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Everything posted by connda

  1. Scott Jennings during a CNN segment. "All Zelensky needed to do was to wear a tie, show up, smile, express gratitude, sign the necessary documents, and have lunch." That's about right. Instead we have the war-mongers on the Left screaming about how Trump disrespected the Ukrainian comedian in green-black fatigues. Well, it seems we will have to have a disagreement about who disrespected whom. And as Trump stated, Zelensky has no cards to play. Trump and the US hold all the cards. Zelensky is just a moron.
  2. Yeah - the Left I know was Anti-War. The Left of today are War-Hawk maniacs. They want the world in flames. Well, as long as they don't have to fight the wars themselves. They want everyone else to do the fighting and dying. Just not them.
  3. Did Trump bring shame upon the US with his Zelensky lecture? Nope. He put Zelensky and Europe on notice: Stop the war and work on peace. But if you want war - you're on your own, the US isn't footing the bill any longer. Of course, the progressive Left and Democrats are now war-loving war-mongers and haters of all Russians. Which I find amazing because those are the same people I marched with in anti-Vietnam war marches in the 60s and 70s. Then you wonder why so many actual old school liberal Democrats are now anti-war conservatives. Btw, Zelensky is an embarrassment. I'm sorry, but protocol and decorum of heads of states require players to dress respectfully in business attire and conduct themselves with discipline. You don't walk into the President to the United States Oval Office in mock-up of army fatigues and then begin to argue with the President and his staff and make demands. He got what he asked for: A beat down. I'd give him 60 days or less and then he'll either be out of office or dead. Probably the latter.
  4. Would this offend you? No. Why react to something that is meant to trigger you. You get offended? Success!
  5. Bottom line: FAFO. Now that he has "F***ed Around", Zelensky is about to "Find Out." He should of shown some humility, respect, and signed the mineral deal with a smile. Instead? He's coddled and pampered by the Europeans and UK elites who viscerally hate Russia and Russians, who want to see Russia's demise, and who want war until the last Ukrainian fighting man as well as their own troops are dead. So now the Trump administration called him out. He wants to continue the war. Ok. So he and Europe and the UK can throw money and men into Ukraine's Eastern Front meat-grinder until there is nothing left. Scream "Article 5" until they are blue in the face. The US is done with this. Zelensky should take the hint, retire, and move to his favorite European abode. However, I doubt he will and I doubt he'll be still sucking air when the first flowers bloom in Ukraine.
  6. Yeah, if you can't even make a deal with the United States, then there is no chance that you will ever make a peace deal with Russia. To use a poker analogy, Zelensky raised the stakes and Trump called his bluff. Now like the guy in Vegas who has maxed out his credit cards, mortgaged his house, and wagered his kid's university tuition by dropping the entire sum on three Aces to Trumps full-house, about the only thing left is to take a long walk off a pier and allow someone with the ability to deal for Ukraine's future to fill his shoes. Zee is done. I'm afraid he just committed suicide although, as in the movie The Sixth Sense, he doesn't realize he's already dead.
  7. Now even uber-war-hawk Lindsey Graham weights in with: 'Zelenskyy either needs to resign or he needs to change' I'm thinking that Zelensky is about to have his Green Mile moment ala Ceaușescu. "Dead-man walking!" Zee. You just f***ed the wrong guys. See ya, wouldn't wanna be yeah.
  8. Opps!!! Guess not. And then the Oval Office visit went South in a hurry!
  9. When Lindsey Graham turns on you, you're days are numbered. 'Zelenskyy either needs to resign or he needs to change'
  10. Yeah - Putin too. Putin's been dying for the last three year. No doubt Trump will be "unwell" as long as he's in office. Xi too. Like was said above. Go to bed.
  11. Hillbillies and brain dead cage fighters running America I see you're out trolling today.
  12. They didn't call it "French Indo-China" back in the French colonial days for nothing.
  13. Wanna know what's worse. Someone who has lived here for years and still talks to Thais in broken, pidgin-English. It's a hoot!
  14. Haven't been around for very long, 'eh? Give it a five or more years living here full time and you'll grasp it farang.
  15. That fact that there is push-back by the UK government on dismantling grooming gangs engaged in the rape of UK girls tells you everything you need to know about the UK. In a civilized country rape is considered abhorrent. But now in the UK. Rape is a protected act by government authorities under the cover of protecting so-called religious minorities.
  16. Cement, steel roof struts, standard roofing, sliding glass windows. Bedroom, bath, small kitchenette. You can do that for 200k THB. Our guest house is just about like that.
  17. Thailand's New 300-Baht Tourism Tax: Aid or Hindrance? Inconsequential. What's 300 THB. Peanuts.
  18. Thai guy was not making a U-Turn. He was making a right-hand turn from the left-lane of a dual carriage-way. Basically got hit from a driver behind him driving on the wrong side of the road.
  19. Here's the video. Scroll down and it's in the comments. https://www.facebook.com/NewshawkPhuket/posts/pfbid0bihVGS4hHvujRy7uetbznY2Z5LTxCUTukMFa7edTs9tpwjPX51cP699Wz3Nxy2qSl I'm assuming that the guy in the white shirt is the foreigner and the guy in the helmet is the Thai. The guy in the white shirt was driving on the wrong side of the road (right-hand lane) and T-boned the motorcycle making the turn - traffic should be coming at you in the right-hand land, not from behind you. Yep - dude driving in the wrong lane is 100% at fault. Hope they find him.
  20. U-Turn? Did the Thai guy pull in front of the oncoming motorcycle driven my the foreigner? I want to see the dashcam.
  21. I like Thais views on death. People die. The occasion is usually cause for a three day celebration. Sure there is some sadness, usually followed by a party. In the West - black morbidity. Once I get past the institutional racism, I actually prefer the Thai culture over my own.
  22. I see BritManToo didn't get a press-release after he got mowed down by a Thai in a hit-and-run. Why is that? Funny how that works, 'eh?
  23. As though the Lawfare didn't originate with the Biden Administration. I've said before, "If you open the Lawfare genie's bottle, don't complain that after your three wishes are granted, the genie is no longer friendly." Lawfare should never, ever be employed. But the Biden Administration chose to open the bottle and as Biden flat-out stated out loud - "We need to lock him (Trump) up." Mike, that's not exactly a statement from a "man of love (Biden)" who went "after his perceived enemies (Trump) with a vengeance." When you make statements like that ("We need to lock him up") you had better be so clean yourself that you squeak. Then don't act surprised when the target of your own attempts at Lawfare points the Lawfare Genie at you! Biden's not clean, nor are a majority of the established uniparty members of Congress and the cabinets of past administrations. Conspire to throw an ex-US-President into prison; find out. What do people think that DOGE is doing? They are muckracking, and they are looking for dirt and corruption on everyone involved in prior administrations. I doubt they have to dig very deep. Now they are going to find out. All the Never-Trumpers loved to say, "Trump is a convicted felon!" Wait until 2028 (maybe 2026) and lets see how many "convicted felons" there are from the Democrat party, as well as the Republican party - Liz Cheney comes to mind. Yeah, I know, Biden preemptively pardoned her, which means that when hauled in front of a formal hearing she can't plead the Fifth Amendment to self-incrimination. Then if she perjures herself? Prison. As we use to say in the military back in the day: "Stand-By!!!"
  24. Trump Revokes Security Clearances for Attorneys Who Assisted Special Counsel Jack Smith Good! ".......Found out." 'eh?
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