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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. One issue to be aware of now, since that's an old laptop, is to be careful not to let it hear any music by Janet Jackson. Your hard disk may crash! Janet Jackson's music video is now a vulnerability for crashing hard disks
  2. We’ve come quite a long way now. It’s only proper we pause for a moment in tribute to The Inventor who made this thread and the ongoing, ah, situation possible. Last month we neglected the anniversary of His passing. Fernando José "Corby" Corbató (July 1, 1926 – July 12, 2019), inventor of the computer password and timesharing. --https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_J._Corbató
  3. And Edge works similarly with an M'soft One Account and Firefox with a Firefox Sync account.
  4. Did you press the Check for Updates button? You can try the troubleshooter. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-update-troubleshooter-19bc41ca-ad72-ae67-af3c-89ce169755dd Could be a previous update failed to install properly. Look at your Updates history, maybe uninstall a couple, and then do the Check. Windows Update isn't perfectly reliable and a source of monthly annoyance, yes. Had a big problem about a year ago--for no reason, of course--and it was a PITA to fix, had to go medieval on it. If it were any computer other than mine, I would have just held my nose and reinstalled. Linux users commonly point to smooth Linux updating as one of the reasons they like Linux. Yes, SO much better.
  5. No, read the OP before posting. It really is mind-boggling to our poor Brits that not everyone wants to watch streamed UK TV.???? WOT? Deprived souls. I do exactly as the OP. In fact, little content of any kind I want to watch is streamed. Even if it is at the present time, it may not be in the future where I can find it easily. I prefer watching via a media player like Kodi, stopping and resuming at will. I may also want to keep it my media library. So, OP, with Android, unlike WDTV (not Android), you can set up sharing with your PC and easily copy/paste files to your USB drive attached to the box. Or you can install an FTP server on your box and transfer files via FTP. Finally, you can download files directly to your USB using an Android bitorrent client. Keep at it. Your TX6, after you grow accustomed to it, is gonna be SO much better than that primitive WDTV. You got a lot of mileage outta yours. Mine died more than 10 years ago and I'm glad it did.
  6. GPUs Likely to Reach Pricing Nadir in a Few Weeks But in Thailand? Wait and see.
  7. Among others I sometimes help out a couple of computer illiterate old geezers when they have problems with their computers. One adamantly refuses to use any password other than his fave, which looks like ‘eeee33’ because of the proximity of the keys on the keyboard, accessible with one finger. He’s been using it for years and can remember it. Case closed. The other can’t remember any passwords whatsoever and will lose any paper he writes them down on, so he relies on old passwords that his Chrome browser fortunately saved for him years ago. I did a backup for him.???? For an average Joe Bloggs, not yet demented but unable to handle any task more complex than estimating a bar tab, the Firefox or Edge password managers might be sufficient (wait!) because they’ll allow the addition of a master password to decrypt. They’ll suggest and generate secure passwords, sync across devices, and of course autofill. Edge, BTW, justly scorned when it first appeared, graduated to become a serious mainstream competitor. If I’m somehow roped into setting up a new Windows installation for a J. B., I’ll just sigh! go ahead and use Edge as the default browser--after configuring it best I can for privacy and adding the URL for Google USA as the default search engine. Simpler, less support going forward.
  8. Bitwarden. Free, multiple browsers and devices. A lot of Lastpass users including me migrated to Bitwarden after the rules change.
  9. Aomei is more intuitive. I used for a while, but then got annoyed at the frequent updates accompanied by exhortations to upgrade. Still, OK, but finally an update made it start hanging during a clone. Gave up. Absolutely. I'm quite reasonably sure the drive has no malware before I clone it. My data's on a separate HDD; I do a nightly automatic backup of that to another HDD. Once a month or so I back it all up to another external HDD as well. So I still have files going back to the mid-1980s. Why? No reason, just for having. One can of course be extremely anal retentive when it comes to backups, and various strategies with schedules have been formulated for ultimate safety. All to the good; I approve. But, everything considered, and from a long historical perspective, I doubt I myself need do more.
  10. Emilia Clarke in Game Of Thrones
  11. Just so many in American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story I can't decide. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5968748/ It's actually pretty good in its way. The ex-Playmates did a real hit job on him in a more recent series, now that he's gone. Like watching the proverbial train wreck. OK, HH may be been a bit insensitive.????
  12. I image my lesser-used machines, Linux and Windows. I regularly clone my main SSD disk, using a removable SSD in a mobile rack, so that if it goes down for any reason I can be back up and running in 5 minutes with nothing of importance lost.
  13. Already noted above: The keys mostly aren't pirated, just "repurposed" in a way M'soft didn't fully anticipate and of course doesn't like, hence calling it piracy.
  14. The drug of choice, alcohol, confers remarkable expertise and authority in most matters here on the forum.
  15. Sounds like the classic issue of insulin not being well-regulated. Now that I think back, I can't remember having that problem w/ small portions in Thai restos for many years.
  16. Forgot to mention +stretching - 20 min a day; even more boring than exercise, so I wouldn't do it if I didn't find it helpful. Sometimes combine w/ a bit of foam rolling. +mobility exercise - maybe once or twice a week on off days. Quite important for older folks, complements strength training well to help maintain good balance and movement control. Falls a leading cause of injury and accidental death; not surprising we see in the news how another expat has hit the ground hard.
  17. I've often said that LSD should be available for the purpose, administered under therapeutic conditions, of course. Enable those terminal to live several more lifetimes before their final departure. Now that Thailand seems to be moving more into the international assisted living market, enhanced end-of-life therapy could lend considerable appeal.
  18. I might do that, depending on what's available. 'Course, it's easy to get full, or rather, satiated, on low carb. The uninformed think "full" means huge quantity, distended belly, etc. I'd however choose the nutrient-rich carbs rather than the low value "filler" that'll just spike the insulin. Only rational. ????
  19. I've never had a weight problem. Did the carbs when you were pre-pubescent, did the research as it became available, moved on to something better. Quick "works" check: what's that TG/HDL ratio again?
  20. Oh, you DO. Harumph! I'm glad the Pattaya girls let you know they were out of that antiquated little hierarchy at least where you're concerned. Good on 'em. You gettin' wai'd enough now? All comfy? Pointless, as it would be as invalid as a number of your misconceptions that've been corrected over the course of at least two threads. Bar people often do, Thais often do, farang often think the same about Thais, Brits about Americans, so it goes. Get over it.
  21. If you look into it, I think you'll find that low carb has the advantage when it comes to the visceral fat and the TG/HDL ratio and the LDL particles tend more towards the smaller. We have the idea it's all about weight. There's more.????
  22. Advising that he's bound to find some among the many Swedes, so no need to be discouraged. You go for a swim at that HH beach today?
  23. Already mentioned for you here at length:
  24. In fact I did have a laugh. But then you moved on to your real goal with some nonsense: HH > Pattaya.
  25. Ah, right, you were advising for a fellow HH resident. ????
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