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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. With Putin thinking Ukraine joining NATO and then placing missiles along it's border.
  2. Fair call but again everyone will just have to wait to see how things develope.
  3. Correct and there's going to be eventually I hope that many of the Russian population will bring an end to this situation. I cannot see any other way.
  4. Well I hope we will see if your judgement is correct when her filming is released in France. I would say further if it's true it will 30 years before the true is released.
  5. Well in short the end of WW2 is what I've seen as the start of the problem and the way Germany was devided there's still a problem with East Germany till this day. Some posts back there was a mention of Patton it was the rhetoric from people like him that started the mis-trust of the west by Russia after losing 27,000,000 people. The Cold War end was another chance and even then the west govs couldn't see the wood for the trees.
  6. In short Ukraine has been a problem for a long time and nobody took any notice until now.
  7. I would read into what he said as the sanction before towards Russia were not doing much and extra sanctions that have been done this time are taking affect.
  8. I'd ride it if I had to but I wouldn't ride it by choice.
  9. I understand that but to avoid nuclear war is top of the agenda in my book of life.
  10. No it's always been a requirement although in 16 years I've never been asked.
  11. So you want WW3 because of a suicidal Presendent's emotional demands, behave.
  12. I would of said my old china plate just a lump of ice before your pig & roast or brown bread. NATO served you a box of toys so then came Putin's derry & toms come out the helter shelter and wave a rag.
  13. Well seeing that most here think I support Putin I'll give him a call and ask him to retreat please I can see where your coming from like many posters here but your suggestions are futile. OK then so you tell Russia to stop then.
  14. All or most people know that, so how do you propose Ukraine continue until everyone there is dead.
  15. None of what you say can be verified as what has really happened, who knows what Putin wants other than to put a Russian friendly gov in Ukraine by any means possible.
  16. No of course not I just think it's unfair to blame USA that's all.
  17. Although I am no supporter of the USA I find opinion totally unfair.
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