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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Yeah the Northern Ireland thing is or seems to be a problem with border i don't see why concessions can't be made someone is being stubborn. N. Ireland voted to stay in EU so I say get rid of it it's been nothing but trouble for decades. Scotland can buzz off as well if they want.
  2. So the EU would let us do anything we wanted as a member, OK i never knew that. As a young man never wanted to join the European mob in the first place.
  3. Instructed from Brussels was enough don't really matter about anything else.
  4. Some of the Architects were a joke too young an inexperienced. On a lot of the labour run sites in London it was difficult to find someone who spoke English. ???? I ended up not visiting many sites just phoned my gang leaders on site to find out progress and see to it they had material and tool backup.
  5. I concur most management run large construction companies were a joke, the work didn't mean anything only profit and shareholders. The hundreds of small building companies that were bought up was a sad day in the construction industry.
  6. Depends on what you need done and I found Hue Hin Kwakas OK. CM Kawasaki messed my bike up and many say they are good.
  7. Problems with my Versys 650 were all fixed at Kawasaki Nahkon Sawan workshop who have a specialist engineer and where Kawasaki head office in Bkk told me to go, do yourself a favour and your bike and get it sorted there.
  8. Maybe nothing just an overflow pipe which has been routed in the wrong place.
  9. Yes. ???? In translation put alien and 14 Thai words come up.
  10. Nah better to get to know someone first, don't like mixing porridge.
  11. Yeah i still can't figure out the 5 maa's, can't sing either. ???? I find it a strange language Alien is a one word example in English there's one word Alien, in Thai there's 14 weird or what.
  12. Don't think negative buddy I'm 75 and feel as good i did when i was 55. Going bigbike rideout Monday to Mae Hong Song. Just come back from a great time in CM, at times paying 130 for a beer Chang kept me sober. ????????
  13. You must be so much fun at a party. ????????
  14. I cannot relate to your calculations at all having had my pension for 10 years there has been little cost rise in living where i live, if anything is all of muchness as it was years ago. Only notice in big towns where there is higher prices. The main thing is to take of your health not worry about money. Hence a retirement plan.
  15. Well goodnight I'm a light weight these days. ????
  16. Well buy them a drink at 8 o/c in the morning then. ????
  17. They can't be that drunk then must be pulling a fast one.
  18. In England when management companies took over the building industry that's when it turned turtle and was totally mess up with kids coming from University who knew nowt about how a building site works. The building when down hill ever since the small building firms from years ago were bought out. I witnessed the demise personally during 34 years in the industry.
  19. Yes and they go sleep and not know anything until morning.
  20. As I've said its because there young but i have also seen them crash out and there's nowt way to wake them up.
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