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Everything posted by connda

  1. Well, then you didn't have Covid. Covid would have killed your elderly, anti-vaxxer, anti-mask butt for sure. You probably just had the flu or a cold! Or? You're just lying!!! But but but - The Covid Tests I took positively indicated that I had SARS-Cov-2. i took tests daily. Trust the science! The Science using The Expert's Covid Tests conclusively indicated I was infected with SARS-Cov-2 for a period of almost 2 weeks although I was only symptomatic for about 72 hours. I masked outside the home (like if I went shopping or into public spaces) until I was "negative." Personally I don't believe that the masks are effective other than to filter out the most dense, water-bound particles with enough mass to be effectively filtered (sneezes, coughs). The difference here is that I masked to protect others - BUT - only while I was symptomatic and SARS-Cov-2 positive. That's simply being responsible. Wearing a mask when you are not sick or positive? That's just silly. I've never masked to protect myself - Why? I'm sorry, but that vast majority of masks (other than special PPE and P100 masks) can't filter out a particle size smaller than 0.12 microns. I consider masks to be nothing much more than "feel safe" devices. You wear them and you feel safe. And you demand that others wear them so you can feel safe, even though you aren't. Better to work on your ability to build a strong and resilient immune system. And, "oh", by the way, you don't strengthen your immune system by avoid pathogens.
  2. We are now almost 4 full years into this Psyop where 85% of the world's population were made to believe that a SARS infection was a world-killing deadly pandemic which, based on the amount of hyperbole, should have been killing 15% of the world's population, but instead perhaps was the proximate cause of SARS-based flu that may have been responsible for the deaths of 0.03% of the most vulnerable people on the planet, i.e., those who are advanced aged or immunocompromised. And still? The world's fearful are trying to convince the rest of us that we should be dead - even when we are not.
  3. Ok. Me * No Shots. ** No Masks (unless forced to by Big-C or Big-Box-Store employees). *** No Covid until August 2023 unlike virtually every person whom I personally know who got the Covid shots and then came down with Covid within a short time. 60 hours with a fever feeling like I had the flu (which I did - the Covid Flu). **** Wife as well. No shots. No masks. No Covid until August 2023 (she got it first and gave it to me). Fully recovered within 5 days like myself. No Long_Covid. No Death. No tubes. No ventilators. No scary Covid Stories. No Fear. And personally, I don't have any friends, family, or even acquaintances who "died of Covid." Not even one.
  4. What does Thaksin have to do to get sister Yingluck home? Just give a few hundred million THB to the right people?
  5. So like, people who get this are dead for sure?
  6. I haven't seen Dr Yong out spreading fear and avarice lately. I see he has poked our head up long enough to expound that 99.98% of people who get Covid will beat it and gain immunity. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Covid gonna get 'cha. Oh never mind. I already had it. It was a nothing-burger. I've had worse colds.
  7. Bravo Sierra. Ice core samples and paleo-climatology tell a different story. Remember: Fear Fear Fear Fear Fear. Fearful people are easily manipulated.
  8. If I was you? My goal is to make my passing as easy as possible for those back home and here in Thailand, emotionally and financially. First - You need two Last Wills and Testaments: one to cover your assets and your wishes for the deposition of your body as well as your physical assets. Personally I'd do a cost-benefit analysis and contact my family members. The 64,000 dollar question is: "Do your relatives want your remains? Take them into account also. If they do, well, ask why and see if they plan to contribute to shipping you're ashes "home." Your plans should include family members in your home country who may care about a final ceremony for your life, but funerals are for the dead. If they wish a funeral for you, then arrange it now including the cost. Fyi. You can do this all up-front. Buy a cheap wooden casket which you can buy at a temple for ฿500 to ฿1000 THB. Arrange with the temple's abbot for the ceremony. The ceremony is free other than "tipping" the temple, the abbot, and the monks who will send you on your way with a simple Buddhist funeral (gaan sop). Thai funerals CAN BE pricey affairs, but it is a personal choice. Most Thai villages have "death funds" that you pay into from birth and by the time you die, that fund can be upwards of 200,000 THB or more. Many people want the fancy funeral. I don't. My wife doesn't. When you're dead? You're dead. Nothing more than organic material under decomposition. Physically - you are gone gone gone. What's left if nothing more then a slowly rotting meat-bone-and-sinew-log. So if I die my wife knows my wishes - drop me in a 500 THB box, hold a simple funeral chanting ceremony ASAP, generously "tip" the monks, burn me ASAP, toss the chunks that don't burn well into the river, and then? Have A Freaking Party!!!!! Understand that the Thai government CAN make it a PITA by demanding an autopsy, which of course, "you'll pay for farang" (or your estate). But me personally? It's in my Thai Will and Testament, and Advance Directive. It's simple: Burn me at the village crematorium and toss whatever is left in the nearest river. Bada-Bing, Bada-Boom. Second - You need a second Last Will and Testament for the disposition of your assets in your home country. Should you happen to be in your home country when you gork, then you can also dictate the deposition of your body should you die in your home country. Third - Well, that's combining your wishes and having someone carry out your wishes. Don't have a partner? No one to be an executor? Then retain a lawyer to take care of all the end-of-life legwork. Like, you're dead, so you don't need the money. Then just take the time to really dwell on how you want your personal possessions deposed of. Then act on it. Again. Me? I don't care if I'm dead. Those of us who plan ahead are just trying to make it easier on those whom may feel responsible for our final 'resting' place. I want the least hassle for my families and friends. Plus -Really? Funerals don't mean s**t to me. I cremated my daughter when she was 18. That completely changed how I view death, dying, and the societal rituals and extreme expense that is marketed to those who are grieving. You don't want to belong to that club - the dead daughter-club, or dead son-club. It destroys you from the inside and you never heal. Ever. But? It does leave you with a healthy attitude toward your own eventual passing. My daughter died at 18. In comparison, my life if meaningless. I've outlived her by 54 years. When I'm dead? I'm dead. Depose of the body ASAP, have a party ASAP, then forget me. Considering my only-child is dead, I have no legacy, so................... I don't GAF. That may seem callous but it is not. It's dealing with reality.
  9. "...the rules are not yet clear." And therein lies the problem. Personally I don't see a problem other than paperwork shuffles and visa extension delays if Thai immigration is tasked with reviewing the tax returns of long-stay expats. Now, there is a potential horror show.
  10. This doesn't provide anymore relief than throwing a 20kg weight on the end of a rope will help a person who is drowning.
  11. Beautiful pups. You'll find a good home soon for sure!
  12. Most Thai "Buddhists" whom I have met in Thailand are first and foremost Animists. It's just that Animistic ritual is so interwoven into the fabric of Thai Buddhist ritual is difficult to pull them apart unless unless you were brought up in a different sect of Buddhist and can compare. Anyway, there are strong undercurrents of more ancient religions under the surface of most Thai Buddhist temples, like it or not.
  13. It seems to be the "current thing" in Thai news, at least according to my wife who is spewing exactly what Batty's wife is spewing. Remember. The world oceans are boiling and the planet will end for sure by 2030 unless commoners and other useless eaters chose to "own nothing" and instead give it all to the obscenely rich and wealthy, stop driving, stop eating anything except bugs and vegetables, and do exactly what you are told to do by "the authorities." So, of course, now there is only "Hot Season" and "Hotter Season" and there will be no "Cool Season" because, well, the "Experts" have spoken. With that said, I've experenced cooler "Cool Seasons" that this one which is a bit mild. I've also have experienced "Cool Seasons" that are approximately like this one. There is only one constant in this world: and that one constant is constant change. Some years it is hot when it should be cold. Some years cold when it should be hot. Other years, and it's hot and cold and mild and extreme and not-extreme, and everything in-between. And it's been that way during the entire memory of all sentient beings. And in the future? It will keep changing on and on and on and on and on..... I wonder why I even bother wearing fleece thermals seeing that, according to the mass-media-authorities, it's actually hot in Lanna and the River Ping is boiling away, and I've gone bonkers and the "cold" that I am feeling when I get up in the morning is actually "hot" and instead of fleece pants and sweatshirts I should be wearing a silk Speedo and sleeveless T-shirt. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I mean, Phewwwwwww, so hot so hot.
  14. Can't tell the front from the back and vice-versa.
  15. Sounds good to me. Farang guys go to Thailand for some P2P R&R. Farang gals to to Gambia for some P2P R&R. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I'm all for it! 100%!
  16. Nope. It's not much different than the US. In the US you get a driver's license with a motorcycle endorsement. In Thailand you get a four-wheel license and a two-wheel license - so you get two separate licenses.
  17. I was going to recommend suggesting that she crosses the border like the last 1 million 'migrants.' The pluses are significant: No need for shots or other health and screenings, free healthcare, free smartphone, free money, free transportation to wherever in the US that a "walk-across" can hold up while consulting with immigration lawyers. It might be easier than attempting to do it the old fashion way. Just saying.
  18. With ssh it takes two to tango, plus the internet connection. The ISP is just one place the problem could be occurring. It could also originate with your ssh server (software or hardware) or your client (software or hardware). Do you have a secondary, public ssh server that you can attach to and test your client connection? And then you have to question the health of the server-side ssh connection as well. Is all well on your server?
  19. Tomorrow: TAT frets that tourism is tanking because Chinese are afraid to come to Thailand due to Thai-on-foreigner violence.
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