Brown leant through his window and attacked him, at which time two shots were fired, once of them hitting Brown's arm. According to Mr Wilson, Brown then ran away, stopped and turned to lunge at him, at which point he shot Brown at least six times.

    According to evidence presented Brown and his friend had been earlier stolen cigars from a local store, and Mr Wilson considered them suspects for the theft.

    His friend Mr Johnson said Brown was first shot as he fled and was attempting to surrender with his hands in the air when the fatal shots were fired.

    Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/michael-brown-shooting-ferguson-grand-jury-does-not-indict-officer-darren-wilson-20141125-11t59w.html


    -- The Age 2014-11-25

    The riots were going to happen regardless of what the grand jury handed down imho. I'm definitely more interested in when they plan to release the grand jury transcripts. It would be nice to know what really happened instead of all the racially charged speculation.

    The evidence is being released now. It can be found on the St. Louis Public Radio web site at http://apps.stlpublicradio.org/ferguson-project/evidence.html.

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