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Everything posted by connda

  1. Any guy who requires a sex doll in Thailand is the world's ultimate loser.
  2. No wonder Thai gals tell Yanks - "You so biggggg!" And no wonder Thai gals aren't too hot on Africans.
  3. Drink beer or premium Scotch/Whisky.
  4. Tim Waltz To Run In 2028 - Do It Tim! Do It!!! Please run!!! I can see the campaign slogan now: "A Chicken In Every Pot; Tampons In Every Men's Bathroom - Vote For Tim Waltz in '28"
  5. Absolutely the best thing to do is to normalize US-Russia relationships, drop the useless sanctions, and reestablish trade. The US has no duty at all to be Team America - World Police, as all it does is burn tax-payer money for the benefit of the MIC and "Defense" contractors. Study history - NATO push itself right against Russia's borders and then use Ukraine as a battering ram. Ukraine could have signed the Istanbul Peace Agreements it initialed but chose not to at the urging of Boris Johnson. Unprovoked? Oft repeated by war-hawks with skin in the game of war. "More war! More war! More war!!!" Here - volunteer if you want war so badly. Yeah, ya'll are war-mongers as long as someone else is doing the fighting and dying. 3rd assault brigade 2nd foreign legion needs you!
  6. https://aqicn.org/city/chiang-mai/
  7. This year has been wayyyyy different. I haven't seen air this clear in over a decade. However we are moving into March which is when it typically gets bad. Depends on how long you're staying and whether this clearer air holds or not. I generally don't recommend anyone come here after mid-April, but this has not been a typical year.
  8. The UK/EU chihuahuas yip and snap at the Trump's heels. The reality of the US pulling support for Ukraine which effectively ends the war. Omg! That means Russia wins! That's right - Russia wins.
  9. No they don't. I'm not affected in the least, well, other than the blather by pro-war zealots and Russian-hating war-hawks on this forum.
  10. "I believe Trump orchestrated the press interview early in the meeting before discussing and coming to agreement on a "peace agreement" and expected Zekensky to roll over to the pressure of the moment and just sign an open ended agreement." Sounds like "Conspiracy Theories." Your not a conspiracy theorist, are you?
  11. Neither the UK or the EU can keep illegals invaders out of their countries. Not sure how they plan to keep the Ruskies out (if the Ruskies ever actually wanted to invade the UK or the EU). Why would the Russians want the UK and the EU's headaches?
  12. 🙏🙏🙏 ☮️ 🕊️
  13. Do you have the Facebook link?
  14. Thai Buddhist monks where orange, orange-yellow, and ocher. Monks from Myanmar generally wear deep purple robes. These are Theravada monks who do alms rounds. Other monks in the Therevada tradition include monks from Cambodia with a minority of monks from Vietnam. Most monks in Vietnam are Mahayana Buddhist who don't usually do alms rounds or tudong. Those are monks on tudong (wandering). They are either Thai or Myanmar monks. Looks like they are wearing darker (purple) robe with blankets over their shoulders - hard to tell given the quality of pictures. Must be cold.
  15. Who is this? Someone who will never be on the Russia Front with a rifle, dying for their country. But? Happy to send the kids of all of the "little people" and common folk to die for the grand plans of the UK and the EU elites!
  16. "On Sunday, Starmer and Zelensky will join 16 other European leaders at Lancaster House to discuss a coordinated strategy for continuing the war and taking the fight into Russia using UK/EU "boots on the ground" and "planes in the air." 1812: The French invades Russia and "finds out." 1941-1942: Germany invades Russia and "finds out." 2025-2026: The UK/EU invades Russia and "finds out." I'm thinking the UK/EU leadership have seen "A Field of Dreams" too many times. "Build it (a UK/EU "coalition of the willing") and he (Trump) will come." Ok - find out.
  17. Just to be Captain Obvious, but it is 2025, and in this day an age of hyper-sonic weapons, oceans don't matter. My guess is that there are reciprocal targets in all 50 states. And "invade Taiwan?" How do you invade your own territory? If China made the same overtures to assist a US state to secede and insist that "There will be consequence if the US attempts to invade <pick a state>. No reason to say anymore - it just wouldn't happen and for the exact same reasons.
  18. Did any nations in the International community step up and offer to take them in? No. End of story.
  19. "We'll just use Russia's money to fund the continuation of the war. Ha ha ha hee hee hee." Works until it doesn't. Feel free to put boots and the ground and planes in the air. That will work until it doesn't too. Don't worry, Ivan is down to using airplanes made out of washing machines and throwing molotov cocktails and rocks. The combined forces of the UK/EU military will send Ivan packing to Moscow. Do it! 200%
  20. Not anymore. The halcyon days of men suffering from "gender dysphoria" and dressing up as ladies just ended. Corporal Klinger could actually get his discharge in today's US military. Trump and Pete Hegseth just put an end to transvestites and transsexuals in the US military. They are being processed out as I write.
  21. Take six months to a year. Go everywhere. Figure it out then decide where you want to drop anchor.
  22. If I go there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double So come on and let me know Should I stay or should I go...
  23. As elderly Briton's freeze and the British homeless sleep rough on the streets. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine!
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