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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Whatever the £ is at the moment its the lowest it's been against the $ for many years, the £ is still not the lowest it's been against the Baht. If I need money from UK I just get what I need.
  2. Why would anyone take notice of someone on Utube. ????
  3. 5000 for back brake shoes sounds expensive to me, don't take it there anymore.
  4. It's possible that they check the reg number as you say and if still available ask you if you want to keep it. They did with me at our local DLT but I wanted a number plate of the province I live in. Sounds like the OP doesn't have any problems.
  5. Well Muslims are only doing what they are taught to do and believe in. i.e. it is the only true religion and will take over the world.
  6. As for the reasons Thais where masks is because covid has not gone away. Only stupid falangies think they know it all. The funniest thing I thought was cute was statues figures outside of govt building with face masks on. ????
  7. I think it's just another one of the choices you have in Thailand. All down the person no matter what IQ ????. Also where you live and what your commuting requirements are. There's hundreds of ebikes in our village, from the standing scoot, to ev scooters, 3 & 4 wheel vehicles to cars.
  8. Not a big problem, leave to dry out, spray electrics with wd40 or similar, best change engine oil.
  9. How do you know you need new injectors, why not have them cleaned. Usually about 5000 baht each not 25k.
  10. Well pensioners in Thailand get frozen so not know what your getting at.
  11. That's a a fair call maybe many in Thailand. ????????
  12. So that's approximately 20 million in govt paid accommodation and on social security support. ????????????????
  13. Corect they are housed in secure mental care establishments around the world. ????
  14. The consensus is 5 years mainly but it depends on the local DLT office. The experts here will be sure to inform you.
  15. People on drugs around the world come up with all sorts of things, maybe that's how different drugs were found.
  16. Weirdo views here that make no sense, I haven't been back to UK either, my family can't wait to come and see me here. ???? They all are ok but still say the UK is in an absolute mess.
  17. It's not overcrowded with doctors, Nurses, Midwives, HGV drivers and fruit and veggie pickers. ???? The hotels and guest houses paid for by the UK govt are full of immigrants not allowed to work. There's hundreds of rubber boats that no one wants to buy. ????
  18. Well most races that come to England congregate in one specific area that's happened for years. What I comment on is now and there is less people in UK now than there was before brexit and pandemic. There are so many infilled job vacancies so therefore how can the UK be overcrowded at the present time.
  19. The reason could be a scam, was it free for OP's acquaintance to find out she has a cysts on her ovaries.
  20. The 3 places you mentioned have there fair share of trouble areas of those locations if you are not aware of it, it's me that doesn't understand where you coming from. I will not look up the crime figures in those areas for you compared to other areas in the London area.
  21. Your at it again Chaz ???? my take and answer as I see it is it's another very complex question. I would say no it's not over populated it's just not run properly, which is another question. There are a great many vacancies in the low paid job market that nobody wants to do. There are a great many vacancies in higher paid skilled jobs because of unfair wage structure. There's a great many going on strike and when a rise is given the already well paid ones get the rise as well. A great many people on benefit for one reason or another.
  22. Yeah but the US a powerful member with its experiment being run by a comedian still has great affects in UK and Europe.
  23. I lived and worked in UK in many places but stayed away from places known for trouble. If don't think of those you mentioned don't have troubled areas you must of steered clear of them.
  24. That doesn't sound right somehow I'll have to ask the Mrs. Several of our Thai family have had ops in our local govt hospital and didn't have to pay.
  25. Obviously many here are not familiar or aware because it doesn't affect them. People are allowed to post links here as support to what they want to believe allegedly that is reported. e. g. Ukraine thread. Being a military man I wonder what Powell would of commented on the Azov regiment.
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