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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Your off topic because you are not married into a relationship with a Thai family your single life is not what many men want or like me for one.
  2. Whatever if you're happy with your life in Thailand just go with the flow. What you describe about your life here is not what everyone does.
  3. ???? yeah I hate leaning people to drive. Practice, practice, practice and your daughter will be OK. Fortunately my daughter picked it up quickly and is a very good careful progressive driver now.
  4. 7 Yes I taught my daughter to drive on quiet roads locally, and then booked and travelled to a driving school. It was better for her learning from a Thai person. She passed first time the driving part was easy, she said she found the theory part the hardest.
  5. Your attitude is full of nonsense and you seem to know little of what you can do in Thailand.
  6. We have park areas and forest roads and minor roads around us which have been ideal for my daughter to learn to drive.
  7. There's no provisional license for cars just need to be 18 year-old. Thais learn to drive at a driving school. Alternatively they can learn to drive on the road with someone as a passenger holding a 5 year Thai DL.
  8. I changed a blown light bulb on one of the fence lights in the day it was 40 degrees.
  9. A competent roof worker can easily strip out the valley section and Install a wider valley flashing 50cm wide minimum preferably lead installed with the tile underlay edge welted.
  10. I hope so, we will have to wait and see. Biden seems weak it is reported, Super Boris is doing well but blue trunks over his trouser body frame will look a bit off.
  11. I respect your concern. Putin decided to do what he has done because he can. My thoughts are how sad it is for Ukraine to be in the situation they find themselves in. I think the Ukraine gov thought the US and Europe would do more to help in the conflict than they have. Instead there's a worse world refugees crisis, increased hunger and famine in poor countries. Also nobody knows when or how the war will end or what the world future will be.
  12. If you say so he phoned his mother in UK, his a brave guy in a unit in Mariupol joined Ukraine army in 2018, says much for weapon supplies from west.
  13. BBC world reporting Ukrainian soldiers surrender no ammunition left not good hope there treated well.
  14. Send it back or look at it first.
  15. I don't have to answer your questions on points I make. Have you anything to add to the thread that will stop the war.
  16. So you expect Russia to do it's duty and be responsible. I think in the way of the real world and acknowledge that Russia will be ruthless.
  17. There's a Google Thai snakes ID site with pix you can look it up there.
  18. My truck wheels get called gold but I think there more bronze.
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