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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. As Obama said, "Don't Underestimate Joe's Ability To F*** Things Up."
  2. True, many Dems are increasingly upset, now that Kamala's on the downswing and her weakness as a DEI VP clear, that Biden didn't resign earlier. Not to fee Kamala but to have more time to hold a primary and find a better candidate. Even Newsom--slick, phony used car salesman that he is--would have had a better chance at beating Trump.
  3. Never mind, as now it seems OK. Go figure.
  4. Probably a Trump supporter. Enjoying the show is more the norm: FLASHBACK: Txxx Tim Walz Watches Minneapolis Burn: 'We Were Ordered Not to Do Anything'
  5. But to MSNBC and the Earthly queens of The View.
  6. Payback to Kamala and the DNC? Timed it just right to steal the spotlight from Kamala's big closing argument speech at the Ellipse.
  7. With the new theme, embedded links to X.com tweets are no longer displaying, e. g, Now I'm seeing only blank space, on both Firefox and Chrome. Yet the link is still in the source: <div class='cPost_contentWrap'> <div data-role='commentContent' class='ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsPadding_bottom ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'> <div class="ipsEmbeddedOther" contenteditable="false"> <iframe allowfullscreen="" data-embedid="embed9120135476" style="height:656px;" data-embed-src="https://aseannow.com/index.php?app=core&amp;module=system&amp;controller=embed&amp;url=https://x.com/i/status/1851367766994964983"></iframe> </div> Please fix.
  8. But hypocritically as usual for a liberal, you didn't read Meet the Real Fascists: How the Left became the very thing it most feared and fact check later, right? "Course, your fact checkers are mostly corrupt now, too. Again, this explains your problem.
  9. The stealthy something it did was to provide for legalizing and granting citizenship to millions of new Democratic Party voters.
  10. It's sad what a leftist propaganda mouthpiece Wikipedia has become. Used to be great. You'll find it's remarkably pro-Hamas now. 🙂 All in the name of DEI, of course. The rewriting and revisionism is positively Orwellian.
  11. So you fell for the fake news spin, of course. Worked. But if you look closely, you'll find them admitting the gaffe then blaming Trump for laughing at it. And what "grace" do they give Trump? LOL. Trump entertaining: (You may have to login to Twitter to see videos on Twitter, but you should be logged in, anyway. Don't worry, there's a lot of leftist cr*p on there to suck right up; you'll love it.)
  12. Race baiters as in Trump haters using any excuse to falsely portray Trump and his supporters as racists, as you are here. Are you going to need help exiting your off-topic loop? I realize you can't help yourself when you're wound up over the illusion du moment. It's readily at hand.
  13. Look no further for the reason you don't know anything. "If liberals cared about ideas or knew any facts, they would cease being liberals. Liberalism thrives on ignorance."
  14. According to leftist race baiters, of course, while ignoring "racist" jokes and blackface for the liberal audience. Minorities at the rally itself didn't think so. But Getting back to the topic of Biden's--the Unifier--unconcealed hate:
  15. Try blocking the ad so that it doesn't even come up.
  16. Actually it's great theater and trolling of Biden, tops the trolling of Harris' lie about working at McDonald's. Crowd thought it was hilarious, and his account of staging it and wearing the vest to the rally was hilarious as well. Got millions in free media publicity outta these stunts. And he neatly reversed and leveraged to his advantage liberals' phony outrage at a poor joke by a comedian while calling more attention to Biden's gaffe and liberals' hyprocisy and lying about that. Totally predictable that our Joy Behars would try to dump on this amusing stunt--one measure of its effectiveness--but in fact it was brilliant.
  17. Am I Racist? What serial killer wore long hair with a man bun? Gets good reviews and favorable receptions at theaters. Hilarious movie. Well worth the watch and everyone should see it. This movie is excellent. My wife and I saw it over the weekend, and we haven't laughed this much in a long time at the theatre. We both thought it was hilarious. It's also great to watch it in theaters because watching it with a crowd just enhances the experience. Everyone was laughing the whole time There are some really hilarious scenes and some good chuckles throughout. A recommended watch. Brilliantly sarcastic take on the racism and hate industry This is the first movie in a long time where the arguments being presented are so absurd - so logically cork screwy -that laughter rolled through the cinema. . . . This film sets out to show the DEI industry (and cult) in all its intellectual shoddiness.
  18. I haven't encountered any such clerks where I didn't expect to.
  19. Wrong. The point is that we now got millions of illegals in the USA who didn't get the memo, thanks to Biden/Harris. By not enforcing laws, Biden/Harris took away many citizen's rights to life, liberty, and happiness.
  20. Joy Behar called for a list of the people who attended former President Donald Trump’s Sunday rally at Madison Square Garden, which she referred to as a “Nuremberg Rally.” There it is. Start of the roundups and internments.
  21. A must-read for our phony leftist "democracy" supporters: Meet the Real Fascists: How the Left became the very thing it most feared Not that you'll read anything but fake news.
  22. YES. Kalama, preying on all those childless cat ladies. Sleeper army to be invoked when she loses, joining Antifa on the front lines.
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