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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. No. The usual tests (FBS, HbA1c) aren't entirely accurate. Better: oral glucose tolerance test. You may, and probably do if you've just followed the crowd, have insulin resistance doing damage with no obvious indications, and it well may, owing to all the insulin spikes, eventually develop into pre-diabetes--to be avoided.
  2. The opposite. What you put on it, if low glycemic, is no problem until the conveyance is added to it.
  3. You're so right. Foreigners should be guaranteed immortality for the duration of their stay in Thailand. Should pack 'em in.
  4. So many things in life are matters of want rather than need, son. United Kingdom Beverley Folk Festival Cambridge Folk Festival Celtic Connections England's Medieval Festival Edinburgh Folk Festival Fairport's Cropredy Convention FolkEast Festival The Green Man Festival Inter Varsity Folk Dance Festival Middlewich Folk and Boat Festival Shetland Folk Festival Shrewsbury Folk Festival Sidmouth Folk Festival Soma Festival Wickham Festival Wimborne Folk Festival Wikipedia Lots of Renaissance Faires in many parts of the USA, too, the biggest of them in Texas. I went to the Bay Area version and it was great. Supposedly European, but mostly English influenced.
  5. Chinese men do hit the upscale go-gos and help drive up prices, however. It's merely part of the obsessive bigoted narrative that they don't. They stay in the better hotels and spend a lot in the malls, too. T21 has a special bus offloading area that brings in Chinese tourists all day. I'm seeing a few Chinese honeys at the beach recently, adding to the Russian population. Bring 'em on.
  6. 'Course, the deceased wasn't walking around in your country. Nobody said anything about carrying passports.
  7. Foolish politicians have. The Golden Egg Layers ran out o' them golden eggs more than a decade ago, now struggling to pay their council tax.
  8. No, THEY would as well. YOU would be remiss not to always be banging on just to be banging. And here you are ba-a-ack; time for the usual noise again.
  9. The least hardship and suffering, especially financial (schadenfreude angle), of one of "our lads," a privileged though often impecunious class, is always of intense interest on the forum and generates lots of page views (12.6k in this case), hence revenue. The readership will demand it. Now if you could somehow also injure yourself, say while rushing to meet the cancelled flight, then get your hospital bed pics posted as an innocent victim of Thailand and need a GoFundMe--that'd be perfect.
  10. We'd be remiss not to mention the oldest go go in Pattaya, the classic Tahitian Queen. Very local, clubby, retro dive atmosphere. Opens at 1 with a generous happy hour 1 - 5 PM (also 11:30 - 12:30 AM). May be somewhat crowded lately (or was the last couple of times I visited), just let a waitress guide you a good spot, either on a stool or sofa. Chris, the day manager, is quite friendly and knowledgeable. https://tahitianqueen.com/
  11. And they all have one correct pronunciation. Everyone, no. And incorrect pronunciation says something about the speaker to those who do know how to pronounce correctly. Same thing in the UK. Persist in mispronouncing a common placename to the natives, despite their condescending corrections, and you confirm to them an unfavorable impression. Tourists FOB have an excuse. And most even not FOB in Pattaya aren't the sharpest tacks in the drawer anyway, so you can't expect too much outta them, either. Those who really do know Pattaya well, or know the culture well enough to understand and speak some basic Thai, can and do pronounce it correctly at all times. Overall, I'd rank their credibility higher. Naturally, those who can't will vehemently disagree and consider themselves experts anyway. Every man's a king on his own barstool, to adapt the saying about dogs in their backyards. My point in an earlier thread that if a vlogger or other sets himself up as an ace advisor about Pattaya, his opinions can be instantly dismissed if he can't even pronounce the name of the place about which he's expounding. And that indeed proved true in the course of the vid as he reduced the entire large, diverse area to three bar scenes, and then posited a nonsense reason for the number of searches for Pattaya on TikTok. Same vlogger mangles other Thai placenames in other vids. Just trying to make a few bob, I guess. I'd say he mangles English as well for the international audience, evidently unable to speak Received Pronunciation. But homies will feel . . . well, right at home.
  12. Nobody who knows anything is going to fool around with Web Creator Pro 7. Your best bet with your limited skills will probably Wix or Squarepace. There you'll have good support. Otherwise, you can hire a contractor at, say, Fiverr after looking at ratings and reviews. Some big guns work on those freelancer sites, competitive in the public international market. You can hire contractors with different skills, such as design, graphics, and web dev at reasonable prices. Personally, I wouldn't hire a contractor or company in Thailand. Not that Thailand doesn't have good developers and quality service, but you probably won't find them accessible or affordable. Lot of dodgy companies and freelancers around, though, charging more than they're worth. But good luck.
  13. Perverse & boring. You're not seeing the larger picture and giving Pattaya the chance to show you what it can do. Get a sense of style; be celebrated; and know your final destination. Plan to fall off your Pattaya barstool, beer in hand, as rock ‘n’ roll hosannas blast from JBL speakers and black-haired angels dance half-naked over your wasted old corpse, celebrating your life, blessing your Ascension. Somebody'll blow the horn and the regulars will raise their Changs in a toast to the memory of you at your best, when you were making yourself useful by helping to end poverty in Isaan. What you wanna do is to exit Thailand without paying so much as a satang in airfares, overstay charges, or exit taxes; without, in fact, even bothering to wave your expired passport at Thai Immigration. Flip off all those brown uniforms and soar directly to that great beer bar in the sky where await music, balloons, colored lights, a cold beer Chang, and lovely smiling birds, not to mention a cheerful crowd of hail-fellow-well-met farang who've earlier also met their fates in Pattaya—from heart attacks, drug overdoses, motorbike accidents, and balcony jumps. What better company to keep throughout Eternity?
  14. Fail, childish attempt to troll Pattaya. Time for cookies & milk?
  15. Like this, you mean? Hey--I'll take Pattaya. Narongchai later wrote on his Facebook that the phenomenon occurs every year from July through September due to southwestern monsoon winds. Trash Dumped by Bangkokians Washes Up on Bang Sean Beach
  16. In Thailand, Pattaya has the greatest concentration of activities that may seem odd to you but normal to others. It's also the most convenient place to live outside of Bangkok, but in a far pleasanter, diverse, reasonably priced environment. Actually, it merely sounds like posters offering up reasons that others find it very important to deny and disparage with silly analogies to justify themselves.
  17. Even in the monger heyday, not every bar was filled in Pattaya. Probably the rose-tinted rearview mirror for those who think so. After a lot more bars were built, then even if Pattaya had the same number of tourists, TAT: TVF determined that Pattaya had now "died." Our Economists need to see a business crowded at all times to believe it's making a profit. Otherwise, it must be dying, like all the shopping malls.
  18. No. An ignorant myth, but one that will never die.
  19. Oh, it is that, 'cause they don't bother to learn how, don't care. No, it's to everybody. Here we have a vlogger speaking to an international audience with some low uncouth accent that made me cut him off after 2 minutes. Unable or unwilling to speak much more understandable Received Pronunciation. Why is that? Gordon Brown, a Scotsman, could. Not for a typical Pattaya monger's tongue, no. Has far more important uses. But it rolls off mine just fine, no problem at all. But, if it did, so what? Maybe it's a matter of "tough get going." Or maybe we've stumbled upon a simple test of literacy, education, urbanity, and IQ. Sounds no more strange in an English sentence than all those obscure UK or OZ placenames, which will be immediately, with obligatory condescension, corrected by the natives if "mispronounced." Not necessarily. Farang like to think that Thais' nodding and lauging along means they understand and really appreciate their blather and inane jokes, when in fact the Thais don't have a clue. But that's what they're being paid for. And the wrong pronunciation immediately betrays inexperience and cultural obtuseness to those who might like to take advantage of it. Useless if you don't know what it is. Might try to teach the locals the real pronunciation, though. ???? And put fellow illiterates at ease. Time for a Chang.
  20. Change lifestyle, reduce arterial stiffening, get off statins.
  21. Disappointing. Our sleuths didn't get to deem the case an insurance scam.
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