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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Fair call but I don't obey rules sometimes and it gets removed that suits me.
  2. With respect could you of not noticed because you did not go to certain areas. To listen to Powell or anyone's predictions of the future and expect them to be accurate surely is what is been taken of context in this thread. Isn't the outcome not the intentions that matters the most in the end.
  3. Bill I can't make up mind or can't find anywhere on the internet whether what you suggest is racist. ????????????????????????
  4. I think it's best you leave at that.
  5. Proof of address of where you and bike ate kept.
  6. A mixture of answers, to be sure I would say get an IDP with your Thai 5 DL.
  7. It was humour remark to Mr Puddle, regrettably you seem unable and cannot grasp the complex meaning of a word thrown around like coffeti at people with an opinion.
  8. Disagree he was a Englishman and a highly intelligent complex human person which by definition of the description makes him incapable of being vile.
  9. Not really it would be just going over the same thing the US did to the native population of their country. It was that time when the word racist was added to the Oxford dictionary. The OP heading is about Powell he wasn't wrong in his forecast not about racism.
  10. That's the trouble and was one of Powell's points about the use of the word racist. I have what would be called by others racist views but I would only commenting on how I feel about something or someone.
  11. Also showcases bad motorcyclist skills not being aware of what's coming up behind them.
  12. No the spare does until punctures are fixed, if not done roadside.
  13. Up to you as I said an A/T tyre on the rear of a rear wheeled drive vehicle will be an improvement but not much in my experience, so you only need to put on rear only.
  14. I have. ???? It depends on the conditions if the truck sinks right down in soft ground as I have done on my farm with my 2 wheel rear drive is it useless no matter what tyres. 4x4 is so different.
  15. What I do now is I try a steer of clear of soft muddy areas, I've been stuck 3 times in my Isuzu rear wheel drive only. My Vigo 4x4 never stuck and used a few times to pull trucks out like mine. ????
  16. A/T tyres. Makes it a bit better in muddy conditions on 2 wheel rear drive truck but nothing to shout about, 4x4 is what's needed.
  17. It not racist to state an observation and a fact. To refer to it as racist make you a newbie of woke. ????
  18. OK thanks I have never had to bother with IDP's when working abroad so never had or seen one.
  19. Well that's because the meaning given in the dictionary is a simplified explanation of a word full of complexities. I like this quote:- Someone is either a racist and therefore an inhuman monster or they're an actual complex human being and therefore by definition incapable of being racist.
  20. The English tells other countries what you can drive. Did you get the IDP using a French DL.?
  21. The millions of other items sold, bit like 7-11 and Ma & Pop shops, they rely on numbers.
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