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Everything posted by blazes

  1. Occam's razor: go for the nearest, most obvious and best solution. However, this is Thailand....
  2. He "resigned" in the same way that Biden resigned. Except that Biden still has his finger on the nuclear red button.....
  3. This thread is utterly moronic. It's not unusual on AN to come across kindergarden minds, but this surely is a new low.
  4. Coming from a country, Canada, that has a much-despised Prime Minister who can stay just where he is till October next year, I rather like the Thai way of ....er...democracy where some big-wig taps on the PM's shoulder and says "Sorry mate, your time is up. Now pi$$ off."
  5. Like clapped-out submarines, you mean???
  6. Let's hope the one who married her brother is the next to be tossed out. Unlikely, however, since she comes from the same state as the nutter that the Harris woman has unveiled as her deputy.
  7. Is that a serious question? Thais... learning world history?! 🤣🤣🤣 Pity you can't recognise a rhetorical question when you see one.....
  8. Paris 1789, Moscow 1917, Vietnam 1945, 54 and 75 come to mind as inspirations for the Thai people (but how much history of the outside world are they allowed to know?) The outside world helped to bring down the apartheid regime in S. Africa. Let's hope that same outside world will put long-term pressure on the centres of power in Thailand.
  9. Apparently the sheeple of Minnesota have been voting Democrat since time immemorial. So getting within 8 points would be considered a moral victory....
  10. Time to explore the possibilities for Deutschexit??? Maybe the UK could re-enter the Brussels bog and pour in billions of pounds to replace the lost German euros....
  11. At the end of the day, who cares??????
  12. So, who is Larry Hogan when he's at home?
  13. Good point: what indeed IS the "business" of the USA? Those of us who remember the Vietnam War will remember that it was done to save the world from "communism". "Better red than dead" was the war-cry. How ironic, therefore, that so much of the news coming out of the USA today reflects a tendency to turn the country into a carbon copy of the Soviet Union. So many parts of the mainstream media seem to be singing (Pravda-style) from the same hymn-sheet. And this airbrushing of the Harris woman's quasi-communist past reminds me of the airbrushing of Kremlin worthies who disappeared from official portraits from time to time (including Mikhail Gorbachev's birthmark on his scalp). We live in a crazy world.
  14. So long as they're not sleeping with each other....
  15. Shouldn't that be mouse's? The fact that there exists no special "techie" word to signify the plural of "mouse" (certainly not "mouses") indicates the limitations of the product.....
  16. As Bernard Shaw said: "the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history"
  17. er, yes, but the last time i looked, Apples don't need mice!
  18. the easiest answer of all: buy a MacBook Air or other Apple product.
  19. Anyone who believes (as seems to be the case here) that the likes of Jagger come within a million miles of Handel is not being sarcastic! But at least Diane Abbot causes mirth every time she opens her gob and so is a kind of national treasure (just like Boris Johnson).
  20. Yes, snobbish, but no more snobbish than estimating a person's worth by virtue of his being a member of the MCC. When Jagger composes something like Handel's Messiah, then and only then would I be ready to call him a "national treasure."
  21. Precisely how do riff-raff like Jagger bring "grandeur" to this or any other occasion? (When is Asean News going to stop ChatGPT roll-outs of non-news?)
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