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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Not sure what you mean, i just think Ukraine thing is going to cause big problems and with immigrants on the move in desperation for one way or another, things are ganna get messy, i hope I'm wrong.
  2. Richie should have been put in PM position first or even better Bojo should not have left.
  3. They are just sad losers who like to belong to a club instead of being and independent and free in making your own decisions. It's perthetic to think the UK can rejoin it's never going to happen there will be more EU leaving countries I believe in the future.
  4. I don't disregard anything it does no good to go on about the past and didn't do that didn't do this, deal with present.
  5. None if they get on with it and stop moaning.
  6. Well best to call them and ask them to call you back.
  7. So what, it was going about sorting the obstacles which was known would happen. A little thing called covid happened and that coming to some conclusion a little war started that caused some more problems. Of course nobody else in the world is having the problems UK is having.
  8. How times change, a Tesla model S plaid can do 0 - 100 mph in 3•5 secs.
  9. It's probably a recommendation that in a foreign country carry your passport as means of ID. I would say it's generally excepted a copy or other forms of ID in which passport is needed to obtain such are suitable.
  10. Be careful if I were you I would telephone them and ask if they did ring you.
  11. What you is what i do and in 17 years never a problem wherever I've been in Thailand and that's all over. ????
  12. Pressure building up in the radiator has the coolant hose outlet by the rad cap to enable overfilled rad coolant to escape. Maybe it allows some coolant at high revs to escape or maybe the rad cap pressure spring maybe worn. There is usually another rain water outlet tube coming from the petrol cap position. Both are routed to the rear of the bike. A lot of this stuff for Thais who can speak English or not speak English will find it hard to explain, it sounds like there taking care of you pal.
  13. They will do a compression test if necessary they are probably checking the Ecu by computer first. The hoses were routed incorrectly they usually route them to the rear behind the engine as they will overflow sometimes because that's what they are overflow tubes. Seems like the Tube was on one side before your foot peg.
  14. Never heard of a bike on a red plate with a green book.
  15. Put Wales on the Isle of white send all immigrants there, get rid of Scotland and N. Ireland job done Royal Britannia. ????????????
  16. Just go and have a beer and don't think about it. ????
  17. There's lie's the problem with people thinking like that nowadays. I was paying 14% on my mortgage at one time nothing i could do about it other than get on with it.
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