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Everything posted by connda

  1. Do your own research on these to see if they may work for you. But before bed I use the Magnesium Gylcinate, Gabapentin, and Melatonin. And I'll occasionally use Atarax (Hydroxyzine) which is another antihistimine that can cause drowsiness. However, unfortunately these classes of drugs including Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is linked to age related memory loss. The Magnesium Gylcinate and Gabapentin help you stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
  2. Here OP. You can find it on Lazada.
  3. Pharmacies have massive markups on prices. Online is significantly better.
  4. Melatonin is a problem to obtain. It can't be purchased at all on iHerb as the shipper refuses to ship it. You can buy it on Lazada but the prices are ridiculous. Can't find it at all on Shopee. Tried LINE Shopping. Bought some from a retailer who had multiple choices, and then I got a message indicating they are out of stock and they'll refund my money, which opens a whole other can of worms. Won't do that again. My trust in LINE shopping went to zero. I still purchase most of my supplements from iHerb but also purchase some from Lazada and Shopee as the break-even point after shipping from the US is about the same. Unlike the OP, I'm not worried about "fake products" as my experience has been that the supplement products are genuine.
  5. Same same in my neighborhood.
  6. Nice post. By the way, how are you healing up. Better I hope.
  7. I'll play. Dear Mods. Can you please remove this part of the Subject Title: "and the Left Freaks" Thanks, OP @Centigrade32 You're welcome.
  8. As I stated: "It would be interesting the see the demographic breakdown of the use of SSRI, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and stimulants." Because: "Anecdotally, my progressive liberal family members and friends openly used them as well as promote them, and my conservative family members and friends don't. Funny how conservatives seem to be rather more well-adjusted." Now you have the context that you skipped over.
  9. Insulin prices fall amid growing competition, legislative action This is a trend which will likely continue due to competition among the Big Pharma players. https://www.techtarget.com/PharmaLifeSciences/news/366618399/Insulin-prices-fall-amid-growing-competition-legislative-action
  10. During the Biden administration. Trump's only been in office for a month. Markets don't react that quickly. But if you insist: Source? Link? Otherwise your statement is nonsense. If someone is spouting that their insulin has spiked from $6 to $80 over the last 23 days, and without any proof, it's also hearsay and nonsense. Let's fact check it. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/message-about-insulin-price-increase-announcements-originated-satire-2025-01-28/
  11. In his first day in office US Health and Human Services director Robert Kennedy Jr. forwarded his plans to the nation to investigate the causes of many ailments which afflicts the American public. He also express concern over the over prescriptions of SSRIs and plans to "assess the prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and weight-loss drugs." Looks like he may also be investigating the new craze of "fat-shots" and possibly the use of drugs to control Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder "ADHD." Don't know about anyone else, but I was a hyper kid as were most of my friends. Being hyper is just part of being a boy, but now they seem to need to drug kids for being kids. Anyway, all of this is being investigated. It would be interesting the see the demographic breakdown of the use of SSRI, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and stimulants. Anecdotally, my progressive liberal family members and friends openly used them as well as promote them, and my conservative family members and friends don't. Funny how conservatives seem to be rather more well-adjusted. No doubt we will be hearing shrieks of horror that, "RFK Jr. is taking my meds away." I can't wait until he gets around to Covid shots and mRNA shots in general. "RFK Jr. is taking about my Covid shots." He might be doing you a favor. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/rfk-jr-studying-threat-ssris-weight-loss-drugs/story?id=118937552 https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/kennedy-rfk-antidepressants-ssri-school-shootings/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2025/02/16/trump-psychiatric-medications-drugs-weight/
  12. The world seems to be full of victims. My suggestion? 1. Don't be one. 2. Ignore those who are.
  13. The Biden crime family is gone, but not prosecuted. 🤔
  14. It's the end of the world as we know it.
  15. Of course, you and others are correct. Zelensky is a pauper. Hell, he can't even afford a business suit or the toiletries necessary to bathe himself.
  16. I imagine that Volodymyr Zelensky is going to be "made an offer he can't refuse" soon. Retire to one of his many villas and enjoy the "savings" he has socked away for a rainy day from some offshore bank accouts - or - be "retired" with extreme prejudice. Either way, the end is near for Mr. Z. "QUESTION: When President Trump posted that President Zelensky is a dictator without elections, what are you thinking? SECRETARY RUBIO: I think President Trump is very upset at President Zelensky and – and some – and rightfully so. Look, number one, Joe Biden had frustrations with Zelensky. People shouldn’t forget it. There are newspaper articles out there about how he cursed at him in a phone call because Zelensky, instead of saying thank you for all your help, is immediately out there messaging what we’re not doing or what he’s not getting. I think the second thing is, frankly, I was personally very upset because we had a conversation with President Zelensky – the Vice President and I, the two – three of us. And we discussed this issue about the mineral rights, and we explained to them, look, we want to be in a joint venture with you – not because we’re trying to steal from your country, but because we think that’s actually a security guarantee. If we’re your partner in an important economic endeavor, we get to get paid back some of the money the taxpayers have given – close to $200 billion. And it also – now we have a vested interest in the security of Ukraine. And he said, sure, we want to do this deal; it makes all the sense in the world – the only thing is I need to run it through my legislative process, they have to approve it. I read two days later that Zelensky is out there saying: I rejected the deal; I told them no way, that we’re not doing that. Well, that’s not what happened in that meeting. So, you start to get upset by somebody – we’re trying to help these guys." Full interview of US SecState Rubio with Catherine Herridge
  17. Ahhh, the advent of the "Cypto brown envelopes."
  18. The same reason that the EU elites, and for that matter US progressives leaders, have opened their borders and allowed extremist and criminal proxies to sow chaos within each sovereign country's borders (eg, Germany and France) and then arrest an imprison there own citizens if they protest the civil discord. At least for the moment that seems to have been nipped in the bud in the United States. The German elections this Sunday will be a bellweather for the direction that the EU and UK states will be going via elections and voters. And if the same elites crack down on elections which don't "go their way" like they did in Romania recently, then you'll see the openly totalitarian elites fighting to regain control by whatever means necessary. And if they do, expect a massive reaction by the new Trump administration. Totalitarianism to "Save Our Democracy" is still Totalitarianism.
  19. It's pretty obvious that the UK government is a breeding ground for deliberately injecting utter chaos into what used to be British civil society. I wonder when the British descendants who are ethnically Gaelic, Celtic, and Norse are going to finally say, "That's freaking enough!", to the British elites who seem to be hell-bent on dismantling the UK and destroying British ethnic and cultural identities - violently - using know violent criminal extremists prisoners as their proxies and then threatening to throw all ethnically British citizens who complain too loudly in prison in their place.
  20. In other news: Thailand moves to embrace casinos. News At Six!
  21. She's a "nobody." They are not going to waste resources on a commoner. And Middle Eastern authorities looking into violence against women? Dream on...
  22. Chose your boyfriends more wisely. Actions have consequences. My guess? RIP 🙏
  23. They way I read this is that the insurance company covering the motorcycle covered the accident of an underage Thai illegally driving the insured motorcycle - or - the insurance company of the owner of the car the under-aged illegal motorcyclist plowed into covered the accident. That's about par for the course here in the LOS.
  24. Nah - they entered the 21st century. They use Win 2000.
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