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Everything posted by Bluetongue

  1. Chantaburi is where the durian industry is more dominant perhaps than Isaan. A lot of farmers move from one tree to another chasing the $. A lot around my place have recently gone from lamyai (Chinese demand way down for 3 years due to Covid, but now going back up) to Durian which has a solid domestic demand as well as export. However imo a lot of them don't know what they are doing, as was the case with lamyai too, as there is great discrepancy between the progress the new trees are making. Meanwhile the price of lamyai skyrocketed over new year. Also the observer talking about middlemen, there are a great number of shops selling fertiliser and agricultural chemicals for which the need is overstated. If one poor small plot farmer tells others to put this pink hormone or whatever on the crop, they will all go and buy it, 1000 baht or more for a small bottle. Or the fertilsier they put too much on when the lamyai is small as well as too much irrigation, then when the fruit really needs irrigation and fertiliser at the end, they've run out of water and money. I've seen them go for elaborate anti bat and bird defences such as lights, noise, nets all to stop a tiny portion of the crop getting taken. And a lot of farmers go to great lengths to plant bananas and malagor which they have no intention of using, I saw a guy cut down and pile up thousands of pieces of bamboo which sat on the ground never was used. I saw a farmer up the road tend rubber trees for must have been ten years, it seemed ready to me, he cut it all down and planted lamyai (another 5-7 year wait) I was particularly bamboozled by this one so I asked him why, he said he couldn't get tappers, I privately thought, not surprised, small money, horrid living conditions and have to steal to make it work.
  2. Last time I looked at Janes (a while ago) the Cambodian Air Force consisted of 6oo personnel and its 2 planes, I think King Airs were on permanent loan to Hun Sens security detachment. No danger from Laos either. Not sure about Burma. Interestingly I live on the Cambodian border and every now and then at night a fast jet, presumably Thai, does a run roughly along the border, must be just to s*** them off
  3. One thing is if I am finding it increasingly difficult to deal with Government, banks, paypal, wise, super funds, pensions, providing only digital ids etc etc, my IT and English challenged wife is surely going to find it incredibly difficult. This is just the way things have gone now in Australia anyway as I imagine across the west. So much so that I intend to leave most of it here so that there are only minimal, low value requirements to deal with authorities in Australia which I hope to convince my non challenged nieces or nephews to deal with as executor, last tax return and such
  4. if there is no mutually acceptable agreement, then the executor named in the will can attempt to (I'm not sure of the correct term) register probate, a process which has to be advertised I believe. At that point the Thai wife has to make her claim and if it proceeded to court she would probably get everything I think. Much better to come to an amicable solution without involving the lawyers, sounds like there is probably going to be enough to go around. Depends I guess on the state of the relationship she has with the Aussie kids. I have a will leaving it all to the wife, but I am gradually defunding the Aussie assets, as I think she will be better off that way. No kids to complicate the issue
  5. Hmmm I originally extended non-O by marriage about 12 years ago. About 9 years ago I changed it over to retirement. But they still act as if I am on the marriage sometimes. For instance one guy insisted I bring the wife in for an interview about 4 years ago. The interview was nonsense, comparing som tham information basically. But I haven't had a visit in 13 years. This year I extended about 3 weeks ago as per normal, nothing was said. Last Thursday the wife gets a phone call about 2pm saying they were coming. Their office is at least an hour away. About 10 minutes later another phone call seeking directions, I had to go out to the road on a motorbike to get them. They came in 4 of them, I couldn't tell what rank as they had puffer jackets on. when the wife told them our dogs could bite you should have seen the alacrity with which they jumped back in the car. I had to corral the dogs and three of them came in the back door and one sat in the car with the engine running. One was officious, he demanded passport and ID card and went through it with a fine tooth comb. The older one was chatty to the wife and told her this was a new thing required, too many farang were pretending to be married etc. Anyway they left quite quickly after saying they would be back in 6 months, Also more or less implied to the wife that it was lucky I was there etc, I didn't feel like arguing "eh I'm on a retirement extension". They left and couldn't go quickly enough, the car had taken off before the last guy closed the door. Chantaburi.
  6. I had neighbours who moved because they lost face over various disputes which they involved the authorities in and were put back in their place. However they left cats and a dog behind, the dog was outside. I went and found the daughter and asked her why she left the dog behind, she said it wouldn't jump into the back of the pickup. I convinced her to come round and loaded the dog. Didn't know about the cats at this stage. Later I realised the father was coming round and feeding them, but that didn't last. The animals are all dead now. I think the larger ones which could get out through the eaves got torn to shreds by various dogs, and the smaller ones perished inside.
  7. Got stung by one of these a few years back. Can attest that it was extremely painful and has never really healed, second toe, I started a thread on it
  8. I try to make things as airtight as possible, shoes are double bagged, golf clubs similar if not in use, things that are left out and not used go very quickly, I too had a good quality motorcycle helmet, boots and jackets when I first got here which I wasn't using and all the liners and softer bits decayed very quickly. Had the leathers all wrapped up and they were fine so I sold them after they'd been here 10 years.
  9. I think I’d have most difficulty physically, I can’t sit cross legged due to an old knee injury and kneeling is also problematic. I’d have no trouble getting in at my local temple, they have invited me numerous times. I agree the meditation would be difficult especially if physically uncomfortable. I do enjoy the peace and atmosphere at the temple not sure if I would be up for too many big Buddha days
  10. High vis longsleeve shirt yellow with blue trim, collar up, mine have a lot of tiny holes which don't let any sun in but allow it to breathe, long pants, shoes, socks and wide brim hat if working. I draw the line at the t shirt wrapped around your face that many of them do here
  11. I don't know what KYC is, but as suggested above give them a call, most OZ banks have an international reverse charge number. I get the same problem with ING in Australia but its because I don't receive their SMS pin code which would allow me to confirm addresses etc. Interestingly I've had no problem with the CBA I receive their pin code through the app
  12. In the sticks, a small city up near the Cambodian border
  13. I just renewed, there was only colours and peripheral vision. I was not asked to do reaction test although the equipment was there
  14. Lamyai or longan as it is known in the west is pretty hard work to make it fruit, we have a lot of it around here. Having said that I do enjoy going into the orchards after the pickers leave and gleaning with the missus for a few days each year, picked up quite a few thousand worth last year, sold locally, good day out under the trees, picnic lunch, dogs enjoy it. I see bananas and papaya everywhere, had a large papaya tree come down yesterday. I see people planting papaya and raising it, then forgetting about it and leaving the fruit to rot, come to think of it I see that with bananas and many other things too. A lot of people have pulled out lamyai in the last two years, the timber is 800baht a ton, mostly they have planted durian, there will be a glut of that next, already is probably
  15. I've stayed in Surin for every MotoGP here, think that it may only be 2 so far. I've driven down each day, it's be a long day on public transport, as you'd probably have to go to and from the circuit to the bus depot in downtown Buri Ram and catch a Surin bus there. Much better teeing it up with a local taxi driver the hotel will provide a contact I'm sure
  16. Just to tidy up the loose end of what happened. I made contact with an agent in Pattaya who suggested doing a TM30 to a temporary hotel address, plus a COR for 1500. It would cost me an overnight (at least) trip, probably over 5k in all and still have to do another TM30, plus have maybe some other unintended side effect with my upcoming extension and re-entry permit. My daughter in law made contact with Immigration in another office and another contact of hers who confirmed Chantaburi wouldn't do it and were a pack of bastards. I then mentioned the yellow book and she phoned the Amphur who said at that time they had never heard of it. Anyway they eventually rang back, went there yesterday and it appears I am getting one. Kudos to her for following it up, I was over it. Anyway the process is extremely long winded, a 2 page declaration from each of the wife, me, her sister and we have to take the pu yai baan in for one as well. Photo of us together, translated copy of passport and copies of all other documents. we were there over 2 hours. Cost; well the wife gave the staff a 500 bht tip which wasn't asked for, and I know she will give the pu yai probably a k. The translation was 650 plus 50 for Kerry. The declaration included things like blood type and scars and was quite painstakingly written out by a young lady who just happened to be by far the most attractive of the 8 female staff in there, 2 males. I have no idea how they occupy themselves, didn't seem to be at all busy. Once upon a time I'd have been impatiently all over this, but now I was actually enjoying being driven around but knew it would pall eventually so getting it on Thai time will be good.
  17. Ive found lending money very hit and miss, smaller amounts never returned and that is understood now and no more given. Larger amounts some return but importantly some don't. Best not too I think. Within the family they never pay each other back or even account for the various sums. All I can say is that over the years the requests have diminished to be almost nothing.
  18. You can but its probably best to leave a buffer of a good few thousand above the 800k. Last year I allowed mine to slip down to a few hundred above and got caught out by an unexpected bank fee of a few hundred for a card renewal. Immigration took it seriously.
  19. Likewise, I sort of assumed it was about coming from a black listed country, if there are any
  20. I'm going to try the provincial DLT office instead of the local Amphur one. I'll ask if the yellow book is acceptable. The whole thing is really giving me the ***ts, to be asked to jump through hoops. spend days, potentially drive hundreds of kilometres and pay thousands for a routine matter is very demeaning. An annual IDP available online from Australia is currently $42. Too much more run around and that's what Ill do
  21. My yearly retirement extension. The wife signs a copy of her blue book which doesn't have my name in it. At the same time they have a conversation with her, what does he do, where does he stay, and the reply doesn't work and stays with me.
  22. If all else fails, I'll ask for a quote
  23. Nothing from my end. The two IOs I spoke to referred to a decision by a superior. I understand from another farang who uses the office there was a new boss there earlier this year.
  24. to distinguish him from a drug dealing bikie?
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