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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. BigStar


    If you look further into it, I think you'll find that unbleached paper filters recommended as the healthiest option. The downside is of course the coffee doesn't taste as good without as much cafestol and kahweol. Funny 'bout that. Well, I don't feel I need much worry about this; obviously, it would be the least of worries for most members here.
  2. Or most Brits, if English and with Received Pronunciation. Local dialect and footie culture, no problem.
  3. Friend of mine in BKK has the TP-Link router and a True Maxspeed SIM. Worked quite well for him during the months he used it, recently.
  4. Look for suitable extensions in the webstore. Duplicate finder, organizer, etc.
  5. Funny how we always single out Thailand while ignoring the same thing in Western countries. Felix Gottschalk and his colleagues at ETH Zurich, a Swiss research university, designed a test to measure “overtreatment recommendations.” They sent a man in his 20s with relatively perfect teeth and a recent X-ray to 180 local dentists for a recommendation and a cost estimate. The patient had a superficial cavity on one tooth, which the Swiss Dental Guidelines recommend should only be brushed regularly and checked again in a year, not filled. Result: 28 percent of dentists (50 out of 180) recommended treatment; the average quote was about $550. The cost of the diagnostic visit ranged from $0 to $217. --28% of Swiss dentists recommend unnecessary fillings
  6. BigStar


    'Course, you can also throw a paper filter in there if you like. Unbleached, of course. Buy in bulk on Lazada.
  7. Yeah, miss my old friends who ate themselves to an early grave sitting in their recliners. So do their extended families. Selfish of them. Our Life Coaches will immediately chortle, "died happy!" but they missed an awful lot they might have enjoyed even more than Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. If only they'd known the joy of hating Trump, for example, which so many live for. Might have started them dieting in anticipation. ???? Well, I'm glad to have remained above ground. Do not go gentle and all that. It's a challenge, to be sure.
  8. Sounds like a pretty good lady. After you're all cleared out and left her the house and vehicles, would you mind giving out her number by PM to some interested guys here who don't need to talk international politics or world news with a gf or wife? Maybe look at their previous posts for a sanity check or otherwise pre-screen.
  9. https://thailandlife.info/how-to-get-from-pattaya-to-aranyaprathet-near-cambodia-border-crossing/
  10. BigStar


    Way to go. French press, a cleanup needed. Coffee machines, too much plastic. Boncafe, good value at Makro, good 'nuff. Ground, no fooling around. Metal dripper, drip directly into big mug.
  11. We had a little thread about that recently: which covers the nicer gyms, and not the hotel gyms. The Centara Grand gym is really nice, for example.
  12. Ah, sweet foolishness.???? Rabbits, anyone?
  13. Living on the beach in Pattaya????? Hittin' the gym this afternoon, then having a fine massage by some lovely ladies. Sorry! Keep sweating to make it back to la la land.
  14. We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. --Viktor Frankl Happily, mental illness is covered by the findings of ANFP Longevity Science. 10. What, me worry? III: The French Salute Woe is me; g'bye cruel world. Bosses shat on me; ex-wife shat on me; pretty girls ignore me. That's IT; I'm totally bug.gered! I can't exercise, read Thoreau, garden, find hobbies, join a support group, volunteer, take up yoga, join an exercise class, talk to a therapist, enjoy local scenery, play video games, find any friends, learn any new skills, study Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, get into art appreciation, go around doing good deeds, or write anything but cynical and solipsistic posts on ANF. Which don’t help neither. All I am now is few old taste buds and a daily bowel movement. I'm even helpless when it comes to following any delicious low carb recipes or taking pleasant walks. So, ain't gon' do a d.a.mn thing for myself. I'm just gon' sit here in my same old bathwater and cry until I reach that Pies and Pastry Shop In The Sky. Or, that Heavenly Pattaya Beer Bar, where await music, balloons, colored lights, a cold beer Chang, and lovely smiling birds, not to mention a cheerful crowd of hail-fellow-well-met farang who'd earlier also met their fates in Pattaya—from heart attacks, drug overdoses, motorbike accidents, and balcony jumps. Yet . . . Sixty-five to 79 is the happiest age group for adults, according to Office for National Statistics research. The survey of more than 300,000 adults across the UK found life satisfaction, happiness and feeling life was worthwhile all peaked in that age bracket, but declined in the over-80s. . . . The over-90 age group reported by far the lowest levels of feeling their life was worthwhile, even though their reported levels of happiness and life satisfaction were comparable to those in their 20s and 30s. --https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-35471624 What makes seniors happy? Health diet and exercise are two important factors. WOT? You seem to have the cart before the horse. . . . happy seniors had less trouble getting up, dressing, or taking a shower, as opposed to unhappy seniors who were twice as likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and strokes. More: The Way of Living: Being Happy and Healthy at an Old Age
  15. She has never had any intelligent conversation with you. Sounds like her topics are inherently more interesting and useful than whatever opinionated blather you have to offer about international politics and world news. Reminds me of that old song by The Pretenders: . . . the news of the world Got in the house like a pigeon from hell, oh oh oh oh Threw sand in our eyes and descended like flies Put us back on the train Oh, back on the chain gang How about get into the character study of the relatives and neighbors? Probably a great novel to be written there, like The God of Small Things. Those relatives and friends may form the basis for a great literary masterpiece. Start off with something like Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Get extremely fluent in Thai and you could enlighten her about aspects of Thai culture, including of course Thai cuisine, that she'd probably be interested to know. To her great relief, no doubt. You don't appear to have done much to narrow that distance. Leave her the car or truck, too. If you're in love, whatever your partner says is interesting. Nor should the relationship depend on exchanging hot air about topics having no relevance to your personal lives, especially when, come down to it, you'd demand she agree with you, merely echo your opinions. How silly. And it's doubtful you could cope with a woman more educated and intelligent than yourself who'd disagree with your "politics" and point out your mistakes. Why didn't you marry an Oxford grad when you had the chance? WOT? Well, who knows, you may come to miss those little "stupid" things she said, realize that in those days when you were hearing them from her, you were in a good place. A few of our less superficial members can probably remember the charm of an old love's chatter. Enjoy the loneliness and talking to yourself.
  16. BigStar

    Pattaya Gyms

    But the likelihood is that the OP isn't living in a penthouse, given that Coco's gym is beyond his price range.
  17. And the West wants you to go back to la la land, too. Same reason, I suppose, only in reverse.
  18. Rather puts the lie to the old saying, "Two heads are better than one." So much simplistic binary thinking. Answer: both, taking advantage of the synergism of diet and exercise. But you're no athlete and never will be. Yeah, we're always hearing examples quoted of athletes, bodybuilders, and Olympians that haven't the slightest relevance here. Professional or extreme sports involve higher risks, obviously. Their purpose isn't fitness per se. Some years ago, a poster here determined that instead of giving up his beloved pasta to lose weight, he'd become an ultramarathoner. He began seriously training and posted a few glowing progress reports. But only for a time, before he, ah, disappeared. Maybe a man's reach shouldn't exceed his grasp after all. Now exercise might mitigate the effects of some congenital or pre-existing conditions, or it might exacerbate them, sometimes fatally, as it did with Jim Fixx, previously overweight and a heavy smoker. He'd postponed checkups and ignored warning signs. But Jim Fixx (or others) might have died prematurely anyway. How would you know that his athleticism still didn't prolong his life beyond what it would have been? Well, you dunno that. 'Course, he did die doing what he loved. Our peanut gallery certainly approves of that, except they'd wish it had been during a bonk. It's here that comprehensive health checkups become useful. Intelligent advice for the unfit to exercise is always prefaced with "first, get clearance from your doctor." BTW, this argument is one of the typical findings of ANF Poster Longevity Science always presented. 4. The Guys I know some guys who seemed healthy but have already died. We have no idea how healthy The Guys really were. They weren't overweight or by much, certainly not relative to you, LOL. We didn't see the medical history or the blood reports or the scans; many didn't even have the scans that would reveal preventable issues. The reverse is 3. The Relative A relative of mine did nothing special and lived to 95. I probably will too. No, you won't. Scientists reported on Tuesday that genes accounted for well under 7 percent of people’s life span, versus the 20 to 30 percent of most previous estimates. -- https://www.statnews.com/2018/11/06/life-span-genes-ancestry-database/ You've arrived at one of the fundamental principles of ANF Poster Longevity Science, devoted to finding justifications to avoid dieting and exercise in favor of pursuing docs and meds--though the latter consequence is, for some reason, always ignored: indeed, posters, such as the OP himself, generally refuse to reveal the list of meds they're taking. In the minds of our Researchers, they're avoiding life-draining Stress by doing nothing.???? Seriously. But while you're in good company here (the applause is deafening), you've missed the point. The point is to prolong the period in which you don't wish you were dead (that is, fighting with debilitating chronic diseases, frailty, and cognitive decline) while you postpone and shorten the period in which you do. Ironically, our Longevity Researches are actually increasing the probability of an earlier beginning to that miserable period of sitting in the bedsit in front of the telly. And, as well, the probability it will extend over a longer percentage of their lifetimes. Rather like this: If interested, you can google around and read up more on compression of morbidity. We do have a number of Believers in the convenience of Genetics Voodoo here, however. To avoid Stress, they'll discount the probabilities based on scientific evidence. So you might just keep it to yourself.
  19. ???? Spot on. Prevention + address the causes = avoid the need for docs and all those meds in the first place. Stay healthy, stay mobile, look and feel younger than your years. Never too late to start, but the earlier the better. It's a lot harder to start than maintain, BTW. Sometimes posters will assert "I eat a healthy diet" or "I exercise plenty in my garden," but then it turns out they actually have underlying preventable conditions for which they're poppin' pills. In fact, diet's not healthy as it needs to be, amount and type of exercise insufficient. Some important numbers needed (undistorted by meds): Parenthetically, I wouldn't expect much education and encouragement coming from the new UK health minister, Thérèse Coffey. More of the same, Big Pharma in the lead:
  20. BigStar

    Pattaya Gyms

    To improve balance, though seemingly not a concern for the OP, you need to exercise for balance, meaning challenge. Walking on the softest sand you can find on the beach is both safe and helpful. Constant adjustments needed, strengthens muscles involved and trains brain. Lazada also sells balance boards for practice at home. They're effective if used consistently.
  21. BigStar

    Pattaya Gyms

    True. Foldable exercise bike or rowing machine better.
  22. I doubt the thoroughness of your "investigation." The purpose of your post seems mainly to reassure yourself that moving back to Switzerland to take advantage of "free" medical care will ensure your greater longevity, despite a recent negative indicator to the contrary. Other posters here have assured you that they know of plenty of people who've died in their 70s or younger despite their enjoying the best of medical care. I certainly do, including in Thailand. What they had in common was poor health caused by factors such as smoking, drinking, eating poorly, being overweight and never exercising. Playing the lottery of docs, meds, and surgeries did keep most of them (not all) alive into their 60s--or even into their early 70s without the smoking and drinking. Meds may do that, or somewhat better. At age 50, women who didn’t adopt any of the five healthy habits were estimated to live on average until they were 79 years old and men until they were 75.5 years. In contrast, women who adopted all five healthy lifestyle habits lived 93.1 years and men lived 87.6 years. Independently, each of the five healthy lifestyle factors significantly lowered the risk of total death, death from cancer, and death from heart disease. --Healthy habits can lengthen life Problem is that docs and meds don't cure but merely treat the symptoms of the conditions arising from an unhealthy lifestyle. You know, the increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels, frailty, gout, etc. ANF Poster Longevity Science, ever mindful to protect complacency, defends the common view that these suddenly appear out of nowhere owing to the malign operation of Genes or Fate. What to do? Docs and meds.???? Coincidentally, the Swiss guy I knew living in my building in Pattaya kept his weight down, exercised regularly at local gyms, and lived to about 95. Misery in a bedsit by the telly forecast by our Life Coaches? Hardly. He lived in his nice condo with a classy, very attractive Thai lady in her late 30s, his caretaker and lover until prostate cancer finally got him. I hope he left her well off; I'm sure he did, good man.
  23. Obviously not. Let me not get started on the cognitive issue again. The poster claimed that Naklua is like a desert for western food. But most of the world accept that bratwurst and pizza have been--for quite some time, in fact--notably characteristic Western food, Germany and Italy long regarded as European countries. As noted, Naklua has plenty of German and Italian restos serving said dishes and more. Schnitzel, for example, which I bought some time ago at Bei Gerhardt for my friend Hans. He indeed considered it German, and therefore, Western, food. Shockingly, he doesn't at all regard Naklua as a desert for Western food. On the contrary.???? I guess the problem here is that our Brit provincials who've washed up in Pattaya think that the only Western food is proper baked beans on toast, the shortage of which Cheap Charlies will now remedy in Naklua. It's rather like their difficulty in conceiving that not everyone wants to watch UK streaming TV.
  24. In Naklua, they originate in the obvious number of Italian and German restos. If you can't find them, visit First Optic for an inexpensive eye test.
  25. Register at Banglamung Hospital using your pink card. Then keep your Banglamung card uppermost in your wallet. ????
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