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Everything posted by connda

  1. What a ****ed way to start an overnight trip. I stopped about 40km from home at an SCB ATM that I often use when traveling. Inserted my Debit card and entered my PIN. The ATM spits out my card with a message that "cards with chips" no longer work and to 'contact my bank." Swell. Hell of a way to start a trip. I'm off to see if another bank's ATM will work or not. Stay tuned. Has anyone else had any issues using their SCB Debit Card at an ATM?
  2. I find this interesting. How is it that Germany has standing in the prosecution of a crime that happened in Thailand? That's just a tad bit far away to claim jurisdiction. Setting precedents? I think so as it is not a good precedent to set.
  3. Right. Of course they'll move the extra immigration staff on inbound checks. Yep.
  4. Well that sucks. For all of those who believe that digital currency and digital wallets are so "modern" and "convenient?" Well, until you change your number and everything breaks.
  5. No. But they know that they can say anything they wish and the average citizens has no recourse with the exception of perhaps the ballot box. Then it's, "In With The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss."
  6. The more they deny two-tiered justice, the more they reinforce the fact that Thaksin (Red Bull heir), and other wealthy, powerful individuals are treated differently than an average commoner. "That isn't true," they say? Ok, then show the pubic all of the 'commoners' and 'little-people' who are currently in private remand hospital rooms of their own. But? <silence> Well, not actually silence but just statements that all prisoners are treated the same and there is nothing special about Thaksin's treatment - well - other than there seems to be everything special about Thaksin's treatment. And unfortunately, most 'commoners' and 'little-people,' and average citizens understand that there is a difference. Why? Average citizens are not blind. And no, I'm not picking on Thailand. This is a problem world-wide.
  7. You need to set up the Lazada Wallet and the only way to do that is via their Mobile App. Which will require an ID check and verification before the wallet is active. Once activated on the mobile site, the wallet will appear as a payment option in the Lazada Web App.
  8. I've got a white board in the living room that my wife and I write COD purchase on. When a COD arrive we check the board for the price. If there is no match, we don't accept the package. Easy breezy.
  9. I think it is time to see a doctor as opposed to self-medicating.
  10. Last year? You've only been a member since yesterday? Just saying.
  11. Claim to have a undisclosed health condition and see if he can be put in a remand suite on the penthouse of one of Thai hospitals.
  12. Usually not until late January, early February. So we have another 6 weeks or so of decent air until Hell hits for three months.
  13. I have a lot of animals. I've lost 4 of them in the last 6 months. It's not pleasant to watch any animal's suffering. However............. Your dog is dying and on one hand you are going out of your way to try to keep it alive (force feeding, IVs) then on the other hand you wish to euthanize your dog? If you want you dog to stop suffering, then stop tying to keep it alive. Put out food and water, but allow the dog to choose to eat and drink, or not. Keep the dog as comfortable as you can, but I'd give up on those twice daily baths. Its better to just allow your dog to be, offer up kind words and pats, and allow her to pass on. Here's the honest question. Do you wish to euthanize your dog to alleviate its suffering, or your suffering? Think about that.
  14. Not sure where you are getting your information, but I've worked here, paid taxes, and trust me - I have no access to permanent residency and healthcare.
  15. "Patong – Phuket Immigration inspected a barber shop in Patong after they were notified by a foreigner-hating, Thai busy-body that there was allegedly a foreigner working there illegally." Much better.
  16. You're channeling bob smith I see.
  17. Get your Covid mRNA shots as frequently as they are offered. The more the better. Especially if you are fearful, then get shots as often as possible. If you get the shots, you won't get Covid, but if you do get Covid, you won't get long Covid. And if you do get long Covid, it won't be as long as anti-vaxxers. And if it is as long as anti-vaxxers, then you didn't have enough shots. Get them today. And tomorrow too! Safe and Effective.
  18. Results from the poll. How interesting? In a sort of disturbing way. Nope, I don't stick my wicket into anything strange without a raincoat.
  19. I simply can't smoke cannabis anymore. I dislike both smoking as well as the smell of the smoke that embeds in your nose and mouth. I've gone the edibles route by trying out different kinds of gummies. Only problem being is that retail gummies are expensive and there is no way I can verify the THC content. So now I'm playing around with the idea of purchasing a decarboxylation machine. Yeah, I could fire up my stove, but I don't want to heat up the entire kitchen to decarb a few grams of cannabis. Has anyone tried this route?
  20. Continue to have problems with license key? Download Linux ISO Burn Linux ISO to a bootable USB. Install Linux. Never look back.
  21. Download an iSO version from Microsoft (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO) Burn the ISO image to a USB drive (https://www.howtogeek.com/787937/how-to-make-a-bootable-windows-10-usb-drive/) Install Win10 from the bootable USB drive Enter Win10 License number when prompted. (You'll now find out if the license key is good or not). Bob's your uncle.
  22. Two eggs, two small strips of bacon, two small piece of toast with butter and jam, and a 150 THB price tag. About 1000% profit.
  23. And then you'll need to address foreign income with both the Thai government and your own government. Best to keep your brokerage accounts in your 'home' country imho.
  24. connda

    Mini PC

    I went through this mini vs laptop vs desktop decision last year. Didn't want another laptop (one's good enough). Went with a custom-made desktop that can easily be upgraded. The minis? Not so easily upgradable as the desktop. I didn't see an advantage as desk space isn't a concern.
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