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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. You guys are braver than me. I just drive to survive in Thailand.

    The idea of getting a turbo performance car is that last thing I want. I think I've heard that Thailand is something like number 3 in the world for traffic fatalities, so I don't want that kind of temptation. I love driving fast,

    I don't see it being more dangerous having a powerful car....I actually believe that it is 'less' dangerous. You can drive nearly any car ridiculous or careless....Trust me driving a March around 150 km/h at max thru a small Soi is as dangerous as driving a Porsche at that speed thru the same Soi.

    If you are a responsible driver I would say the extra power gives an advantage, for example when overtaking. You would need much more space on the March then on the Porsche...and sometimes you just don't have the vision to see that far forward.

    Again, I am saying power in the hands of a responsible driver can make driving safer to some extend.

    It is simple you drive only as fast as the situation and traffic allows.....but why not having a little fun by doing so.

    Been driving in Thailand for over 20 years and "touch wood" never had an accident.

    Well said.

    My mazda 3 has enough grunt to make it feel sporty to drive on its stiff(ish) suspension and low profile tyres but on the flipside that sporty feeling can very easily get you into trouble if a few more horsepower is needed to get out of a situation.

    If only it had 250hp and 6 manual gears to play with (instead of 165hp and 6 auto gears).

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  2. Struth, how am I gunna get my daily home and away fix now ?

    It sucks I know, but maybe it's time to start learning German so you can watch DW world's Tagesschau or perhaps Chinese so you can watch some biased and "informative" historically inaccurate documentaries about how China claims it won the 1979 border war with Vietnam or how the "Vietnamese savages" enroached on "Chinese territory", i.e. the Spratly islands in the 70s over on CCTV 4.

    I like some of the german stuff, they make some awesome XXX fetish movies... no need to learn the lingo though as I watch em with the volume turned down.

  3. That car's immaculate and right hand drive though.. Not much more then it would cost stateside in that condition.

    I was more complaining about the price tag because I cannot afford it. in the real world (not my impoverished one) I agree the price is not too unrealistic.

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  4. Bit off topic but my mate back in the 70's UK bought, I think the year was a 1969 SS Camaro 396 big block convertible (rare) for I think 800 quid w00t.gif . He got banned from driving and sold it for (I think) 1400 quid sad.png . That car now is worth a fortune..whistling.gif

    Little bit off topic I agree, it is refreshing you did not post about your transam again though.

    I like this 66 Fastback. Shame about the price tag though.


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  5. coming back to OP's question (which also aligns with mine) a gross sal of 50k/mo is it underpaid, overpaid or so-so..? location being Bangkok and for an ex-pat who has a work experience of 4 years as a mobile software developer?

    Its underpaid (for an ex-pat), I know a young Thai kid who was making 60-70k per month, Next month he is off to Japan to do his PhD.

    but if work exp. requirements are taken into consideration and/or jobs @ jobsdb then I fall under the category of 35-60k/mo.

    I din't negotiated..1st because..well as I thought 50k should be good enough as per the govt norms to get a work visa/permit for an expat having work exp. of ~4 years as to what my employer told me that acc. to new rules/regulations it's a min 5yrs of wrk exp. and 27yrs of age; am just 25 now :s

    2ndly: am confident that I can get a hike the next year based on my hard/smart work biggrin.png

    Your salary can be zero baht for all the government cares. if you qualify for a work permit you will get one.

    If you want to apply for an extension based on employment though.... you will need to show the salary.

  6. I maintain that 500 baht a day for 2.......or 250 baht a day for 1....is reasonably done anywhere.

    That would include an occasional beer and 2 meals at home, one out.

    The piece of steak I just had for dinner cost more than that.

  7. Don't use LPG on a high performance engine. You'll blow it up.

    What a load of poppy cock. If it blows up it is because it is not tuned correctly, plenty of turbo charged cars out there running on LPG.

    Here is a 1300hp 4.0 straight 6 daily driver Mustang for starters.

    I was referring to his sr20 det.

    That mustang has had a fortune spent on it with forged everything.

    We are talking about a budget build obviously.

    No reason why a budget build SR20 can't be tuned to use BBQ juice. Like I said if it hand grenades it will be because it was not tuned correctly.

    BTW that Mustang is a stock block Ford EA Falcon 6 cylinder engine (de-stroked to 3.8 litres) with a set of pistons and rods.

    I have a feeling that run is with it on E85... it still ran an 8 on LPG though.


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