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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Thailand's Feudal Patronage System will remain in place for at least another two or three Generations; so there will be no serious change for the foreseeable future. The only thing that can change things faster is outright Revolution; Hang 'Em High etc etc but the poorly Educated Masses are too dumbed down for that to happen !
  2. Let's start with the simple things like lack of Cleansed Drinking Water from the Taps and a proper Sewarage System followed by Overhead Power Lines etc etc; i could fill a page !
  3. They won't; Thailand is all talk and no do when it comes to anything important for the community !
  4. Aw; another Baby Thaksin lined up for PM in 25 years time !
  5. What is apart from anything illegal ?
  6. Don't know how many times you've been to China but on my numerous trips i have always found it to be cheaper than Thailand. Of course; if you shop in Bejing or Shanghai things might reach Bangkok prices !
  7. They don't care about their environment; just look around and see the endless amounts of Trash they throw anywhere themselves other than in the right places. Only money matters to these Jerks and as long as they get heaps of it the environment can go to hell !
  8. Thai Media have no Press Freedom to report on things that many would see as important; so they have to fill the news pages somehow !
  9. Unbalanced Ballasting in my opinion. I wonder if the Skipper or Crew know anything about Seamanship ?
  10. 'Lending' is done in different ways. My SIL Is A 'Lending Auntie'. She has a 40ft area in a local market and has been there for nearly 30 years selling her wares and until pre Covid made a good living out of it enabling her to buy Land and two Houses down the years, the Land used to grow sellable wares and the Houses rented out She has worked from 0400 to 1900 all those years but as she is now getting older it is not so easy. Since Covid has 'officially' ended business has dwindled but never the less she carries on, not so much for herself but for other more unfortunate souls who are Market Stallholders. Many of these fellow Marketeers arrive in the mornings with just a few Baht change in their pockets or even nothing and little or nothing to sell and they come to SIL to 'borrow' stock to sell during the day. At the end of the day they come to pay for what they 'borrowed', which they are charged for at Trade +10%. If they are lucky they take home 100-200 Baht 'profit' which they live on from day to day, including many who have Children and/or are supporting the Old People in their Home. This is what life is like in a lot of Villages throughout the Country; it's not all about New Phones and New Pick-Up Trucks and there are a lot of people who won't take 'Loans' from the Evil as they know they will never be able to pay them back. Talking of Pensions; my Thai Wife was a Midwife for 25 years; Pensionable age, at which point i told her to retire because any type of Nurse here is treated like Slave Labour. All 'Government Officials'; the term they like to use to describe themselves, are due for Pension at 25 years service but none of them have recieved an increase in Pension for the last 9 years as there is no 'Annual Review' or set increase in line with Inflation etc. Had a Civilian Government been running the Country there would no doubt have been an increase during those years but as Prayut and his Band of Gangsters have been busy creaming off Billions not much thought has been given to others requirements. The only reason any of the Parties are now crowing about Pension increases is because an Election is looming but don't be surprised if when it's over all the promises will be broken or forgotten !
  11. Meanwhile in City Hall, Local Police Stations and anywhere else that 'Civil Servants' may be....ZZzzzzzzzz !
  12. When people are never taught to drive properly in the first place how are they supposed to know how to drive 'safely' ? Add lack of driving knowledge to Booze and Drugs and what do you get....Carnage ! Bad Education is at the root of everything in Thailand and if you have Bad Education just about everything that follows will also be bad. Poor Law Enforcement is just another example..........poor training, lack of interest in anything that has no 'end (cash) product' and Useless overmanned Government Departments that are the same !
  13. Try telling the Local Community in the Villages around us how well things are going and they would likely be soon hanging from the nearest Tree !
  14. Whatever he did he will get away with it; just like all his untouchable Mates, some who get their Watches from Dead Friends !
  15. Ah yes; just what the Army and the Meg Rich want. They have no desire to change things for the better as they are very happy plundering the Coffers whilst dragging the people back 200 years !
  16. Just lately it looks like they are getting real with bad Policemen. Long may it last !
  17. Yes; ad there many Bone Idle Soldiers as well that would rather be doing nothing as they are already doing !
  18. Presume you work for the Thai Government then ? It is their stock answer every year !
  19. Come back or not come back won't change the Political Climate much in Thailand. EVERYTHING here is about money and who can plunder the majority of it. The Country needs a Zi like figure to appear who would clear out the Gargantuan Corruption from every Government Department including Police and Military and Execute all the 'leading lights' of said Departments, even Women, as many in high positions are just as greedy as the Men. Sheer Fear of Death is the only thing that will stop the plunder and actually make people think twice about having sticky fingers. If all the plundered money were used in the proper way it would relieve many millions from Poverty in Thailand and the Country might actually start moving forward instead of constantly marking time for the benefit of the relatively few in number !
  20. Nothing much here that isn't Fake !
  21. Jokers...the lot of them !
  22. Next time you pull up at Traffic Lights next to one of these Buses take a look around the Tyres. You will quite often see bald ones or almost bald and Tyres of several different makes. Mind you; same goes for all the Trucks and Trailers as well. 'Maintenance' is a dirty word here !
  23. The Terminal 21 Shooter was not killed by Police; he shot himself after making Mincemeat of the 'Attacking Force' !
  24. Only targeted because they weren't Thai and won't play the game with handouts to Corrupt Cops !
  25. From my observations here Police drivers are no better than the average Somchai ! RIP those lost.
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