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Everything posted by blazes

  1. No harm in a plan, I suppose. The present PM will be long gone before the PM of the day has to explain why Thailand is not yet the hub of hubs....
  2. What on earth do you mean by this weird phrase? What do I have to do while walking around Pattaya to avoid looking "counter-cultural"?
  3. Trump had every right to be pi$$ed off with Fauci. Fauci gave conflicting evidence re the efficacy of masks. In February of 2020 Fauci gaily asserted that masks would have little effect in combating the virus. In April he was urging every one to get masked. It is now clear that Fauci's advice re masks was incorrect.
  4. Any chance Aunty BBC will sack this pundidiot?
  5. Wasn't he there just a few weeks back on a similar trip to something something tourism opportunities for Hua Hin????
  6. What a horror show. Pity the poor taxpayer in California ( although huge numbers are fleeing the state anyway). On the other hand, the numbers involved are minuscule and so will not be too too expensive. So the "sanctuary" declaration is merely an excellent example of virtue signalling. Btw, why does AN publish what is basically a religious tract under the pretence of "journalism"?
  7. Clearly, you have absolutely no idea what is going on in the US under the Biden regime. Estimates vary from 8 to 15 million illegals have just crossed the southern border with little or no hindrance. Have you not heard Eric Adams, Mayor of NY, appealing for help from the feds because of all the city-owned spaces that have been turned over to all the illegals (or international beggars, might be a suitable term). Have you not noted that nearly every so-called "sanctuary city" has found how inconvenient it can be to be offering sanctuary! Your arrogance needs to be tempered by some intelligence.
  8. Come to think of it, Obama did not exactly emerge from a deprived background.
  9. I watch both CNN and Fox frequently, and would assert that Fox is the nearest the US has to what is known in many countries as "the opposition". (For ex, Fox has been lamenting the open border during the whole of Biden's regime, whereas CNN and MSNBC have been virtually silent until just recently and even now do their best to ignore the fact that anywhere between 9 and 14 million illegals have invaded the United States under the Biden/Harris "watch".) A responsible press would be hammering away at this issue insistently for the last 3 years. Not surprisingly, the invasion by illegals is supposedly the #1 issue with voters.
  10. I suspect that most high-school papers have higher standards than CNN, America's version of Pravda.
  11. This news item (link below) from the World Health Organization may be of interest to anyone following the discussion in this thread. It concerns a "treaty" that is presently being negotiated between WHO and global health ministries. Basically, the treaty, when concluded, will advise countries what to do in the event of another pandemic like Covid. Anyone reading this link will obviously draw their own conclusions. There has been sporadic note of these negotiations in various media outlets. The final round of negotiation is due to begin next Monday (May 27). https://www.who.int/news/item/28-03-2024-who-member-states-agree-to-resume-negotiations-aimed-at-finalizing-the-world-s-first-pandemic-agreement
  12. Better still, be an illegal immigrant (or just an Illegal) in the US and get housed in a hotel and then (taking students as their role model) go on a protest where you demand showers with "no time-limit"!!
  13. Snakes, tiger cubs, elephants, motor-cycles....
  14. Don't forget Canada....1 million immigrants last year.....only 220,000 new houses built....queue for a doctor up to a year, depending on problem...
  15. bus from Suvarnaphumi Airport is excellent.
  16. If I had to put money on it, I would bet that the FED will not cut until the November and/or December meetings of the FOMC. All good for gold, though.....
  17. My wife cooks falang food very well, so the issue doesn't arise. But when I eat her pad thai and other Thai dishes, I always stick to Beer Lao, or indeed virtually any beer. Wine? Maybe a sweeter white, even something as bold as Gewurtztraminer
  18. New name should be: Aquam Tecum Airport. From the Latin for "bring your own water with you".
  19. Actually, for an old timer like me, the internet is a boon for those moments (all too frequent as one gets older and older) when one cannot recall (say) the name that goes with a famous face, or when the exact word for that thought escapes you. If you ingeniously phrase your query to Google or Duck Duck Go, you will quickly come up with the right answer. I sympathize with poor old Joe Biden and know precisely why, as ...er...."leader of the free world" he needs to have a teleprompter for practically ALL of his public announcements. There's no way he could carry on an intelligent conversation, given his obvious mental frailty. Whereas his GOP opponent continues to amaze by his ability to yak on for hours without much aid from technology. Mind you, we old timers are quite expert at talking about ourselves.....
  20. Is there any possibility of a devaluation of the yuan/remnibi? If the latter happened, what would be the effect on the Thai economy?
  21. is there an election due soon? Here's the PM swanning around the country showing the peasantry how government works: pretend to listen; say much; do little.
  22. From the father's neck, he would seem to be Communist Asian. Well, foreigner anyway.😸
  23. Gore, Kerry, and BIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Three Stooges.
  24. Thanks for this. Good to have the full story. So, to dot the i's and cross the t's, there is too much heavy metal and chemicals in HH tap water to attempt a "cleansing' via boiling (more than once, say)? PS: has the situation re water supply changed since last week or will they be trucking water for a while yet?
  25. I was taught in Physics class many decades ago that boiled water is as close as possible to pure water. Maybe our teacher was wrong (God forbid!), but I suspect that water boiled twice would do the trick. What is the situation in HH right now? Is water in fact coming from the pipes in all those high rise condo buildings?
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