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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. There alright sitting in front of them, and lot of ice on tap. If you have a room for air-con 9btu cooler unit are very cheap now.
  2. So stop doing it then. So personally I have made it clear enough that any money that Russia makes is not good and shows sanctions only help a bit. That's my opinion why not give your opinion without asking questions of others. I'm just off to 7-11.
  3. Your getting a bit weird over this take your emotions out on someone else. Stop and think, what about 7-11. ????
  4. The simple thing is as the thread title reports what is done about it I have no idea.
  5. Well I don't see sanctions working only helping a bit in situations but how it's defined on how sanctions work doesn't look good if Russia's pre-war levels are the same.
  6. War effort in Ukraine would be my first guess.
  7. No because they could still produce more and sell more and instead of a £ and say get 50p instead of nowt is not good.
  8. All I'm trying to say is any money they make from oil and Russia being reported as selling oil up to the pre-war levels is not good.
  9. The situation is I have never bothered about a Will as I have no assets in UK other than a UK bank account and every vehicle in Thailand I always have in my wife's name. So the only thing that is technically mine in Thailand is the visa extension money because it's in a Thai bank account in my name only which is required by immigration. We have a joint ATM Thai bank account as well in which my UK pension is paid into. As for my online UK bank account to save my wife aggro I have given access to my one of my UK sons to take out what money there is on my demise and give to his step Ma. My questions on my demise. 1. Vehicles no problem my wife can sell. 2. The visa extension money in my name account again to save wife aggro I have changed to a ATM card account so my wife can use the ATM card to get the money out. 3. As No. 2 states could my wife get into trouble if she did that, do I need to write a letter giving permission. 4. Has the Thai govt have some right to some of that extension money. 5. With the joint ATM account she take what money is left because no more money be paid in once DWP know I have peg it. 5. Will just writing a letter to say and have it witnessed that I give all money and processions to my wife and permission to take all of what's mine enough. Thanks for any help.
  10. Well maybe in the west. Russian export levels up to pre-war levels is not good.
  11. Nothing to do with understanding and it doesn't matter given the situation Russia has put theirselves in they are still making money which is not good.
  12. Agree, they can increase production and sell it cheaper.
  13. I guess his sort of right but strict checks on gunshops selling guns and who is allowed a gun needs strict inforcement. The gun lobby will always say bad people will still get guns and good people have a right to protect themselves from those people.
  14. The only thing I heard was, some of the leak info was about SAS on the ground in Ukraine, I thought it would be pretty obvious for Russia to assume that anyway along with other countries special forces.
  15. I never say that. I'm sitting in a car. I'm traveling in the car. You have been in the car. I am being taken in the car. I'm going in a car
  16. I drive my truck sometimes like I ride my bike. See lots of people use drive my bike, I straight away think have not been a long time bike rider or have ridden bikes much in their lifetime.
  17. Uk I rode bicycles first when on to ride motorbikes then on drive cars, vans and trucks. Thailand don't ride bicycles anymore just motorbikes and a truck.
  18. Ree is OK. Most people could see the see you next Tuesday straight away.
  19. I don't see how anyone can help without seeing boundary line plans in relation to exit from your land and neighbours land, doesn't make any sense you cannot have your own road on your land that is not inside the neighbours land so to have an exit from your land to main road.
  20. What has Australia got do with America gun control, just another off topic.
  21. Funny I kept my UK Shotgun licence showed it to gun shop in Phitsanulok and they told me get your wife to aplied for a gun licence. ????????
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