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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. And are drunk and speeding. Turning on a curve is pretty basic, innit? BTW, tats don't protect farang, either.
  2. Could also use headphones. Check in the sound config and the sound mixer. Check the device selected and different apps. If hardware/software can't be fixed, you can use an external sound card or DAC in a USB port and add external speakers.
  3. Have to keep on top of it. I do stretches daily and make sure to give attention to my rotator cuffs at the gym. Doing exercises using correct form (Athlean-X on youtube's good) and keeping the muscles all in balance around the shoulders is quite important.
  4. No. Actually, the OP is noting and attempting to explain its popularity in TikTok searches only.
  5. The TikTok survey was, yes. The way it was presented initially was misleading. So the OP did make a point to explain the survey, good. Now the content of the article clearly said the data just came from searches, but of course many just read the headlines and don't have a clue what the article actually says. It's amazing how people find jobs for themselves. Then he proceeded to pull a rather silly "reason" out of his, er, hat, reducing Pattaya to a few red-light districts, the beach and promenade to "the coconut bar." Presumably, this is all the Pattaya he and his audience know and how they regard the beach and promenade. So they're all happy now.
  6. Agreed, as I noted earlier, He does get closer than most of the vloggers, usually Brits.
  7. So then he didn't pronounce either correctly and rather bungled Buakhao as well. I'm accepting that you can do Bondi OK. This thread rather illustrates the difficulties farang have understanding subtle (or sometimes major, ha ha) differences in sounds, one reason most can't learn to speak Thai, or think they can but really can't. (Or, in the Brit case, learn to speak "posh.") Thinking now of an acquaintance who thought he could speak Thai w/o going to the bother of any study and always mangled it horribly. Thais found it very annoying. He always had a very high opinion of his abilities.
  8. Precisely my point. I'm referring to the narrator of the video.
  9. Off topic, sorry, but you Foodland shoppers who appreciate dark chocolate might take advantage of the current sale on Lindt, now B78 regularly B148 or so. Most here, as evidenced by a thread a year or two ago, not surprisingly want sweet milk chocolate, i. e. candy. Yet Dark Chocolate Intake May Reduce Fatigue and Mediate Cognitive Function and Gray Matter Volume in Healthy Middle-Aged Adults The study used higher quantities than would be normal or reasonable but is suggestive. Foodland also carries Hershey's Natural Cocoa, superior to the cheap Dutched varieties that strip out a lot of the polyphenols.
  10. And first check whether your yellow book/pink card will suffice to prove residency so you don't need a certificate.
  11. Many here don't pronounce it correctly, either, so it would sound OK. He does get closer than most of the vloggers, usually Brits. Didn't get "Buakhao" quite right, either. I watched it. He merely tried to excuse the misleading claim made in the previous article by mounting a fake investigation "uncovering" the real claim--that wasn't being concealed by TikTok. Then he exaggerated the importance of his explanation of the mistake by purporting "shock and horror" and vast "commotion" as a reason for a gratuitous, but VERY valuable, debunking of the idea that Pattaya's beach is popular only because of its beauty. But no one had been claiming that. The misleading headline successfully enticed the vast number of Pattaya experts and bashers to get their knickers in a twist and react, and now watch this vid. Not only TikTok needs page views. No. The poll shows that more people search for the Pattaya hashtag. Why so many is the real question he purports to answer but actually offers no objective data, just a claim that more people film vids of Pattaya and add the hashtag. That really doesn't account for 128.5 million views--or the 9 million tourists Pattaya received in 2019. That flub would only appeal to the naive. Note that Pattaya is reduced to WS, LK Metro, and Soi Buakhao. And NOT a beach and promenade w/ broad-based activities and appeal but "the coconut bar." Now there we have the only "sites" worth filming or looking for on TikTok.???? Obvious bias w/ appeal to a limited readership w/ narrow interests.
  12. BigStar


    An exchange more than a decade ago, probably in a yearly Doom thread: @Addicted2Pattaya, on 2008-10-13 00:39:08: If pattaya did die. where would be the next best place ? @Sommaz, on 2008-10-13 10:47:57 Heaven of course.
  13. Hadn't had a cold in years. Then after the Pfizer vax I got 2 within a few months. Go figure. I think I'm back to normal now.???? No more.
  14. Very seldom these days. Used to get it every page view. One thing I wish I'd done long ago: I bookmarked the Lazada login page and added it to my bookmarks toolbar. So I always go directly to that, bypassing all the annoying sales glitter on the homepage. Loads fast. If I don't want to login, I just search from there.
  15. OK. However, we had a thread a year or so ago from a member extremely frustrated that ophthalmologists at hsps wouldn't give him an eyeglass prescription. I can recall two I've asked in the past who said they didn't do it and suggested I see the optometrist in the hsp.
  16. Suggests visceral fat and its significance. A laudable goal. Intermittent fasting can take various forms. The eating window is easiest. I routinely try to stay within an 8-hour window, but often can't manage it. I'm not that motivated since I do low carb and my bodyfat % is relatively low anyway. I once took 4-month vacation to the States and enjoyed the hospitality of my friends the entire time, all overweight of course. That led to some unavoidable weight gain on my part as well. It was all the eating out that got to me finally. So when I returned to LOS I did 5:2 for a time and it worked quite well. My gf, who was prone to gain weight, does a water fast one day a week and eating window on other days, and she stays at fighting weight year round. Lot of info, expertise, and support here: https://reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/ https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/ Low carb, intermittent fasting, and walking + lifting is a great combo for health & fitness.
  17. However, Sheryl is suggesting an ophthalmologist for determining possible underlying conditions. Few ophthalmologists in Thailand will do an eyeglass prescription. One at PIH gave me one, and it was about the worst I've ever had. The best was from Euro Optic; but Dr. Maria won't give you an exam unless you're going to buy the glasses from her.
  18. Commentary about Pattaya from anyone who can't pronounce Pattaya can be instantly dismissed. Not surprisingly, then, the vid is based on a straw man argument, as nobody had been claiming that Pattaya is popular because of the beauty of its beach. And bungled a possible explanation of why Pattaya is so often searched on the net. Next.
  19. Me, I think the action peters out around E03 and I gave up. Awful lot of talking and arbitrary sci-fi gadgets and jargon, rather like William Gibson's novels. Stereotypical sadistic villain. Had great potential. Try these: Andor Devs Star Trek Strange New Worlds Foundation Colony Childhood's End
  20. Lazada hasn't annoyed me for months. Shopee always wants a code sent to my phone. I almost always use Lazada nowadays. Guess I'm used to the quirks, it all seems quite painless. Never a problem about deliveries.
  21. She's really excellent, but you'll have to make an appt far in advance to see her at Sirikit. I waited about 3 months, dunno if that's normal; and she was very busy on the day I finally saw her. Would be worth it to see her at her clinic, I think.
  22. Kodi has more features and options than VLC and is far more configurable. It can be extended via a vast number of addons. The media library is vastly superior to VLC's. It also has a great bookmarking function for resuming videos at various points. VLC is comparatively primitive, but it does use fewer resources. The learning curve is very short ????
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