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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Who is stupid enough to switch off nowadays ?

    The same ones who switch off their mobile maybe ?

    Not even routers are always on bvut computers also ! Too boring to have to wait that everything starts again when i wake up !

    I switch my mobile off every night so that people from back home that have no sense of time difference cannot wake me at 3am.

  2. then theres:

    not using indicators,

    not using mirrors,

    not obeying the road rules or even knowing them,

    pulling out from the kerb, driveway etc wiithout checking traffic

    overtaking on double lines and blind corners

    turning from the wrong lanes

    using a turning lane to go straight ahead

    driving fast through shopping centre car parks

    going the wrong way in car parks against the arrows

    driving on the wrong side of the road

    overtaking with oncoming traffic on that side of the road and flashing their lights expecting you to pull over for them

    cutting across the front of your car on a bike when you are turning a corner

    basically just about everything:w00t:

    Haha, Thats me !!

  3. Keep it on...

    Daily power cycling can do more harm than good as it stresses capacitors in the power supply.

    Just checked mine 194 days uptime

    Unless you want to save 25 satang a week, no point in switching it off at night.

    Finally a sensible post. Of course you need to keep the router running 24/7, else you do more harm than good.

    Most electronics are designed to let them run 24/7. Even if I go away from home a couple of days, the router is still running.

    Question to the people that turn off their routers at night:

    Do you also turn off your fridge at night? No? I thought so thumbsup.gif

    You should do the same with your router. These are designed to run always!

    Some don't even have an on/off switch.

  4. If the modern engine had old school oil then yes I agree, it should be changed at 1000km.

    If changing oil outside of the suggested service interval be sure to use the correct oil because if you shit an engine they will test the oil before a warranty claim is approved.

    I took my ride back to Toyota at 1000km and told them to change it AND record it, which they did...thumbsup.gif

    Which is the correct way to have an out of scheduled service oil change done.


    Whats the Eh For ?

    Do you not understand English or is the Chump supposed to have a 1000km service ?

  5. If the modern engine had old school oil then yes I agree, it should be changed at 1000km.

    If changing oil outside of the suggested service interval be sure to use the correct oil because if you shit an engine they will test the oil before a warranty claim is approved.

    I took my ride back to Toyota at 1000km and told them to change it AND record it, which they did...thumbsup.gif

    Which is the correct way to have an out of scheduled service oil change done.

  6. I would not put blind faith in an idiot light to ensure your engine is correctly lubricated when it only takes a few moments to pop the bonnet and check your self.

    What are you going to do if out on a trip and the light comes on (becuase you did not check to see if it is low) and a bottle of oil is a long way away.... are you going to drive it with the light on ?

    BTW the Ranger (which has the same mechanical's as the BT-50) has the first service at 15,000 km.... then every 15,0000 km after that.

  7. Thailand drives on the left, Laos on the right .

    If you rent a car in Thailand the insurance will not be valid in Laos .

    Thats why you get insurance in Laos (or have your Thai insurance extended to cover Laos). moot point though as has been stated a few times now... you cannot take the rented car out of Thailand.


  8. Could you imagine what would happen to the internet if people turned them off at night? No internet.

    Bwahahahahahahahaha, you funny.

    Why is that funny? Its very true!

    So you are saying if everyone at home turned off their router there would be no internet........

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha, You funny.

  9. The issue isn't quite as serious as we are being told. 500 cars that cannot be accounted for in terms of tax over a 6 or 7 year period is hardly devastating. Sure, the cars have a huge value, but no-one is claiming that they have been stolen. Don't forget that now, a house is worth 4 mill, the total volume of funds missing over an extended period is actually only the cost of 20 houses and this, nationally is trivial.

    Were do I buy me a supercar for Bt.160,000 ?

  10. So 500'000 is ok.?

    Now I have 350k invested in stocks, bonds,.

    Can make 5 percent, 6 or sometimes less.

    Can make average 12 to 20k dollars a year's in interests.

    Make 50000 bahts a month? Correct.?

    I m a single guy, living cheap, do u think I will be OK.? My lady is cheap.

    I can still make some more money in the future.

    My goal is 1 million then 3, 4...

    My goal is 5 trillion then 6 and 7.

    How cheap is your lady and does she like multiple partners ?

    With such a small pathetic amount invested I can only assume you are still young, maybe stay at burger king for a few more years.

  11. Ask your insurance company if they will approve the massive hole in the roof before you start cutting.

    Not saying they won't approve the mod but they will want the appropriate engineering reports to prove the vehicle structural integrity has not been compromised (paying out claims for dead passengers becomes expensive), you will also need these engineer reports for the blue book as well.

    Dead passengers are relatively cheap, permanent disability is where the expense is.

    Yeah but the disable can go beg on the streets to recoup some coin.

  12. Ask your insurance company if they will approve the massive hole in the roof before you start cutting.

    Not saying they won't approve the mod but they will want the appropriate engineering reports to prove the vehicle structural integrity has not been compromised (paying out claims for dead passengers becomes expensive), you will also need these engineer reports for the blue book as well.

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