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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Re my post OP whoops , checked with Mrs it was 300 baht a lorry load for a bit under 1/4 rai and it was 30 lorries. So for 1 rai for us, dunno cost in your area, we would be looking at around 40,000 for a rai approx 50 CM higher.
  2. 3 rai is a large size to infill seeing the high of the road in the pic. Where we live in Sukhothai we did things in stages on our 2 rai piece of land to be able to build and infill we started with about a quarter of a rai to make it about 50 CM higher level. Cost was at 70 baht per medium tipper lorry loads about 2 year ago. From memory about 30 lorry loads I'll check with the Mrs for sure so you can calculate. You would have to ask in your area for availability of landfill. We only put fence posts around our land with runs of barbwire, a wall was out of the question because of price. The landfill needs to consolidate for at least 3 months, we used a tractor to run over the infiled area and scrap it flat unless you pay more for heavy equipment which again was too expensive. As for PEA where l wanted electric was 120 metres away, we got them to put a meter in, obviously at the main road on the power poles and I put a post and a metal box with a Chang isolator fused switch inside for them to connect to so it only cost the same as a house by the road. I then later run my own cables bought from Global House. We were lucky enough to have an address already for the land because if you want supply from government water or PEA I seem to remember you need to get an address first, again best you check that within your area. Drainage would have to be designed to distribute within the land area. Hope that helps.
  3. Unavailable trying on my phone. 1979 might have been forgotten. ???? When I turned up at our DLT with my 1993 bike and a big smile I think they just looked at me and without saying thought " let's just get rid of this falangie nutter and give him what he wants ". ????????????????
  4. Why hasn't this thread been put in the correct forum.
  5. Rear the OP post a person started talking nonsense that was not OP's problem it was scaremongering fact, face up to it. Well OK if you know what our Sukhothai DLT does up to you I would not Amit to knowing what yours does or Jackie boy. Tell me Thai DLT law guru why they ask us if we wanted to keep the original number plate of Koh Samui which had been on the bike for 26 years.? I'll start with all DLT's do not operate the same in Thailand.
  6. It was just a joke, understand Thais buying condos. Personally even if I was given a condo anywhere I'd sell it.
  7. What's arguing, just telling how it is at our DLT nothing to do with luck. The OP as I said has no problem and does not have to worry about road tax disc from what he has stated in his post. He just needs to go to his DLT if it's open or an inspection place should be able to help him even if his bike is not 5 year old. Depending where he lives because pandemic OP may have a problem but he can still get insured. I gave good advice to OP no need for scaremongering about laws and fines in the OP's case. Yet some people here instead of reading post come on talking a load of nonsense IMHO instead of advice, TiT.
  8. ???? New licence plate I was asked if I wanted to change it. So why is my new green book the same as the old green book. Proof of the pudding is in the eating, when did you do what I did with my bike. What's the fine where you live at your DLT ??
  9. New green book because the old green book was full the new green book is the same. And Oh !! the fliging law in a DLT as I said in places where guys like you live in Thailand. As said there not all managed the same DLT's are different, hence naive. Have a nice day.
  10. Exactly they want somewhere to go when the Wuhan lab accidentally lets out the next virus. ????
  11. Don't know why I bother sometimes. There is no such thing as a IDL you can get a IDP to accompany your home DL.
  12. A new number plate has nothing to do so about it you can change a number plate when a bike is 6 months old e.g. if you want to. As for getting lucky just shows how naive some people here are. Our DLT is very helpful, I would imagine as for a DLT in Phuket it wouldn't surprise me at all in a place like that they would apply some 3 year rule. At our DLT as said after my bike was off the road for nearly 7 years no problem at all the fine on the road tax was 6 baht, how much would it it be Phuket.
  13. So your in Australia talking about someone in Pattaya, that is Soooo funny.
  14. You might not need a "international driving PERMIT" if your US DL is a photo card DL.
  15. Well it's clear enough on the back of a UK photocard driving licence with pictures and the Letters for the categories of vehicles.
  16. Except senior long term expats can just peg for all they care.
  17. My LED bulb throws a white light the one I put back is a yellow light neither stink. ????
  18. Just a thought to improvise, if you want shorten your needle you can use washers. Have tried to get a dyno needle kit for it.
  19. Kwasaki

    Roof tiles.

    Don't they look both the same just different companies.?!
  20. Doesn't the bike come with all that already.?
  21. Strange that and never heard of such a thing, don't know where your DLT is or the OP's. Surely you know not all DLT's are managed the same and anyway the OP has not got a problem with any them at the moment with a bike only coming up to it's second year and it also being within the pandemic period. Getting a bike inspected, re-registered, a new book, and a new number is no big deal anyhow, I already done it. My bike was off road not taxed for nearly 7 years, went to DLT Sukhothai and they did an inspection of the bike, paid back 6 years unpaid road taxes plus the 7th year and the fine for 6 years was 6 baht.
  22. Good report. Don't you think though when it comes to violet crimes you can include every country in the world it's really a case of where you live in a particular country I have found.
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