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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Uk I rode bicycles first when on to ride motorbikes then on drive cars, vans and trucks. Thailand don't ride bicycles anymore just motorbikes and a truck.
  2. Ree is OK. Most people could see the see you next Tuesday straight away.
  3. Romance is dead they mean really if you can't write it yourself.
  4. He made a good speech, nicely done Joe.
  5. I don't see how anyone can help without seeing boundary line plans in relation to exit from your land and neighbours land, doesn't make any sense you cannot have your own road on your land that is not inside the neighbours land so to have an exit from your land to main road.
  6. What has Australia got do with America gun control, just another off topic.
  7. Funny I kept my UK Shotgun licence showed it to gun shop in Phitsanulok and they told me get your wife to aplied for a gun licence. ????????
  8. I think the argument would go if .....1, 2, 3, of those 13 good people were carrying a gun it would be a different story that how I see the thinking of tragedy guns crimes arguing goes. .
  9. Yeah well the world is full of scumbags. I would like to own guns again but I understand the strict rules here on Thailand as for me owning a gun. I have compromised with getting to love Archery. I have a exact Japanese copy of a Glock 17 and have the use of a Gamo air-rifle owned by my nephew in-law. I like weaponry.
  10. You forgot to say you have to have a shotgun licence as well also home interviewed and show the gun police department where and how secure the shotguns are and how secure the house is and where the guns are kept. There's lot more to it and guns you own are listed on your licence. Ammunition has to be safely stored and seperatly from the gun cabinet. I was last checked in 2004 before I left for Thailand and the gun police department were getting very strict at every renewal time for the shotgun licence. Ask any UK police person in UK involved with guns and they will say they don't like shotguns. Your not usually shooting a gun at a person a mile away.
  11. Remi 870 auto holds 6 and one in the chamber.
  12. That's what people don't understand your last paragraph demostates that. A shotgun or shotgun pistol is quite adequate for home defense. Loads with rock salt I would use that way I don't need to kill anyone.
  13. Govts have stop talking and start somewhere. If uk did nothing after the M. Ryan incident I would say the uk would be having worse gun trouble than it is now.
  14. What is trying to be done is start with a reduction of 350 deaths then.
  15. Reminds of heads up on cable lube, just lubed my throttle cables, clutch cable and speedo cable with Sonex silicon spray which does not deteriorate cable inner lining so to prolong the life and cable action.
  16. No Judge Dredd, just my take on what China is demonstrating by their actions.
  17. It was a Chinese aircraft carrier so whatever they like to call China in the process of claiming Taiwan as part of there territory. I don't get it really I thought anything more than 24 miles off a mainland coast is in international waters.
  18. I've been here a while and whats happen to you, me and others is what goes on here, " mai pen rai " as they say. Personally as for electric pole if it's not used I'd put a clinging climber plants at the pole base. As for the single track road which is claim as access now I'd forget the half I own and erect a fence with concrete poles and barbed wire and get a tarmac roadway laid inside the fence.
  19. But gun owners say we can protect people from the bad gun owners.
  20. The thumbs up is mine. ????
  21. Keeping most of the house in the rightful place suit any problems I would guess, a bit like a batman kinda solution.
  22. And a guy from Oz is bothered. ????
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