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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. What I'm looking into doing is a home brew (DIY) Quadcopter. Ever since I saw the first aerial videos from one by a member of Thaivisa have been wanting one.

    They are awesome and as I do like playing with RC stuff I reckon one of them is on the to do list as well.

  2. They are not closed but are extremely busy.

    A work colleague is getting a passport for his new born today, he went in there early last week and was given a queue number and told to come back today.

    They process 150 people per day, his queue number is 51.

  3. A corrola is an altis in thailand

    No it isn't. The Toyota Corolla is the Corolla; the Corolla Altis is a higher specification version of the Corolla.

    So A corolla is a Corolla but a Corolla Altis is not a Corolla but instead a high spec Corolla............... allrighty then.

    • Like 1
  4. > pickups win by a massive margin.

    Yes, this comes through strongly on the Inet. Govt incentives undoubtedly play a part, as also would the large agrarian population.

    > Toyota Vios

    Called the Yaris here.

    > The Toyota Hilux actually, closely followed by the Isuzu pickup with all it's various names.

    I know the Hilux, but have never been able to distinguish most small modern cars - they blend into a beige blur in my mind.

    So it's four cylinder engines, then - petrol, I'd guess, with an increasing number of diesels?

    I do not know where "here" is for you but in Thailand the Yaris is called a Yaris and the Vios a Vios.

    The Vigo is the best selling vehicle in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  5. My STRONG advice is to DO IT YOURSELF. Better to take a long time and learn from the Internet and get it right than to have it all fuc_ked up. I have heard of nightmare after nightmare from letting a Thai work on electrical -- especially with a nice bike like yours.

    Let me ask you some questions. Do you want all your wire ends with proper terminals for plugging into accessories and all splices soldered and shrink tubed -- water and vibration proofed? Or, do you want connections twisted together and taped with black tape? The latter can come loose with vibrations. Can also have the wire ends oxidize and corrode - to say nothing of the dissimilar metals problem of which Thais have never heard. And none of it waterproof.

    Do you want somebody cutting into your factory wiring harness to splice wires, or do you want your accessories properly connected with terminals. Do you want trouble free riding, or do you want to break down somewhere with an electrical problem when you are caught out in the rain, only to spend 14 hours troubleshooting it?

    It's all up to you. But if you do not do it yourself, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN. You've been warned.

    Where does one buy proper terminals from in Pattaya ?


    Long motor is 80k.


    OK not too bad, but still not nice to have to pay for it yourself.

    actually just checked my invoices. 80k was for the short motor and all associated gaskets and bolts needed to assemble short motor.

    was the head and components on the original motor ok? I think those aren't cheap.

    A visual inspection tells me the head/valves are ok.

  7. You'll have to take my word for it that I want nothing other than the statistics themselves rolleyes.gif

    Personally, I'm a 25 year old working in Thailand. I'm a marketing consultant with a 65k+ Baht per month salary (works out to about 80k if you add up the year end bonus).

    Does that marketing work you do, by any chance, involve trying to find out how much money other foreigners in Thailand earn so that you can then "help" them to invest their money in absolutely surefire, guaranteed, rock-solid, triple-your-money-in-no-time investments and do you have a poster of Bernie Madoff framed on your bedroom wall with a small shrine?

    I work for an American company and they've posted me here from abroad, I sort out marketing materials mainly. Promoting the company basically. Nothing about it involves knowing what your salary is. If I had asked anyone, it would have been reported in this thread surely. tongue.png

    Really, An American Company sent you all the way to Thailand to work for them and they are only paying you 65k per month.................


    You smell of buffalo shit.

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