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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. I'm so scared i don't know where to hide. Geez; i encounter these beasts often in my garden almost weekly and just let them go on their way unlike some Thai Neighbours who spend several minutes smashing the life out of them every time they see one !
  2. Really; just down the road here in Hang Dong not a drip !
  3. There's no Labour shortage here; just Millions of Bone Idle Thai Men who will not get off their A+++s !
  4. No ban around our way; every Mom&Pop shop for miles around will sell it every day of the year !
  5. Monks are just Blokes wearing coloured robes; so he should be charged with all the appropriate offences in the same way as any other Bloke. But wait....this is Thailand where abnormal is normal !!
  6. Anything Managed by Thai's will be sure to fail; they can't even run Supermarkets properly !
  7. Ditto; interesting too that many Northern Families have Sons in the Military and most voted Orange, so does anyone think they will mobilise against their own people ?
  8. Yes; but a lot of those that left still have to send money to support their Thai Family, so the Junta have still been getting their cut !
  9. Dumb thing to do when you just won but i bet a lot of the losers drank more and then drove home !
  10. PT need a new strategy; anything other than the continued use of Thaksins money and the Shinawatra name used decade after decade of Elections. I live in the North and talk to many Northern Thai Families and with few exceptions they all say the same as i do. The young however want a complete seachange and yesterdays results show that quite clearly.
  11. See Women her often driving with one or two fingers of one hand on steering wheel whilst using Phone with the other hand. no Seat belt and appears no general observation of what is going on around them. Add speed and poor driving skills to that and you have accidents just waiting to happen !
  12. Pissing in the Wind comes to mind !
  13. So many Male Schizo's in Thai Society already that a few thousend more will go unoticed !
  14. Just a one week holiday for a few Twerps paid for by the Taxpayer 1
  15. Yada Yada; heard it all before. Nobody much left on The Planet to 'Target'; except for perhaps 'High Spending Eskimo's'....Lol.
  16. Why aren't these two Old Men retired and living in the Boonies ?
  17. Rental Company i use in New Zealand stopped accepting Thai driving licences in 2017 after numerous accidents with Thai drivers and the discovery afterwards of fake licences in some cases...meaning drivers had no licence at all ! Many English Car Hire Companies also don't accept Thai licences.
  18. Scams in Thailand ? I don't believe it as Thai people would never do things like that !!
  19. Last Tweet said he would return on May 16th. However; it didn't say what year !!
  20. So; she calls stealing 'earning'. Says a lot for the Thai mindset in general as many of them use the phrase 'make gain'. It's not just Farang that get fleeced here every day; they love stealing from each other. Things have got so bad that my Mrs checks her Bank Accounts every day, when just a few years ago she didn't bother for months at a time.
  21. She will be just his Puppet; he will make all the decisions and her lips will move accordingly !
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