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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. The experience I had was enquiring about getting a green book for my grey bike CB400SF. I had got the bike to like new condition engine 7 years old frame 8 years old. Back then you had to go Bangkok to enquire and make arrangements for the bike to be inspected at a fee of 27,000 baht if they found the slightest thing wrong you had to pay another 27,000 baht, other cost from memory was 24,000 amin charges and 35,000 registering and getting green book and plate number.
  2. How much did it cost him doing it through an agent as I guess you have e just given OP the green light for an ucler. ????????????
  3. Well OP did say walk away if you think I'm stupid. ????????????
  4. Waist of time, sell the bike in Oz and buy a bike in Thailand.
  5. Remember the CB 1000 my first sports touring bike was a 1990 CBR1000F. Chopped that in to buy one of the first Fireblade's coming into UK on 15th April 1992.
  6. Yes I understand where your coming from and know many bikers don't particularly like screamer engines. Apart from my Blade my favorite bike in UK was my Bandit 1200 sweet motor 5 gears and purred along. Use to pull away 1st, then to 3rd then to 5th. ????
  7. Heavy bikes shame no diamond frame model's available in RR spec.
  8. When I first came Thailand big bikes seem to be few and far between unlike today. When in CM I bought what were termed as grey bikes a CB400SF for 67,000 it was made up of 2 bikes. They can keep up with most any riders on 1000cc bikes. Sold it 3 years later for 85,000, try doing that these days. ???? The 400 kwacka sport would leave behind much bigger cc bikes behind on roads like say the Mae Hong Son loop or on some roads in Nan.
  9. Sorry to hear about your condition. As for me I feel quite confident at 75 to tell someone to stop if there are no other people close by. I could not just walk past without saying something.
  10. Yeah don't understand comments post here they obviously never ridden 400 sports that said the CB400SF would go over 200 kph and get to it fast.
  11. You know what I mean, say you was unlucky and had accident what happens then. I understand you wanting a ride and shopping around dealers is difficult finding one that will let you test ride. Dealers around our way will let you test ride if you make arrangements with them. Honda, Triumph, Kawasaki and Suzuki.
  12. That was America and with many different Chapters some are OK to a point depends on your moral judgement, in UK they supervise rock concerts and give to charities. Met quite a few in pubs and concerts all OK everyone to their own gang or club thing I guess, groupy stuff has never been my thing.
  13. Talk about keeping things quiet. Putin now thinking thanks I'll get my people to inspect.
  14. Yeah I'm getting to thinking too much. All the stuff and farmland I can just make arrangements with my wife. The Will is all ready to be printed out then when all signed and witnessed I'll get some copies made case local Amphur and bank need.
  15. Just a thought that I didn't think of until i got to get doing this Will stuff. I have farmland which my UK family could build on after I've peg it or before i peg it. Can my wishes be mentioned in a Will as I, technically being married have a right to 49% making an agreement, yes, no. ??? ????
  16. I thought add Thai ID card No. of wife and witnesses and my Thai step son who the Will would apply to on me surviving my Mrs. Highly unlikely but just trying to dot and cross the T's.
  17. Gangs bro-hood stuff are not my thing and yeah I never wanted to be in the groupy gang stuff, I'm a typical maverick, when I am invited in Thailand when on the road by a group of motorcyclists to join them because I'm on my own I now politely decline.
  18. Everyone knows they deal drugs where some of the money ends up rather than in suits pockets is what matters. As in all gang stuff there are different chapters, some are much, much worse than others.
  19. I had asthma as a kid and it has come back in the past years in Thailand as the air pollution has progressively got worse. I'm sitting in my pub shop I call pub 13 the AQI is 153 is rush hour it was 146 previously. ????
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