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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Unfortunately the company I work for does not celebrate all of these. We get off about 12-14 holidays per year.sad.png

    Same, we get 15. I am all in favor of this smile.png

    The financial year is not won or lost in the first few days, the way the calender falls this year, i expect many people would have the Thursday 1st off anyway, so in affect its the Friday 2nd one day extra holiday.

    Regardless of officially having it off, most people will anyway.

    Me too, we get 15.

    Thursday the 1st is already a public holiday so this extra one day being considered is just one less annual leave day for me to take (not that I would, more likely use up one of my 30 annual paid sick days instead).

  2. Whats a Toyota dealer got to do with safety, or any other car dealership in Thailand.They are all prepared to deliver a new Vehicle to a dumb customer who has chosen illegal tinted glass. You can see them on any Forecourt awaiting their new idiot whoes only care is for looks, and themself. Just like Bull Bar Lovers.

    I assume that is directed at me because I mentioned Toyota sell them as OE accessories.

    I was not talking about Thailand but hey, never let a chance to show your Thai hatred though.

    That comment is below the belt.

    how so ?

    Every opportunity AOP can get he digs the boot into the Thais with what ever mod they have done that is not within accordance to his personal taste.

  3. all changing oil is just taking out a bolt and changing the filter.

    I am with you I dont think Thais can do anything correctly. They just arent meticulous or concerned with details at all. I would do it myself for sure. You get the best quality oil and filters this way too.

    I gotta say though I used to put a little too much oil in my engine every now and then and I never worried about it. They are probably doing it for the wrong (ie stupid) reasons though.

    Who stamps and signs your service book if it is still under warranty ?

  4. Whats a Toyota dealer got to do with safety, or any other car dealership in Thailand.They are all prepared to deliver a new Vehicle to a dumb customer who has chosen illegal tinted glass. You can see them on any Forecourt awaiting their new idiot whoes only care is for looks, and themself. Just like Bull Bar Lovers.

    I assume that is directed at me because I mentioned Toyota sell them as OE accessories.

    I was not talking about Thailand but hey, never let a chance to show your Thai hatred though.

  5. No motor now has a front bumper, it has to pass crash tests INCLUDING hitting a pedestrian. Put one of those things on and all that research is out the window. You hit someone, your problem..whistling.gif

    bullbar or no bullbar if you hit a pedestrian it is always gunna be your problem.

    Toyota sell them as genuine accessories.

    So do other manufacturers, don't make it right or sensible. I ride bikes 90% of the time, if you hit me with them things u r seriously gonna <deleted> me up, without them I stand a much better chance.

    Why do you put yourself in a position where getting hit by the front of the vehicle is a possibility ?

  6. No motor now has a front bumper, it has to pass crash tests INCLUDING hitting a pedestrian. Put one of those things on and all that research is out the window. You hit someone, your problem..whistling.gif

    bullbar or no bullbar if you hit a pedestrian it is always gunna be your problem.

    Toyota sell them as genuine accessories.

  7. The 3.2 Ranger, if the oil has been drained for 10 minutes or more the lubrication system will not self prime.

    Hit that key and the bearings are toast... Ford released a service bulletin about this issue.

    Exactly, which is why I say disconnect the coil and crank it so it doesn't start dry and primes the pump first, few people know it only takes seconds of dry run to toast the crank and rod bearings.. Especially with today's closer tolerances.

    You should tell Ford how to disconnect the coil on the 3.2 diesel engine so as to avoid the known issue.

    Coil is relative yes?

    relative yes, only in your world.

    diesel engines don't have coils though.

    Modern benzine engines do, but they are usually coil on plug kinda deal which are not easily disconnected to build oil pressure.

  8. That's the topic, not starting a dry engine after an oil change.. I guess I know how to avoid it and always will, better a little oil mess then a dry engine start, even if that's the case and you can't put in oil which one can always do, they should disconnect the coil and turn it over without starting it.

    The 3.2 Ranger, if the oil has been drained for 10 minutes or more the lubrication system will not self prime.

    Hit that key and the bearings are toast... Ford released a service bulletin about this issue.

    Exactly, which is why I say disconnect the coil and crank it so it doesn't start dry and primes the pump first, few people know it only takes seconds of dry run to toast the crank and rod bearings.. Especially with today's closer tolerances.

    You should tell Ford how to disconnect the coil on the 3.2 diesel engine so as to avoid the known issue.

    • Like 1
  9. Warpy made the point that it matters about starting a dry engine and it does if it's new engine or a re-build, but and oil change! Cum on, there is a film of oil coating everything inside the engine from the old oil and it only takes seconds for the new oil to get around.

    Hand cranking, cranking with the coil lead removed.....phooey!

    When I built an engine dry, distributer was removed, I make a tool to go in the dizzy hole to engage the oil pump, a heavy duty power drill was attached to the tool and spinning would commence until oil pressure was acheived and a bit beyond. Dizzy back in and start the thing....thumbsup.gif

    Using this technique used no force on any bearings..smile.png

    Seriously mate. your wisdom and techniques correlate to the modern engine by 0%.

    Why even comment on something that you clearly have no clue about ?

    • Like 2
  10. That's the topic, not starting a dry engine after an oil change.. I guess I know how to avoid it and always will, better a little oil mess then a dry engine start, even if that's the case and you can't put in oil which one can always do, they should disconnect the coil and turn it over without starting it.

    The 3.2 Ranger, if the oil has been drained for 10 minutes or more the lubrication system will not self prime.

    Hit that key and the bearings are toast... Ford released a service bulletin about this issue.

    • Like 2
  11. "If they do wrong, than arrest them".

    Maybe they should look towards arresting the people who run the visa run services for aiding and abetting.

    That's absurd. Until the crackdown. the visa runners weren't breaching any rules that were being actively enforced - they were lining up to get stamps that were willingly placed in their passports by Thai Immigration and contributing to the economies of a couple of border towns in the process. I'm not thrilled about the way this crackdown has been implemented either, but to paint visa runners as criminals is way OTT.

    And in case you're wondering, I've had two tourist visas, no back-to-back 30-day exemptions and zero land border entries in the last 4 years. I'm now here on an extension of stay based on retirement till Sept 2015 when I fully intend to apply for a further 12 month stay. In short, I have no interest in the visa run industry and no need for their services, but I dont see that they've done anything illegal.

    Obviously your sarcasm detector is not functioning.

    Saying that if no laws were being broken why the need for the crackdown ?

  12. Some "enginneer" said that pistons rely on crank oil splash to lubricate them, to my knowledge, Cumminns Diesels have had oil pressured cooling/lubricating nozzles fitted since the late 50s, or even before, they squirt oil up into the piston skirt, cooling and lubricating them,

    Think that "engineer" said "many" engines rely on...........rolleyes.gif

    PS. I believe we are not talking about heavy goods commercial engines at the mo........facepalm.gif

    PPS. Yep, led a sheltered life but during that time I never worked on an engine that wasn't bore splash lubricated, that includes the 7.5 ltr jobbies.

    I doubt splash lubrication is used at all these days.

    • Like 1
  13. lol your evidence is some online UK news publication cheesy.gif

    But it does clarify my point though that an impact at 5mph will make little difference

    The advice was prompted by research at the TRL and in Germany. The German research proved that bull bars are deadly in crashes at low speeds. Whereas 95 per cent of children would be expected to survive the impact of a normal car at 20mph, a vehicle fitted with bull bars would inflict life-threatening injuries on all children it hit at 12mph and many would die even at 10mph.

    maybe you should have claimed 10mph instead of 5mph !!

    p.s. your silly little laughing emoticon does you no credit, the article is from the independent, a respected British newspaper and just the first one on my search, there's plenty more.

    your the one that linked it, not me.

    Maybe next time find the published research documents and link them instead of some news tabloid.

  14. lol your evidence is some online UK news publication cheesy.gif

    But it does clarify my point though that an impact at 5mph will make little difference

    The advice was prompted by research at the TRL and in Germany. The German research proved that bull bars are deadly in crashes at low speeds. Whereas 95 per cent of children would be expected to survive the impact of a normal car at 20mph, a vehicle fitted with bull bars would inflict life-threatening injuries on all children it hit at 12mph and many would die even at 10mph.

    maybe you should have claimed 10mph instead of 5mph !!

    What's 5mph between friends? Still unnecessary dangerous things.

    The difference between life and death it seems.

  15. "Comments anyone......."

    Items 1,2,3 and 5 have nothing to do with Tesco as they do not own and run the whole shopping centre.

    Rather than complaining to Tesco (and getting zero result) you would better off approaching the centre management, most likely still getting a zero result.

    I think you'll find they do. There website has an enquires section about 'leasing space in Tesco Lotus'. If you're so sure there is a centre management how about some links to justify it.

    A quick look around google suggest Ek-Chai Distribution System Co., Ltd (who owns Tesco Lotus) will own the building.

  16. I think Thailand is changing the rules that an educational visa to study is Thai will be given to serious students whole main purpose is to come to Thailand to learn the Thai Language.


    When entering Thailand to learn Thai then 2 hours a week with after class assignments is reasonable.

    It was not created as the cheapest way to stay in Thailand long term.

    Student visas to study English in America I believe are 4-5 hours a day during the term of the visa.

    Seems reasonable requirement but school cost and living costs cheaper in Thailand.

    I would like to return to school to get my master's degree but don't want to spend the money so I won't do it.

    Anything different about studying Thai language.

    I went to University, both in Australia and USA, and no way did or other students study anything like 1300 hours during the year.

    That is possibly due to the fact that neither the USA or Australia has a requirement to attend an education facility 5 days per week 52 weeks per year.

    Do language schools actually hold class 260 days per year here ?

  17. lol your evidence is some online UK news publication cheesy.gif

    But it does clarify my point though that an impact at 5mph will make little difference

    The advice was prompted by research at the TRL and in Germany. The German research proved that bull bars are deadly in crashes at low speeds. Whereas 95 per cent of children would be expected to survive the impact of a normal car at 20mph, a vehicle fitted with bull bars would inflict life-threatening injuries on all children it hit at 12mph and many would die even at 10mph.

    maybe you should have claimed 10mph instead of 5mph !!

  18. Never mind air bags, what about the little Thai kid you knock over at as little as 5mph, with bull bars you probably kill him, without you probably don't.

    At 5mph why would the kid now die with a bullbar versus without ?

    If anything the larger frontal area of the bullbar the kid would bounce instead of going under the car vehicle.

    Google the stats, it's common knowledge.

    You had better tell google then cause I can't find anything that says the risk of dieing due to a bullbar impact at 5mph is greater than a vehicle without.

  19. "Comments anyone......."

    Items 1,2,3 and 5 have nothing to do with Tesco as they do not own and run the whole shopping centre.

    Rather than complaining to Tesco (and getting zero result) you would better off approaching the centre management, most likely still getting a zero result.

    • Like 1
  20. Never mind air bags, what about the little Thai kid you knock over at as little as 5mph, with bull bars you probably kill him, without you probably don't.

    At 5mph why would the kid now die with a bullbar versus without ?

    If anything the larger frontal area of the bullbar the kid would bounce instead of going under the car vehicle.

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