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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. That's not true with today's oils it's known that modern engineo vehicles can run up to 30 mins before failing.
  2. As many you miss the wider picture.
  3. There very similar in reliability my advice would be drive both and decide which one for yourself.
  4. That's what my friend in UK did for his brother with multiple sirosis. It's smoking I am against.
  5. Got no time druggys like you trying to justify your filthy habit. Your wasting your time posting me.
  6. I can help if OK. Anti-slip adhesive tape applied to most used area. Or apply an anti-slip solution.
  7. I agreed to medical use no tracking, I condem the smoking of that type of drug. If you like it fine I have my opinion and will stick to it.
  8. Yeah in my life I've seen three sinario's in the use of it 2 that lead to bad things and one that was comfort for someone with multiple Seroses.
  9. Without seeing it myself there looks nothing wrong with your roof that someone who knows where to look and knows what his doing. The roof doesn't look old I see a few roofs locally and it all the problem turned out to be as usual bad workmanship. As said before looking from the picture cracked tiles or misaligned joints have to be found without causes further damage. The joint between the two different elevation roof slopes need to be paid special attention. The problem here as always is finding a professional workman if you can find such a thing.
  10. I don't see it like that I look after my vehicles too especially my big motorbike. Years ago engine were far less efficient than they are today so checking oil was a routine thing. Nowadays people who not know much about cars rely on the car instruments and their preferred garage to to do check for them. I don't see it as a problem these days.
  11. You can always buy a secondhand Volvo. ???? Don't worry this thread is just another peeing contest of no importance.
  12. Good to have people like you on board. I find question unless simple on building hard to answer unless you can do a site visit. Your also find when advice is given you get no feed back.
  13. Dunno just suggesting if it a Mitsubishi garage he should complain. Or find a better garage.
  14. Have you had the roof inspected 15 years old for tiles isn't that old. If people have been up on your roof in the past for any reason not using proper equipment then it may only be cracked tiles need replacing because of foot traffic. Or you may have displaced tiles from high winds. Spraying won't work for long.
  15. Thanks for news on your SUV situation sounds like you ended up with what we call in the trade a "pig" telling of the work you have had done in only 6 years. All the bits you got back recently wouldn't have a fuel filter they are a part that is cleaned and suppose to be checked at servicing. As for going over in schedule oil servicing that wouldn't cause seizer depending how long just maybe some wear. Personally I would complain to the manufacturers head office in Bkk I'm sure they would like to know the kind of care their vehicles are getting in their Name garages.
  16. Yeah I'm always intersted to know the out come but not all come back with the final explaination and how it was solved.
  17. I trust my local Cockpit who has been servicing all my different vehicles for 15 years but I still check the oil when I get home ????. Having been an engineer it has become a habit I can understand some people not doing it. Remember the time of petrol service station in UK asking would you like me to check your oil sir. ????
  18. I have no idea what the garage did or the owner as I said it doesn't make sense.
  19. Well my wife's English is better than my Thai so I don't care what she says, I have got learn what she means.
  20. Well he said it didn't can't make head or tail of it. The explanation would be the garage emptied the oil and forgot to replace it that's why sump pan was dirty. After leaving the garage the owner never check out anything when he got home. The oil light couldn't of been working the temperature gauge couldn't of been working the whole thing doesn't make sense.
  21. Not only that many other things obviously wrong to as well as some lack of responsibility of the owner. The engine just wouldn't seize if it had oil in it old or not.
  22. By going there and asking around.
  23. I'm not surprised of your non understanding of a wider picture or a more open minded approach you sound brainwashed.
  24. Everyone knew what Boris was like and now as usual instead of good being done the topics are only someone kissing someone, wallpaper, and having a wine after work. Perthetic.
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