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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I remember you Mr Health and Safety. ???????????? That's quite a feet to do it was under control. ????
  2. What annoys me is Aseannow with the dam ad screen keep coming up from the right hand side while I'm trying read your post.
  3. I guess you wouldn't be interested unless you were into bikes but there some amazing stunt motorcyclists videos on Utube.
  4. The all solid plastic one I bought in Global house great for us.
  5. It's just opens a can of worms why are parents and pet owners allowing small children and pets to run out in the road. ????????
  6. Can you control a scoot in anyway like that it takes practice. Why shouldn't you have fun at any age, he got caught because it was filmed.
  7. On our bikes ride outs we get to where ever we are and ask a Thai person they won't eat you.
  8. To carry on living my life in Thailand same as I do with the Ukraine situation there's nowt I can do about it. I'm sure hot air from the world policeman and europe will do something like it always does. ????
  9. Well that could apply to many things, cars, motorbikes, houses and furniture etc etc.
  10. I use to like Green King bitter beer in UK heard today in a London pub it's £8.06p a pint. ???? So I'm happy with the Chang large bottle working out at £1.12p. I pay around 48 for large bottle beer at home. Pay 52 having beer sitting outside a massive & pops shop. Pay 60 in the restaurant I go to in our village. Chang has stayed much the same taste to me over the years of change I would like it to be only 3% vol alcohol.
  11. Well my opinion is the trouble has been going on for a long time in Ukraine and now it's just built up to the war it is now. Mariupol will remain part of Russia the same as the Crimea is.
  12. Dude ???????? Your right but I don't do proper cooking my wife does so when I cook the bacteria gets killed quicker.
  13. What will be will be and as for the future of the war no one knows. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
  14. Sorry that's rubbish so welcome to your food not being nuked from bacteria in Thailand.
  15. They have no choice IMHO but will still have to to see what future holds.
  16. We are lucky to have a a great knowledgeable Cockpit in Sukhothai if there's anything they cannot do they will point people in the right direction, that it has never happened to me with any of my vehicles but I know they change belts.
  17. Haven't got a grill with this replacement the grill was not that good anyway so I went for a basic one with 100 defrost 300 400 500 600 700 800 settings it heats stuff really quick, and man cannot live without microwave. ????
  18. So what's MHz out of interest.
  19. I ordered a microwave reading it was 1150watt but can see reference to it on the packing box 800watt and on the microwave itself 800V. 1159W. 2450MHz. So what's it all about Alfie. ????
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