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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. 580 a box, buying one single ready cold beer out the fridge 50. Makro is 20 kilos away. Mum and Pops is around the corner. Even ready cold beer in 7-11 is 154 for 3 again just around the corner.
  2. You are funny, I laughed when the Macron idiot had a British fishing ship held in port. The fishing boat belongs to a Company in Holland. So whose the clown seems like you can join em. ????
  3. Here we go again another beer expert in the forum, I like what you called Thai swill it has won awards but I don't care about that I like I the taste couldn't care less what you like.
  4. What bike is it for if it's not a supersport bike doesn't matter you would find out if there any good in the way you ride whatever way that is.
  5. Mum & pop shops by the box to put in the fridge. A single Cold Chang is 50 baht.
  6. Got over 45 on my due Thursday pension maybe got in bank earlier.
  7. My Oz friend wife wants to get vaccinated after babies born I don't want to interfere other than tell him his darft not to get the jabs. In the part of Oz outside Brizbain they live not many people have been vaccinated and there's nobody anywhere near them that they know of that has caught covid which I guess just fuels his darft conspiracy.
  8. He thinks the mRNA injection is a product of the trillionaire men who want to control the population of the world known as the men in the Grey coats. I've told him the men in black will take care of them. ????
  9. I think with this kinda virus older people should take the jabs as you say at least there's a choice of types. I was happy enough to have any vaccine available although our village even with a large population has been relatively clear of outbreaks only the odd 2 or 3 who had family come back from Bkk. My Asthma is well under control and I hope my Pfizer nano-bots keep me safe. ???? Don't know when boosters will be available in Thailand.
  10. Is it a bi-turbo which are available I believe in UK.
  11. I wouldn't blame myself its the right of advice to give but still his decision. Also his wife is getting her jabs after the babies born. He is a younger and healthy friend and he was asking me how I was after the nano-bots were put in me, I said really like it i can can do 100 press ups again in no time. ????
  12. Yeah I think he will come around when the baby is born, don't know whether his Oz govt mining job will apply mandated vaccines yet. He make laugh he has the weirdest conspiracy theory about govts injecting you with mRNA nano- bots so I said you've had other injection before so get a Sinovac jab. He said that many Scientist & Doctors had not been allowed to tell the truth. ????
  13. You can get fibre-optic cable internet 50+ Mb connection from True, TV channels, home phone with a number of free calls and make international calls at a small cost. 855 a month.
  14. Not sure what your on about I've driven a 2.2 Ford it goes well you just need to know how to get the best out of it if you know how to adapt your driving experience to different vehicles performance.
  15. Looks old tech stuff whats your point.
  16. That's really handy when you want to race the truck. A truck is a usable vehicle in Thailand for so many reasons. I've blinged mine it's so fast now with a back rolll bar and 18 wheel rims. ????
  17. Me and three family and a load of wood in the back not sure of weight but the rear leaf spring was nearing to being straight. ???? I was very impressed the way it behaved and keeping to mostly 90kph returned 14 to the ltr. That's a good enough test for the likes of me. ???? ????
  18. Not really new tech new turbos today can make power in smaller engines if you get to drive one you drive it differently to get power but other than that just driving around I don't notice any difference from the 3•0 Vigo. I find the truck OK and cheap to run and as I said maybe the bi-turbo is better but I guess they don't think it will sell here at the extra cost. Ford are producing a new 2•0 turbo diesel engine I not too sure but that may well be bi-turbo.
  19. What 3•0 ltr trucks have you used out of interest. I found the Vigo 3•0 more responsive than the 3•0 Isuzu.
  20. The 1•9 is a new engine design with a later turbo. Will leave the older 2•5 for dead ???? you just have to get to know how to use it's power.
  21. Just to your local DLT where you get your road tax and change it.
  22. Well there's one example you have had before getting here. Depending where you will be in Thailand rules are slacking off a bit but you will find it better if you let your husband do most things. I think you could manage with a hole in the mask and just keep the mask seen around ears at least and under you nose. I have Asthma but not so bad these days and wear a mask to go in shops the flisly paper ones I find better than the thick cotton ones. Best of luck with your studies.
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