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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. If you can remove the lining remove some of the padding until it feels comfortable.
  2. I thought he said it was checked along with the magneto whatever that is Enfields are know for weak electrics somewhere, even washing them can cause trouble with lights with water getting into connections . Battery and reg/rec and alternator (stator) can or be checked easy fling me it's not a Goldwing.????
  3. As said check and clean any electronic connections in vunable positions to outside weathering. If you get the bike jet washed then I strongly recommend you don't.
  4. It would be if I could do it don't seem to work on my will try on my computer.
  5. Understand where your coming from like me you sound like a mechanical hands on guy. Of course everyone should check dashboard warning lights cars today and usually that's all that's required on todays vehicles. Reminds of a film the actor something Sutherland who drove a tank and it broke down. He was ask don't you check everything out before starting and driving off. Nah he said I don't know nothing about having to fix em I just drive em.
  6. Thanks never had issues before with Maesot, since Sukhothai has had there own office they keep changing things and move goal posts. Just wanted to know it's OK an ordinary atm bank a/c not the fix account a/c in my name is not something he can lay the law down on as not acceptable.
  7. Save start another thread just wanted to know does it matter if you keep your visa extension money in a ATM bank account.
  8. I wasn't feeling well so left my 90 day report from date given for a Monday until the Thursday I still weren't feeling that good so sent the Mrs in with the 4 papers they want. They said to to her don't leave so late next time. I was to believe there is up to a 7 days report time before being fined.
  9. I have given the MG truck a drive it's not bad at all. I think the better test will be driving a 7 year old one say with good few miles on it. The biggest draw I see is the deal and price. I'd go for one.
  10. Threads like this always remind of some guys thoughts I find amusing. A man can't live with the same woman for more than 20 years it just ain't natural. The trouble with getting married is like buying a new car you luv your car for a while and then you you see many more newer model's you would like. Why wasn't I borned an Arab I just cannot make up my mind. As for me I have luved all the women I've been in a relationship in my fashion.
  11. I think many think about the Chinese engineering as they did the Japanese years ago.
  12. Have you been mixing cheap oil brands in previous services. ?
  13. Why do you say that a renovation of an old engine or damaged engine up here in Sukhothai is what they do.
  14. It wouldn't be old oil that would cause a seizure on it's own it would be the lack of oil.
  15. Yeah I just would like to know the outcome and the work carried out on vehicle. I expect you reliase it is a very strange set of circumstances of how the engine seize came about. I have a list of things I would look for but without being there cannot come up with the cause. ????????
  16. Why don't you wait until the final work is done on OP's car. I expect with people here so sceptical and maybe unqualified OP won't bother now.
  17. Serves you right in a place like that, silly rules set whatever you either apply or expect to get nicked.
  18. Started watching a series on Netflix "A Wars" not much else to watch but OK covid but with a different effects.????
  19. Well your stating the obvious the op's probably would show signs early.
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