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Everything posted by connda

  1. Only $1 million per ticket! No commoners please.
  2. More Checks? <At the arrival gate of the airport>: 👮‍♂️"Please put your money and credit/debit cards in this basket. Now, proceed to Gate 11 and get on board the next plane out of Thailand. Thank you for visiting The Land of Smile."
  3. The White House has just destroyed the trope regarding "Reputable News Sources" which was used not that long ago as a excuse to censor opinions which didn't fit the "Only exceptable narratives found only on 'Reputable News Sources'." The seachange that happened on Jan 20th 2025 just swept the legacy media out to sea. That same legacy main-stream media has massively lost viewership and readership to independent news outlets which report on news events as opposed to being little more than attack-dogs for the liberal Left. And as such, those independents who embrace the journalistic ethic seen in the news media decades ago has returned. The mainstream media are dinosaurs who are on the verge of extinction. The judge ruled that the MSM doesn't have a "Right" of access to the White House above and beyond independent media. In the past the White House chose to pack the press pool with MSM reporters. Now they are moving to a new paradigm and opening the press pool up to independent journalists and rejecting highly biased MSM reporters who are openly hostile to the new administration. Fool around - Find out. Bye bye AP.
  4. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  5. If he was an over-staying "migrant" in the US, he'a get lawyer and eventually be naturalized when 50% of the country is screams about breaking up his Thai/American family. Here in Thailand? Unceremoniously imprisoned in Immigration Detention and then deported. And if he has a family who depends on him. Mai bpen rai. Too bad. Sucks to be them. One thing I know about Thailand - they don't give a da*m about foreign men and their Thai families. At all. Not even a little bit. Foreign men married to Thai women are the scum under Thailand's feet.
  6. Don't live in a Thai community with a ratio of 1 farang to 99 Thais. I do. Trust me - it's smoked in pubic.
  7. 2) Leave Thailand, return on a Tourist visa and then apply for a new O visa This ☝️ Now you know!
  8. 7 down - 2536 to go. Know the definition of "insanity?" Insanity: Attempting to end outdoor, public consumption of cannabis in Pai. But good luck trying. I expect this all to change when Gen-X, Millennials, and Gen-Z finally fully grasp the levers of power. Then you'll be able to enjoy a spiff at a bar along with your Johnny Walker Blue Label neat. Until then? "Foreigners bad." Let's not even discuss the Thai cannabis users or those who sold the cannabis to the farangs in the first place.
  9. "We need to ban vaping to "Save The ChildrenTM." But cigarettes are Ok? "Of course cigarettes are good for children. What are you? A conspiracy theorist? And good for the Thai economy!" Thought so.
  10. Can't stand the heat? Don't light matches.
  11. 🙎‍♀️"Ooohhh you so bigggg. Bank account sooo biggg."
  12. What's wrong with weed and prostitution?
  13. The day they decide that "Visa Policy Cause Foreigner Crime" will be the day they kill The Geese Who Lay the Golden Eggs and decide to eat them instead.
  14. New Coronavirus Raises Concerns, But No Immediate Threat Setting up the conditions to try the con one more time 'eh. Didn't sufficiently destroy the lower and middle working and business classes the first time around? Hell, 1/3 of the shops on Thapae Road in Chiang Mai are still shuttered. Plan on driving a stake through the heart of Thailand and finished the job? Probably.
  15. That's exactly what my 26 year old wife said to me when we met! But after 14 years she decided it was time to marry someone younger than her. I expect her new husband said the same to her. <slide whistle, cymbal crash, breaking glass>
  16. Cool info. Thanks for sharing! I was a National Geographic junkie when I was a kid.
  17. Personally I think all foreign tourist should be banned from Thailand. Chiang Mai and Pai were peaceful and laid back after March 2020! 🤔
  18. Now we hear the shrieking: "Bongino doesn't have the necessary experience." Translated: Translation 1: "Bongino has the educational and law enforcement background, but he's not part of the inner circle of the FBI or the establishment so he has the potential, in fact to probability, of rocking the boat and even tipping it over." Tranlation 2: "He may find and excise the corruption in the system and within the inner sanctum of the FBI." "Needless to say … Bongino’s appointment alongside Patel is being met with unrestrained glee by Trump supporters — “the WWE never constructed a tag-team better,” tweeted Matt Gaetz — and with utter despair by liberals, who had already grown fearful of a highly politicized FBI. Bongino can at least point to significant law-and-order experience in his previous roles, though critics accuse him of propagating falsehoods and conspiracy theories during his broadcast career." Translation 3: "Bongino says things we don't like to hear about the institutional corruption of the system so he must be discounted by calling him a 'conspiracy theorist" and a "liar." Like a air force bomber getting hit with flack, it's a sign that he's right over the target. 🎯 https://www.politico.com/playbook
  19. Hate to inform ya'll but one way or another, you all pay for the Tush. Well unless you are a rock musician that then maybe you get if for free - until some gal files a paternity suit and you still pay for it. Paying for sex is wham, bam, thank you mame. Quick, easy, no strings attached, no emotion connection. Just sex. I don't see an issue. I'm pro-sex-workers and pro-pay-to-play. Easy and here in Thailand - inexpensive. Why go home cold.
  20. No. He's be disappointed but compassionately so.
  21. It seems as though Thais consider themselves to be the guardian of Buddhism so they fain extreme displeasure at a farang getting a tattoo of Buddha while missing the point entirely as why the woman has the tattoo. Pretty much for the same reason as a Christian would give a tattoo of Jesus. It's not a sign of disrespect but of respect and devotion. Buddhism in not a "Thais" to make the rules. Buddhism belongs to all Buddhists. I get tired of the self-righteous indignation while the same people turn to blind eye to monks literally gaffing off the Vinayas or the moral precepts of monks and not following the rules monks must follow. Thai Buddhists are a conflicted self-righteous lot. "How dare you criticize Thai Buddhism farang!" I've ordained twice and have been a Buddhist for the last 4 decades. Theravada Buddhism isn't Thai people's religion to manage. So until I see efforts to rein in the hypocrisy that I see day in day out in the Thai Buddhist community, they should take a lesson from the Bible and "Don't worry about the speck of dust in their brothers and sister's eye while they have a stick poking out of their own." If we are going down that route then Thai monks should refrain from engaging in "Protection Tattoo" of Buddhist symbology as well. These people are not the purveyors of Buddhism. They need to develop some reverse cultural sensitivity and get a clue as to where foreign Buddhist devotions are centered.
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