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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. This is a USA Mustang...around 1980......w00t.gif


    That's when they were real ugly and SLOW.

    Must admit I watched these fugging excuses for a Mustang run 10's in Florida way back..........whistling.gif

    Not fresh from the showroom you didn't... more likely mid 14's.

    Edit:... I missed your other post about running 16's.

  2. only thing i seem to be missing with car dash cams are a simcard which automatically upload crash footage on a remote server. that would be neat.

    I know you can get cams that with a sim card will send pictures (MMS) to your phone in the event of an accident (G-Sensor triggered), maybe this can be configured to upload to the internet as well.

  3. I prefer to buy new (but firs couple of cars were secondhand but purchased cheap and sold for profit). 1st new vehicle here is a Ford Ranger 2012 bought for Bt.700,000 currently for sale @ Bt.400,000..... Worst vehicle I have ever owned, the second being a 2014 Mazda 3 bought for Bt1100,000. Great vehicle so far.

    Reason for buying new instead of more secondhand cars is I can't save money for shit, I have a set amount I keep in Thailand every month with the balance heading off shore... So for me it is easier to front the 20% deposit than the full amount in cash.

    Surely missing a '0' or 2 on that Mazda price though correct? wink.png

    The price was one million one hundred thousand baht. should have put a comma in between the 1's.

    "Rule 3a. With figures of four or more digits, use commas. Count three spaces to the left to place the first comma. Continue placing commas after every three digits. Important: do not include decimal points when doing the counting.


    1,054 people


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  4. A quick Google puts this device available today at around $2000 US or Thb 63,500!, so that means they paid around Thb31,500 over the top, excluding installation and kickbacks.

    then you have to add shipping, import duties and taxes too, in Australia they are another $300 to $500 more than the US so here they will be even more expensive with the high import costs but I suppose if you want to have a bitch you need to use a bit of innuendo and half truths......

    price does include all the installation work as well

    So the government doesn't have the power to swerve tax on items for themselves? Should have got some grey import car dealers to show them how its done.

    No Jeremy they do not.

    We are currently selling a high value item into Thailand to the government from a (Thailand) tax free zone, full duties and taxes are applied and paid.

    The government is not as dodgy as you imply.

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  5. I suppose I am missing something ... not being tacky - but the Go Pro Cameras are the best action cameras going .. And there are many many types of mounting brackets ... You would get a dual purpose camera for a reasonable price ... And you can get a snap on LCD viewer just like any other camera...

    I wanted a discrete permanent fitment of both front and rear camera's that record 24/7.

    Whilst my Blackvue installation is screen less If I want to look at them in car I simply open an app on my phone and log in. When I get home at night I can log into them remotely from my home PC (via WiFi) and download the footage if I want.

    I have a Go-Pro, great camera, but not fit for purpose in regards to my car cam requirements.

  6. I prefer to buy new (but firs couple of cars were secondhand but purchased cheap and sold for profit). 1st new vehicle here is a Ford Ranger 2012 bought for Bt.700,000 currently for sale @ Bt.400,000..... Worst vehicle I have ever owned, the second being a 2014 Mazda 3 bought for Bt1100,000. Great vehicle so far.

    Reason for buying new instead of more secondhand cars is I can't save money for shit, I have a set amount I keep in Thailand every month with the balance heading off shore... So for me it is easier to front the 20% deposit than the full amount in cash.

  7. Iam not changing my stance at all. if you toast an engine because you put the incorrect oil into it your warranty will be void.My illustrations prove that you simply cannot grab any old bottle of 10w 40 and stick in it and as for buying oil.

    I understand 100% what oil is to be used in my Ranger. When I rebuilt the engine I thought I would just grab the oil myself from one of the many local shops around here in Laem chabang. It proved to be extremely difficult task to get the correct grade of oil and infact took a few hours after visiting about 6 different places..... I even went into the Castrol centre and they could not supply the oil that they supply to ford.

    I did eventually find the correct oil, it cost me more than just buying from Ford in the first place.

    For those that either do not know about the correct oil to purchase or simply cannot be assed to drive around trying to find the correct oil it is 1000% easier just to take the vehicle to the dealership and have them do it...... are you too simple to even understand that ?

  8. Spoonman, with regards to your question on "what grade", engine oils have a variety of grades used, be it API, SL, etc. As long as the engine oil you buy is of the same grade or better, you can use it without voiding your warranty. Hope this helps.

    The key words being of same grade or better.

    Good luck wandering into you local somchai the oil man shop and asking for the following.



    clear as mud aint it, much easier (for a lot of people) to just rock up to the dealership and tell em to change the oil.

  9. Hi had my new BT-50. 2.5 turbo now 3 yrs I took mne back to the main dealer for it's 10k service. I waited for it to be done and took the odd walk around it being done they seemed to make a good job of it.

    But have not had one since now 35k goes superb I'm believer if it is ok do not try and fix it. I get good valets once a month and air filter blown clean, check and top up oil when needed. Good for me. Mine is not the PRO.

    If your BT-50 is infact the 2.5 it is the old model and not relevant to this discussion as they are workhorses and not fragile show ponies like the newer one.

  10. To the OP,

    The manual you can request corporate to give it to you. Don't even bother with your salesman or local dealer, after you paid the money they are useless. I was given the run around by my sales, saying he already asked the Car Company for it, waiting for it to arrive. Well guess what? Never arrived, 2 months waiting, I emailed corporate directly. They were happy to send me one for free. Arrived in 1 week by mail.

    As for tire pressure, I usually check once in 2 weeks or once in a month. I'm picky nicky. Remember to check your tires when they are cold though, meaning not driven over 2-3 kms, and not parked directly under the sun. As the tire warms up from use, the psi could go up 2-4 psi which will be inaccurate. You could be at the pump putting 40psi, then returning home only to find out next morning it's only 36psi.

    The oils, which one member said a wrong comment. You can buy your own engine oil, and supply it to your dealer to use. It is completely acceptable and will not void your warranty in anyway. This has been confirmed by corporate themselves. Reason is, dealers overcharged their engine oil usually by 2x the normal price. Next is, the engine oil they use may be lousier than what you could buy yourself. Also to make sure they actually use your oil, request the empty bottles to be put in the back of your truck after the maintenance. There are many stories of mechanics taking your oil for their own use, and putting other stuff for your engine. Yes, at dealers.

    I would recommend Mobil 1 or Castrol. And buy directly from the company themselves. I found one, which is sort of like a factory, I drive in and the guard was selling it, the Mobil 1. Cheaper price compared to Esso station or the "auto parts shop". Auto parts shop, I am afraid would carry fake engine oil too. And get the synthetic oil.

    So you are saying one can buy any oil of their choosing and corporate themselves say they are OK with their technicians putting it into the vehicle and will not void the warranty if it all turns to poo (cause of the wrong oil)....... I hope you got that in writing.

    If it's the same grade how can it be the 'wrong oil'? Or do dealers tell owners they can only use their supplied oil. For many years I supplied synthetic to the honda dealer and thy put it in. Nothing was ever said about it.

    Where was "same grade" mentioned ?

    But what is the same grade... not all 10w 40 (or whatever numbers you want to choose) oils are the same.

  11. To the OP,

    The manual you can request corporate to give it to you. Don't even bother with your salesman or local dealer, after you paid the money they are useless. I was given the run around by my sales, saying he already asked the Car Company for it, waiting for it to arrive. Well guess what? Never arrived, 2 months waiting, I emailed corporate directly. They were happy to send me one for free. Arrived in 1 week by mail.

    As for tire pressure, I usually check once in 2 weeks or once in a month. I'm picky nicky. Remember to check your tires when they are cold though, meaning not driven over 2-3 kms, and not parked directly under the sun. As the tire warms up from use, the psi could go up 2-4 psi which will be inaccurate. You could be at the pump putting 40psi, then returning home only to find out next morning it's only 36psi.

    The oils, which one member said a wrong comment. You can buy your own engine oil, and supply it to your dealer to use. It is completely acceptable and will not void your warranty in anyway. This has been confirmed by corporate themselves. Reason is, dealers overcharged their engine oil usually by 2x the normal price. Next is, the engine oil they use may be lousier than what you could buy yourself. Also to make sure they actually use your oil, request the empty bottles to be put in the back of your truck after the maintenance. There are many stories of mechanics taking your oil for their own use, and putting other stuff for your engine. Yes, at dealers.

    I would recommend Mobil 1 or Castrol. And buy directly from the company themselves. I found one, which is sort of like a factory, I drive in and the guard was selling it, the Mobil 1. Cheaper price compared to Esso station or the "auto parts shop". Auto parts shop, I am afraid would carry fake engine oil too. And get the synthetic oil.

    So you are saying one can buy any oil of their choosing and corporate themselves say they are OK with their technicians putting it into the vehicle and will not void the warranty if it all turns to poo (cause of the wrong oil)....... I hope you got that in writing.

  12. Problem with the handbook, they haven't give me English version - have asked several times.

    You can download the English version here.


    The link to the download is dead. I have looked at this before, and it was for BT50, up 2012, prior to the new model. I have yet to do this, and no idea why I haven't, and that would be to contact Mazda Australia as this vehicle is sold there, but in different models, but it will give enough info on the important stuff

    Really. I just downloaded the link in post #8 and not only is it alive it is for the 2012+ model.

    Here is the link for the download (that I just downloaded).


  13. Check fluid levels and belt tension.

    As a previous poster suggested it would have been good to drop the oil and spin a new filter on at 1000km. It's a bit old school and possibly not necessary anymore but certainly can't hurt.

    Modern engine are built and machined to the point that running in is almost redundant. That combine with the superior lubrication properties of synthetic oils your fine to 10000km. Just drive it normally. Don't baby it or thrash it for the first few thousand km and you should be good.

    Yeah, it really is different with modern engines now and service intervals. I just bought a new Ford and the first service, including oil change, isn't until 15,000km. The dealer also stated that that first oil change will be a bit more expensive than previously, but that with the new oil filter tech and oil and machining tech of the engines, that is the deal now.

    Old skool guys like me are left a little skeptical by all this, but it's true.

    The old saying, "it's up to you". Remember, it's your expensive purchase, your money, and your insurance for engine longevity..........whistling.gif

    Toyota rolleyes.gif when I took it back at 1000km, I just said "do it and record it, thank you". smile.png

    Folk here will say no need but they don't know what difference it might make when the Km builds up.

    Remember this, the cylinder bores are lubricated by splash, the crank picks oil up from the sump and chucks it around. I have never yet taken off a sump without crap in the bottom. My fun ride had a magnet set in the sump plug which always had ferrous stuff stuck to it.

    But, if your lucky enough to change your ride every few years..........smile.png

    The Cylinders in the BT-50/Ranger are lubricated by squirt bars aiming up under the piston. Having the crank chuck around the oil is not a good thing and would be surprised if that is how it done even on your old Hilux.

  14. Good thing they didn't bait the kiwis with sexy pictures of sheep.

    The article is about Kiwis, not Aussies!!

    when it comes to relations with sheep the Welsh are in the #1 spot, The Kiwi's in the #2 spot.


    "Sheep shagging was first practised in 1563 as a competition to see how many sheep could be brought to orgasm in 5 minutes. The game was very popular in small welsh towns and was commonly played at local town fêtes and wedding receptions. It was not long before the idea moved from just a game into one of the most popular welsh pastimes. Pretty soon the concept spread to London, where it peaked interest with the male members of the royal family, it became more popular than royal cousin shagging, as the sheep could be roasted afterwards, removing all evidence. From there it has been carried to other lands, where strange people live in their little mud houses, watching their brand new plasma screen Tv's. As time progressed the game of sheep shagging died out and sheep shagging was no longer a social event however its concept remains to this day in the hearts of lonely welsh, it is most often practised at 11:15pm every night, after the local pubs have closed. It is not just the men who divulge in sheep debauchery, the women (from first post coital experience) often prefer the rams as the sex only lasts 10 seconds, and involves no talking afterwards. Sheep shagging is the biggest welsh past time nowadays, and is responsible for such cross breeding abominations as Tom Jones and Steve Strange".

  15. Yes, it will work in Aus, mine does.

    As long as the carriers involved use the same Frequencies (BAND), or the phone covers the BANDs used, it will work fine.

    Usually when people state 'Yes' it's nice when they also provide the Thai and Aussie mobile carriers they use, and the exact model number of their phone

    ... as not all Galaxy S4 phone models have the same BAND coverage.

    GT-I9500 / GT-I9505 / GT-I9506 support

    2G: GSM / GPRS / EDGE @ 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz

    3G: UMTS / HSPA+ @ 850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz

    Only GT-I9505 / I9506

    LTE: @ 800, 850, 900, 1800, 2100, 2600 MHz

    Be careful of 'grey market' phones whose specs may not exactly match your carriers requirements.

    Good for you.

    I use both Telstra and Optus sim cards in Oz.... never has a phone I have purchased here not worked in Australia, the flipside of that the many friends and family I have coming to visit every year have never had an issue with just dropping a local sim into their phones (unless of course if they are network locked in Australia, which can be sorted here very quickly).

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