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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. You need the same documents that were required the first time. You can go renew your DL to a five year at any time and at any LTD office.

    dont forget the medical certificate, i renewed mine in Pedbury and was sent to a pharmacy where they gave me the certificate for 35 bhat, what a joke.

  2. Some history for you guys: originally the land and temple were Thai; however as the temple is Khumer, and as a good will to the Cambodians, the Thais gave the temple to the Cambodians, however the Thais did not want to loose territory so kept the land around the temple, hence the unusual land split

    The secondary dispute is the sea border, which has gas and oil. The Thais want to develop this with the Cambodians, and split the revenues. However the Cambodians don't want to do this. Thus neither side can access the resources since its in dispute.

    The greater picture is that the Cambodians know the Thais are politically very weak at present, and are taking advantage of this. Basically the Thai miltary want to protect the current border and not lets the Cambodians take land, however, as usual Abhisit and co are sitting on the fence being undecided and not wanting to take any action. Hence the action by the Yellows/TPN. The Thai military may take control of the situation if the weak government fails to take any action.

    Final spin on the story is that some recon the Cambodians are causing this as being an opportunity for Taksin to intervene and become the big hero that saves the day. Its not beyond the relms of thought that Hun Sen and Taksin are close, close enough that it would be in the interest of Hun Sen if Taksin returned to power (or proxy Peua Thai; in effect Taksin pulling the strings from behind the scenes).

    If you want to go farther back into history before the French drew the border lines in the late 1800,s Thailand was in control of Angkor Wat.

    But even farther back at the hight of the Khumer empire Cambodia went as far accross as Ayutthaya.

    However history means little in this and what it comes down to is who will gain the most out of it, or who sees themselves gaining the most.

    When I say gain I dont mean in land area but both financialy and politicaly.

    So if you really want to work it out do a ballance sheet.

    Seems to me Thailand has the most to lose on both counts.

    Should there be a full scale war or only isolated shootings the big winner of course will be Thaksin.

    He tried and failed to start an internal war but he may just have more luck on the international front with the help of his mate Hun sen [who incidentaly is not an elected leader but a dictator who took over in a coup in 1997]

    And the idiot yellow shirts are helping stir it along, what was it they said 'we dont want war only the use of militery might'

    Surely Thaksin and Hun Sen must be laughing in delight as they see them working for them without pay.

    Why are you getting so worked up, all the people involved in this dispute are just a bunch of clowns, logic plays no part.

  3. Well putting aside all the political agendas etc. etc. I live in Cambodia and I've made friends with an English guy and his Thai lady who are holidaying here. All the Khmer people here are nothing but friendly with her and they all know the latest border dispute news. The local ladies are always hugging her and there is far from any bad blood. To cut a long story short what I'm saying is that ordinary people see what they see in front of them and unless whipped up into a nationalist crowd mentality frenzy most people are essentially good inside and don't hate anyone. I just added this to put minds at rest of anyone who may be hesitant about bringing their Thai lady to Cambodia at this time. The problems have been at one border point, Not affecting anything in country in Thailand or Cambodia as far as travelers are concerned.

    By ordinary people do you mean bar girls ?

  4. The last statistics I read motor bike deaths in Pattaya average 2. 7 per week, for you boneheads that about a eleven a month, why did this one make the news ?

    Whose stats? The local governments? :lol:

    Read the local Thai papers and you will see a whole bunch more that never gets reported in the English media...even that's only the tip of the iceburg. :(

    i still remember being in the police station in Phuket ( friend had an crash) and the policeman there said there was an average of 5 DEATHS a day caused by motorbike crashes in phuket .....

    Must have gone up since I was last in the dump.

  5. OK, really makes me want to vomit that the well off can sail around the world, have fun and then expect the tax payer or the government of another country to take care of them with no expense to them selves. The planet, even me knows where NOT to sail. :)

    Small minded people with their bitching about the so called rich and that is my tax money for my nation arguments make me vomit.

    How many people in Thailand pay tax in their country of origin, and you can include Thais in that.

  6. Asia is the future imo. Western society is on the knees. These things are cyclical. Look at America and the UK in Egypt and how their governments can barely form a coherent sentence that does not contradict something else said in less than 24 hours.

    S o how do they differ from the government ?

  7. It is a nice fried egg though Tot's mate ;)

    As for the rest that may explain why the OP hasn't seen any elsewhere here. Maybe nobody here is stupid enough to want to buy it here.

    Must be an American thing ? :blink:

    The OP should be aware we're used to buying tins of corned beef without cheap potato filling. What?? he thinks we're dumb yanks or something???? :lol:

    OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVE NEVER TASTED OR YOU WOULD NOT MAKE SUCH DUMB COMMENTS,however I must add deposit money first and then get the goods but he only has 7 cans to sell and then he leaves the country, a Nigerian would be too smart to say that., take it back to wallmart and get a refund.

  8. I think this is important enough for Abhisit himself to get involved. I jest not.

    What is the biggest source of outside revenue for Thailand? Tourism.

    Pattaya is one of the 3 biggest magnets for tourist dollars in Thailand. The other two are Bkk and Phuket.

    Abhisit should personally replace ALL the top brass in the downtown police station(s) in Pattaya and Phuket. Ok, this is Thailand, so no police officer (or gov't worker) can ever be fired, so then re-assign them far away. Post haste.

    And replace them with officers who are less likely to be rotten to the core. Ok, the new batch will become rotten, but then replace them also .....and so on.

    Oh, and while you're at it, Mr. Abhisit, have outside police officers (as decent as reasonably possible) patrol the tiny little strips of sand called 'beaches' at Pattaya and Phuket, to keep Jetski criminals from continuing their extortions.

    These jetski extortions are glowing proof that the overall chief of Thai police is not doing his job. If he had a report card, he would get a solid E. Dereliction of duty.

    My freind, Pattaya is a plum posting for the BIB, for increasing their income, I believe it is not Mr Abhisits job to delegate police postings so good thinking but no chance.

  9. The BIB are just worried about another group cutting in on their action.

    The bib are being paid otherwise there would not be Russian white hookers openly working in walking street, saw a white Russian girl openly dancing in the window of a go go bar. It has been known to anyone with half a brain that the Russki mafia have been moving in for some time.

  10. met one guy in pattaya ( ken from uk ) about 9 yrs ago, he was down and out and to be fair the thai bar girls gave him a room and some food everyday, i came back home and got an email from him to say he would die out there if i couldnt get in contact with his lawyer and his sister which i did, he previously owned a bar in walking street with his thai wife but she took him to the cleaners .

    What happened after you contacted his lawyer and sister? What became of Ken?

    married a rich princess, won the lottery, inherited a fortune including an airline, had three lovely kids and then his Thai princess stabbed him.

  11. My Thai mates are trying to find the owner of the cow... I think it is a mate of my mate- he owns alot of cows around that area...

    Not trying to make excuses, but there should be a stricter enforcement of getting cows out of the road after dark- what if I was on a bike? How many other Thai kids could have gotten killed?

    Very dangerous!!!

    Yes along with a stronger enforcement on drunks like you out driving,

  12. I can't help you with your decision, no-one can, but what I will ask is have you actually warned her that her temper will force you away before long? Have you asked her if she could manage by herself? Maybe then something will click and she'll think for herself on how to manage her life. If young Thai students in the UK can do it....she can after 4 years. My assumption is that you've babied her and she's lazy to do things herself. If you don't hand information to her on a plate and just tell her how to find out, she might have started being more proactive about daily life in the UK...but at this stage you might want to make sure you set her up with everything she'll need and ask her to do things (like pay some bills, go into the bank, pay by card, renew insurance, search bus timetables etc.) so she gets in practice.

    Country Thai women are ever so gentle on the outside but have hot tempers on the inside. The very "Thai" ones have the face thing about never saying sorry or admitting they're wrong. Most give the silent treatment instead of nagging and spoiling for a fight...but in most women it's short-lived (i.e, they come out of it quickly and return to normal). The more westernised metropolitan and emotionally mature girls CAN say sorry and don't have the temper. A generalisation yes, but one which I've experienced.

    Could be she just married you for your money { wow do Thai ladies really do that } now she knows she made a mistake as all ladies really want someone they can love truly, and by the way home office statistics show that of all UK Thai marriages 80% end in divorce, this info was presented to a court by a home official at a hearing where I was present, so stop kicking youself and move on , and no not all Thai ladies are like your wife but the good ones take some finding, sorry if this is not what you want to hear, by the way how many Thai ladies do you think contribute to this site ?.

  13. Not only Thai girls disappear (not all) but they face internet and chat scam!

    I've witnessed 2 Thai friends girls who in different times were affected by chatting scam, it was always the same idiot guy from England (an immigrant by his poor English language skill) whom tried to send gifts to them later it was understood it was a scam.

    The moron is very skilled, after he gains enough trust he will offer to send very "expensive" gifts, I'm talking about a value of $5,000 and up depending on what is the target's financial capability.

    The delivery always goes through some countries and suspiciously a delivery company based in north Africa sustains the dirty game!

    Obviously the target is to steal money: suddenly the box results awaiting somewhere in North Africa or Singapore because of "unspecified" problems so the re-delivering and handling company cannot send it to the recipient unless the girl (the recipient) cash the amount of money then the sweet "lover" (the scammer) will give the money back when he the following week or month will go to Thailand to meet her honey.

    It seems that Thai girls have no chance to report the scam because it's too much complicated or because ashamed and suffering for the loss of their money.

    I still have copy of the delivering document which shows details of the scammer, delivery routes and handling and re-delivering company.

    I will post it on request.

    Sounds like a Nigerian scam to me, they are very active on Thai love links posing to be of mixed ethnicity or working there as a nurse, they are very good at this at bit more sophisticated than the usual we have 7 million from a dead prince to get out of the country, I know because I find it amusing to string them along before getting them blocked.

  14. I think some people should look at the rates of coral recovery after damage and the stats for coral reefs around the world - it makes for quite sickening reading.

    Thailand however is in particular an example of how natural resources shouldn't be managed and the result is calls for drastic action like this because no-one has bothered to do a thing about it for decades, despite the massive increase in people coming to these areas.

    Water temp can change for many reasons - and whereas pollution from nearby tourist populations is probably a contributor, one can also bet that any studies carried out have been short term and poorly executed due to the general culture of complacency in Thailand.gradually bit by bit Thailand is shitting in it's own nest and there needs to be a massive change of attitude by not just the authorities but popular awareness in general.

    The sirte mentioned here are the "jewels in the crown" of Thailand's natural marine resources, but similar damage is being done all around the country both on land and sea and the majority in thailand doesn't seem to give a shit.

    Do you seriously think any polatician gives a shit ? against money they can make feeding at the trough ?

  15. I worked as a dive Master at the Similians many years ago and as i recall divers do not use bleach.

    Its the Thai fishermen that should be banned from the Park

    All Divers are told NOT to step on the coral and most are aware of how fragile they are.

    As master diver you should appreciate that all the bimboes who do a crash course do not have your and my sense of resonsabiliy , agrre with the fishermen comment.

  16. Thai majority would take vote bribes: poll

    BANGKOK, January 16, 2011 (AFP) - Most Thai people would be willing to accept money from election candidates to buy their votes in the politically divided kingdom, according to a poll published Sunday.

    Nearly 80 per cent of the respondents admitted vote-buying took place in their communities, said the Abac poll conducted by Assumption University, whose results were published on the English-language Bangkok Post website.

    Of those surveyed, 53.2 percent said they would take such electoral bribes.

    Another 40.2 percent would not accept the money, while 6.6 per cent were non-committal, according to the survey of 2,604 eligible voters in 18 provinces of Thailand, where a national election is due some time this year.

    Nearly 70 percent of those who said they would take the bribes were from the northeast -- the heartland of Thailand's anti-government "Red Shirts" -- while the next biggest group were those in Bangkok.


    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-01-16

    How about this, The 40.2 per cent of THAIS for selling their votes go talk with the 53.2 per cent against it. Because you, and every other farang's opinion is going to make a shit's worth of difference. F.A.C.T.

    you got your numbers back to front, guess you must be a Thai with a college degree.

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