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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Why doesn't he occupy the shop and get the staff back to run it.
  2. All I see is Ukraine's resistance is futile and will just cause great loses of life on both sides and the destruction of cities for not just considering there unprotected position at this present time in there history, it's voluntary emotional suicide. The pressure and sanctions on Putin & Russia could still continue to be inforced and with patients he will be replaced.
  3. Queen of the South last episode 4 ended and at last episode 5.
  4. The likes of what was done to 7 previous sovereign nations so world business as usual.
  5. China will refuse publically I would say but who's knows what will really happen.
  6. I find France 24 reasonable news. Surprised that one of there reporters reported that the Russians were firing on military targets and many missiles being intercepted were falling close to civilain area and he had seen houses destroyed by missiles brought down.
  7. Both are the way to go only one is more expensive than the other.
  8. Providing arms has just added to the slaughter it was a futile gesture and a weak discision of the west. The war will just be prolonged to an inevitable end.
  9. I started on-line shopping with Lazada, Shoppee & Ali-express because of pandemic and will continue to do so.
  10. Where is it heading then, I will say Russia is going to flatten Kyiv until the Ukrainian President either steps down or is blown up.
  11. My advice in what I believe would be according to the situation I found myself in and as I see it to save lives. As I have said before your past examples compare to today's situation is irrelevant America came into the war when Churchill rung up the Emperor in Japan to tell him where the US fleet was.
  12. The clear message from NATO is they will only supply weapons. They can't even send the Polish mig29's planes now because they have been updated. The Ukrainian President keeps asking for western help and a no fly zone, it's not that hard to see the future and when the worse happens many people will be blaming NATO and EU for not doing enough.
  13. Of course I don't see hospitals and children as colaterol damage why would I.
  14. Sanctions I guess should continue and done as much as possible until the majority of the Russian people begin to see things aren't going well as they are being told.
  15. Putin doesn't have to justify anything he will continue until the present Ukrainian gov is brought down. Hence the start of the assault on Kyiv.
  16. As suggested do you have your home DL and an IDP you can use them to get abother 2 year Thai DL. Failing that there are schools to fast track a THai DL.
  17. I never took any notice much over the past years with all the wars since the WW2. As the US General said the Ukrainian conflict started 16 years ago in past history and NATO closing in over the years. The past doesn't matter anymore this war has to be stopped how at this moment is just guessing.
  18. Thoughts along the lines of a US Generals assessment who was speaking on LBC news. As seen Russia's initial invasion did not go as Putin's Generals predicted and the resistance was something they did not expect. The tactic's as seen had to changed and they then concentrate on surrounding cities. A lot more was said but basically he predicts Kyiv will be pounded until the gov steps down and eventually Russia will pull out they have no desire to occupy Ukraine. NATO or EU will not join in the present invasion.
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