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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. OK apologies for breaking down your post to points you make. 1. What's a firebird. 2. 125/150 MPH like 200 kph plus is not a problem here on some roads. 3. 120 kph is slow on so many roads it gets boring it's only 75 MPH. 4. My motorbike capable of 270 Kph was very cheap. My 1•9 Diesel truck does 170 Kph. ????
  2. Agree a good helmet is enough to protect the ears from wind noises most people in Thailand are not riding MotoGP bikes. ????
  3. I just email them twice a year now, whether it will work or not because what was most annoying was that they said a LF was sent when they withheld my pension twice before and then said after calling them we will send you another, I still never got the alleged 1st one sent only the one they sent after phoning.
  4. I agree anti-vax people are ignorant beyond belief, I have made my position clear in many posts. I'm bailing out of these thread it's turning into another War & Peace. ????????
  5. My youngest daughter in UK is a paramedic, she and her colleges are fed up with picking people like you ativax mob up from home and taking them to ICU because they refused to be vaccinated.
  6. Everybody's missing the point I am trying to make, you have a CHOICE to decide what you believe and what wish to do. If a person is stupid enough to believe media without actually listening to what scientists say and promenant doctors, and W.H.O. that's there choice.
  7. We got ours from Global House your right there arep so many but not many 7kW ones it's made in America and has a lifetime cylinder thingy, can't remember name not home at moment. Make sure earthed.
  8. Thanks for that I was going to email them to ask whether they had sent me a life form.
  9. Manual, what are you trying to prove. Be good if the 1.9 bi-turbo version was available in Thailand.
  10. Well I had a Vigo 3.0 and the 1.9 Isuzu spins wheels just the same a from take off only top speed is down. If you get to drive one and don't think its OK then have an opinion.
  11. I'm not towing anything so torque doesn't matter to me other that what's on the 4 wheels it's 150bhp a newer turbo and it works well. It's 1,200 for road tax instead of 7,000 for 4 door Vigo worse way 12 to a litre 18 to 20 to litre on a long trip at 90 kph driving like a granny that's all I need to know.
  12. Well time to get the family to start saving the used cooking oil. ????
  13. I'm not sure where you going in UK remember my mother on docs advice not allowing me to have all the vaccinations for children because I had Asthma can't remember which one.
  14. Things in my book should be carried in a reasonable way to take choice away is a dictotorial way forward which it just as unacceptable.
  15. I heard on a radio news clip that big number of people working in the NHS have not been vaccinated they say as long as they test everyday negative they won't have a covid vaccination. Some companies in UK are allowed to say no vaccination no job. I believe that is a better way than to making vaccinations mandatory.
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