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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Yeah let's carry on supporting ponces even when it would do us no good. Yeah keep spending UK tax payers money for a useless reason. Start buying gas and oil again from Russia better. ????????
  2. Well i have defend my UK building guys back then who got put out of work because of ponces.
  3. What good would that do, save some money for the UK people the UK is nuclear armed already.
  4. Because i couldn't care less about Poland they messed up the UK building industry and UK guys as working as cheap labour.
  5. Your post is your opinion so what. Why would UK worry about Russia or be under any influence, what on earth could the UK do to Russia without completely being wiped off the world map, hey UK get out of NATO better.
  6. So the UK not being in EU don't have to spend more on defense.
  7. You mean NATO, UK still belongs and contribute's more than the many ponces in the EU.
  8. Did he mention how long before the EU collapses.
  9. Yeah they are like flying rats flying in the media and pooing on faces looking up. ????
  10. Well don't know when that sorter thing started getting in people's faces and queer ideas. It was painted 6 years ago.
  11. I couldn't pick a colour, i just said to my wife i like all of em. ????
  12. I believe Maggie was not in favour, she gave them a hard time by all accounts.
  13. Never been interested in EU never wanted to join it. Terrible idea cultures not same.
  14. The only one i ever heard talking about wanting Swiss style with EU was my favorite pm ever, Maggie and selfishling Maggie time was the time when I made all my dosh to be here in Thailand.
  15. Fair call buddy, to old to care anymore frankly, just enjoying my twilight life days in Thailand at the this time. ????
  16. Well as i have said my family in UK are OK, only one has changed their mine because they were paid in Euro's and thought it would be a problem but has changed there job now so she is happy.
  17. I don't know, search me maybe they just cannot handle it. My family are all OK with getting out EU in UK that's all that matters to me.
  18. Dunlop Trailmax were good on my Versys 650, and guy i sold it to agrees. Certainly good enough for Mae Hong Song loop, I've just done it on a supersport bike.
  19. Immaterial trollop from a bunch of contrary UK people who have got the get up and go.
  20. I don't know if it's going to be the longest uk recession it has just started, i don't have those miserably finance peoples doom and gloom attitude.
  21. I don't consider anything that is negative. UK out and i have posted many times in other threads on the subject UK should not have joined in the first place.
  22. Just another so what, get on with it UK is free.
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