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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Does anyone know if Chiang Mai Immigration is open on Friday 15th July as i'm confused about opening times on these Long Weekend ?
  2. i'm sure some of you know which is the best Fuel to use in a Honda Scoopy Scooter ? Will 91 Gasohol be Ok ? Thanks for advice.
  3. Wake me from the dead when this Railway finally opens....if it ever does !
  4. We often ate in a Vietnamese Restaurant not far from home and they always give everyone a free pot of Salad to eat with their meal. Last year i took a large Lettuce Leaf from the pot and found a Slug on it; so called the Waitress over and she took it away and brought another pot, all this in silence, no Wai or no Apology. When we were ready to leave i asked to see The Manager but was told he wasn't there; so i gave the Girl my Phone Number and asked her to tell him we were regular customers and i wished to speak to him about 'The Slug'. Never got a call; so we've never been back and tell everyone else never to go there. Why are these people so Dumb when it comes to Customer Service ?
  5. The way things are at the moment everyone has a choice to wear one or not; so why all the bleating at each other in the 'wear one' and 'not wear one' camps ? Do what you want to do and let others do the same and respect their personal decisions. Indeed; what others do is actually none of our business, so let them get on with it !
  6. Nothing new here; the usual Chest Beating Flag Wavers out for a free lunch at Tax Payers expense !
  7. Seems you need to get out of the City into Rural Area's and see how the majority of 'ordinary' Thai's live !
  8. 'Building Inspectors' in Thailand only understand how to Inspect Brown Envelopes !
  9. A far better idea would be to get Thailand using near 100% Solar Power first; which should have been done 10 years or more ago. Too many Creeps up the ladder making too much money out of the current way of making Electricity no doubt !
  10. Ingrained in Thai Society and will never be otherwise. Most of us know who have had any dealings with Thai Women that 'Family' comes first. I've even got a Mate who's Wife told hin straight that her Family will always come before him. If they are in a high position in the Civil Service; normally as a result of 'who' they knew rather than 'what' they knew, then they will continue the practice of keeping jobs and money in the Family. What Family members actually 'know' about the job is not even considered !
  11. I find it's good for killing Slugs and Snails but i wouldn't drink it ! Beats me why people can't live without constant supplies of Beer; sad and boring/unhappy lives methinks.
  12. This Shop/Cafe has been attached to my Hotel in Patong; is it 'Obvious ' enough ? Lol.
  13. 'Dogfight' ? Even if they caught him in Thai Airspace this was not likely to happen; more likely to just escort him back out. A lot of hullabaloo about nothing !
  14. We've never been in a hurry to ditch our Masks; can't see the sense in it and we still wear them pretty much everywhere we go. Better to be safe than sorry !
  15. 'Some kind of episode'....meaning talking or playing games on his Phone or the normal Brain Failure !
  16. And the brainless Cops allow her to be put in the front passenger seat of their Truck with no Cuffs; where she could cause more mayhem by grabbing the steering wheel or pull any of many stunts ! Why are Thailand's Police so disgustingly useless ?
  17. They need a bigger Protester turn out; it will take millions on the streets all over the country every day to get rid of this creep !
  18. Thaksin has run out of choices. Yingluck was 'wrong for the job' and indeed didn't want it; refusing at the first ask but giving in to Brotherly pressure. Time for PT to be thinking of a New Age Leader; someone who would give them more credibility with the people and actually be a good PM. Seems to me though that the 'Leaders' at PT don't have enough Brains between them to see the light !
  19. These Pillow Biters are hard up for the usual business these days and are resorting to Crime it seems !
  20. This could blow the whole 'Fraudulent' Visa business up with any luck. If people haven't got the funds to live here legally then they shouldn't be here but be somewhere else. I have no sympathy for people who live 'on the dark side' of legality whist the rest of us are expected to live within the Immigration Laws !
  21. Sure; they are 'fixing' the problem by creaming off as many millions as possible before they get flung out !
  22. Kick out Prayut and his fellow bunch of Gangsters from Government House and the order will most likely get cancelled; causing extreme ebarassment to him and his Cohorts, as they would all have to pay back the contents of the huge Brown Envelopes they recieved !
  23. Since when was Thailand Proactive in any situation apart from the constant suppression of Freedoms of Choice and Speech ? In 99% of situations they wait for everything to go wrong before doing anything useful !
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