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Everything posted by blazes

  1. yes, Alastair Sim attained immortality through this version....
  2. Well, Bush Senior did not hesitate to throw Manuel Nortega into the slammer after invading Panama. He was one of those S American leaders who was undoubtedly a "son of a bitch" but, at least,as was often conceded, he was "OUR son of a bitch"! Trump (indeed all American politicians) have history on their side when it comes to ruling the roost in Panama.
  3. Landman episode 7....problems downloading ...anyone hit a snag?
  4. My attitude to Starmer was defined by his absurd "taking of the knee" in his Westminster office when Black Lives Matter ruled the universe.
  5. The Big Lie about Biden was committed by his wife on the night of THE debate with Trump: she came over to him and, smiling broadly, called out loudly: "You answered ALL the questions, Joe." Exactly how one might reassure one's kindergarten kid that they were world-beaters after they flopped in some little race or poetry recitation.
  6. Yokel films scene (hoping to profit from sale of footage) and leaves it for others to be the heroes......
  7. She gets her nickname from a mis-spelling of Nutella, which she obviously eats in copious quantities. (Was she wearing that outfit while at the New Mexico auto body shop?)
  8. Since the MSM rarely report Muslim activities of a negative nature, GB News is merely filling the gap where otherwise silence would reign.
  9. How come his train took only 50 minutes from Bangkok to Hua Hin??!!! Any chance I can book that fast train next time I go up to town?
  10. Male or female? He/she? Her/him?
  11. An awful lot of them were ...er...non-binary.....
  12. Just about the last things that would be on the mind of your average denizen of Bootle.
  13. Catholics in those times would go to any length to turn a blind eye to accusations of priest wrongdoing. After all, this was the guy who could give them absolution and get-into-heaven card. They had the same power as Imams now do when they promise 72 virgins for the vile terrorists....
  14. She has an attractive personality and is very smart. Even if she were the wokest of woke Greens, I would be tempted to vote for her!.....
  15. My wife and I last Saturday took the Suvarnaphumi-Hua Hin bus. After the gridlock crawl of the first part of the journey, once the bus passed the Rama 2 crash site, the bus now attempted to make up time by driving like a bat out of hell. We have never been so scared in all our lives (despite intimate knowledge of "normal" safety on Thai roads). Basically, we just shut our eyes and prayed. AVOID this particular means of reaching Hua Hin. Train or even taxi would be less life threatening....
  16. Do they commemorate January 6 then??
  17. I was on the Suvarnaphumi - Hua Hin bus last night. Within 30 or so km to the accident site, traffic is in gridlock and a section that usually takes about 15 minutes took 45. BUT,once past the site, the bus, to make up the lost time, revved up and shot like a bat out of hell, and my wife and I were scared $hitless. Like most of us on this thread, I have come across dangerous situations on the roads of Thailand many times before. But last night we truly feared for our lives. BE WARNED, take the train (or as KhunLA says above, take Highway $4).
  18. Is that mortgage costs or rent....not clear?
  19. Is she as "nasty" and "deceitful" as the hags on The View? Note the last paragraph of the Eye comment: So why, as with the shocking overreaction to the vigils for Sarah Everard in 2021, do the police appear to reserve their most heavy-handed action for cases in which they themselves are the ones being criticised? Whatever you may think about Pearson (is the implication) it seems that the police only get "serious" when they (the police) are the objects of complaint.
  20. Thanks for the trailer. Looks eminently avoidable. Starts off with the woke "have you come to colonize my case?" and just descends into violence.
  21. The reason she will achieve nothing, ever, is quite simply that she is a vile human being. Her greatest achievements in her political career were (1) $hagging Willy Brown (2) Withdrawing from the 2020 primaries.
  22. Strange concept of compatibility! I was once on a dating site (in Canada) where you got to meet a dozen damsels and you had 3 minutes each to "get to know" the other person (she also had 3 minutes). In preparation I asked myself what might be the most revealing (to me) answer that would give me some idea of who she "was" in 3 minutes. That question was: where have you travelled outside of Canada? Out of the 12 women (mostly conventional middle-class types) I met, ONLY ONE had been outside of Canada. (And "outside" includes to our neighbour, the United States! --except Hawaii, natch..) This was 20 years ago and maybe things have changed.... but, to turn it around, what does it show of me that I would judge a woman according to her global mileage?) Back to LoS: one can take it for granted that the vast majority of available women in LoS have not travelled very far, even within their own country, because they are all too poor to do what comes naturally to people like us (on this thread).
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