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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Unless of course it's exercised and strength maintained. My BP and HR has stayed optimal for many years as I've aged and I need no meds at all.
  2. https://baye.com/qa-best-cardio-equipment/ Ken Cooper determined most popular, conventional thinking about cardio, but the cardiovascular system extends throughout the body, surprise. The aerobic pathway isn't more important than all the others combined and isn't isolated from all the others. Exercise only one leg and it becomes metabolically conditioned. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1748-1716.1976.tb10200.x As for the heart, it doesn't care how exactly it's being stimulated; low-intensity steady state is hardly the only way; and intensity give a lot more bang for buck. Doug McGuff has a good discussion about this in Body By Science. You might also read up on interval training starting with the McMaster U studies. Martin Gibala, one the McMaster researchers, has a book with a number of short but effective routines in The One Minute Workout. You can use weights, machines, bodyweight, super slow intensity lifting, isometrics, or timed static contractions to achieve sufficient cardiovascular fitness.
  3. Not my experience. I use Firefox Developer most of the time, no problems.
  4. Oh, just 'cause they do. You Fresh Off The Boat? I like joking with the tellers at Bangkok Bank when they tell me to pull down my mask to check the match with my passport photo. I tell them "you first" and look repeatedly at their picture name plate to check their own match. This often get a laugh, esp. if she's not a match and I object to possible fraud.
  5. 'Course, at present the dead aunties, uncles. cousins aren't in the world, technically speaking. Suddenly I'm hearing Calling Elvis.
  6. But isn't that basically what the Indian did? Police helped negotiate the amount of settlement. The "chaos" charge is trivial and isn't an offense against the victim but civil order.
  7. Edge. Who'da thunk? Friend of mine had this problem recently. I suspected he crashed his Edge by neglecting to close any tabs for months. "Repair" in the Apps and Features didn't help, though it claims it's reinstalling the browser. However, I'd made an image of his system using Macrium Reflect. Mounted the image, restored the old profile folder. No joy! What fixed the problem was also restoring the old program file folders. File corruption, unlikely but possible I guess. Probably some extra configuration files there--not worth looking into in detail. Bad, bad M'soft! Yeah, having an image or clone around can be quite handy. That said, it's well to have another browser installed. I have several. However, this means configuring the other browser as well, unless the profiles are very compatible and can be copied over. For those of us who add extensions and themes, that is.
  8. Possibly they're making an example of this guy. As Indian men are known for sexually assaulting women in India, Thai authorities may want to be sure the growing number of Indian tourists don't get the idea they can get away with it here, too, given the relatively free atmosphere of Pattaya. Many here would like to believe that "unknown circumstances" would be in the perp's favor--to denigrate the woman, portraying her as a ho', and the police, of course--but the opposite could also be true. Be nice to see the video; the police may release it at some point; but it may be thought too embarrassing to a seemingly respectable woman. Besides, a settlement has been reached.
  9. The 200k would include her compensation and the police service fee. Our shrewdest "insider" ANF Posters don't regard police service fees as service fees, however. Now they can be rather questionable sometimes.???? Not the causing chaos charge. You don't want a Thai woman getting chaotic. All the male police officers know what a menace that is. Got enough chaos as is, no? Only a little bit more, and no jail time, though.
  10. A deflection into "opinion" from a false assertion of fact. No, some things aren't part of the game at all. SHOCK. Sex capital of the world, LOL. So much nonsense.
  11. And I just informed you that they were, and if the perp doesn't think so, he can take his case to court. Perhaps you can then submit an amicus curiae. Are we all clear on that FINALLY? We got that the first time. When was that, so long ago? Yeah, life ain't fair; get used to it. I've seen far, far worse . . . .
  12. Presumably @Reigntax is not an Indian. You may ask him, if that's an issue for you. But now that you mention it, Indians are learning as well.????
  13. Depends on who's presuming. A monger, who assumes that all Thai women are prostitutes, would think so, as is very clear from so many replies here. Why aren't they offering B1000 to all the cashiers in Lotus's? But that would be obviously wrong, besides irrelevant to the case. Now one tourist has learned to adjust his thinking, anyway, and others probably as well, as word gets around. So some of our members may need to cease their groping of well-dressed office ladies on the street now. Shockingly, it was taken into consideration. You see, after taking the venue into consideration, the police, unlike our barstool judges, determined that the laws against sexual assault aren't suspended in that venue but are in fact (cough) still applicable. No doubt they checked the GPS coordinates and found that it is part of Thailand. If the perp believes the law inapplicable in that venue, he's perfectly entitled to make his case in court.
  14. Less crime now than in the old days without Indians, actually, when low life Western farang treated the entire city like a brothel in West Yorkshire.
  15. Why didn't he just pay a lawyer a starting fee of B50,000 and let the lawyers and court negotiate? Would you be happy then with the lack of what you call "diversion?" Years ago a woman faked a signature on a bill of sale for a big motorbike she owned and the DLT wouldn't accept the sale as valid. She refused further contact. I rushed to the police in Ban Bueng before she could report it stolen. Great police chief there demanded she come to the station "or else" and he negotiated a proper signature with more "or else." So funny. He showed a lot of amusing contempt for her, laughed at her lies and excuses. Asked for nothing from me. I did tip him B1000, however, best B1000 I've ever spent.
  16. And that's why they're bargirls. This is such a confusing problem for our poor farang--realizing that not all Thais are prostitutes, since that's all they meet.
  17. Most here would then sneer with outrage at the cowardly unfairness of the hiding, however, since more than one local thug would have administered it. For Thais, we demand mano a mano only, except that Brits have been known to do the same thing. While the hiding may have been gratifying, most here would agree she made out much better by going to the police. However, perhaps the local thugs can still give him a good hiding if he doesn't leave Thailand after this lesson.
  18. He had that short, fat, happy life our Lifestyle Coaches always recommend here, except it wasn't during a bonk itself, with that proverbial smile on his face. Actually, the smile is probably just wish projection.
  19. No mistake except in retrospect. I've never had any tout or perv sneak up on me from behind and grab my crotch in all the years I've lived here and often walked on WS and Soi 6 in their heyday.
  20. No, that isn't what the street is all about. Nor is it a "huge risk." And so families, average tourists, tour groups, clubbers, sightseers, and restaurant goers also go there in droves. Clubbers may NEED to walk back to their cars and bikes late, probably what the lady in question was doing--despite all our snide little implications. When they do, they should be free from being grabbed from behind, as well as from other crimes, as you'd expect for yourself. It's good the police have helped engage in some helpful "risk reduction" here, as with the gold necklace snatching recently. Word should quickly get around.???? When it does, less crime occurs. For example, it's amazing how few farang (relative to before) drive home drunk from bars now after the penalties were greatly increased and enforcement stepped up.
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