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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Fortunately, Thailand made a wise decision here in the best interests of Thais.
  2. Those got lost along the way somewhere. Most of our Harris supporters pee sitting down. I'd call it more a matter of incorrigible self-defeating stubborn perversity. We'll see more of the same. The good news is they got Orange Man to demonize for the next four years and cheer on the Dems' attempts to obstruct, hoax, impeach, lie, and entangle him in more lawfare.
  3. It's all very simple and has been explained to you before. Since you refuse to believe it, why not just buzz off and stay out of these threads? If the people in charge had done a halfway decent job with the country they inherited, if they've cared about anything other than themselves, even for just a moment, Donald Trump would still be hosting "Celebrity Apprentice," but they didn't. Instead, they were incompetent and narcissistic and cruel and relentlessly dishonest. They wrecked what they didn't build. They lied about it. They hurt anyone who told the truth about what they were doing. That's true. We watched. America is still a great country, the best in the world. But our ruling class is disgusting. A vote for Trump is a vote against them. That's what's going on in that picture. That's what's going on in this country. --What Butler rally tells us about Trump and his support Here, just for you:
  4. I don't. But you've misunderstood the point. "The Thai language" is in a different category from the Taglish being referred to. I also find that accent exceedingly annoying for some reason. Thaiglish is much pleasanter and often really cute. To make matters worse, Filipinas talk too much in that accent.
  5. Your recommendation is inaccurate. I'm going by the latest recommended standard. The standard doesn't depend on a particular study or doc as you believe. It depends on what recognized, established organizations accept. In 2017, new guidelines from the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and nine other health organizations lowered the numbers for the diagnosis of hypertension (high blood pressure) to 130/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and higher for all adults. --https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/reading-the-new-blood-pressure-guidelines I think you confuse "average" with "recommended," that is, desirable. But you may continue strongly to insist on your own standard, at least for yourself. I'm following the guidelines above, without meds, and suggest others try to do so as well.
  6. I've been known to use a video editor to hide them behind a black rectangle. Other subtitles then can be placed over them, either embedded or external if precisely positioned. Not worth it unless really needed for some reason, and certainly not if you've got a whole series to do, IMO.
  7. Pattaya Memorial is private.
  8. No. Elevated blood pressure is defined as a systolic pressure between 120 and 129 with a diastolic pressure of less than 80. High blood pressure is defined as systolic pressure of 130 or higher, or a diastolic pressure of 80 or higher For older adults, often the first number (systolic) is 130 or higher, but the second number (diastolic) is less than 80. This problem is called isolated systolic hypertension and is due to age-related stiffening of the major arteries. It is the most common form of high blood pressure in older adults and can lead to serious health problems in addition to shortness of breath during light physical activity, lightheadedness upon standing too fast, and falls. --High Blood Pressure and Older Adults
  9. Makes sense. Mongers would use them for short times. Having toilets at the shops is viable.
  10. Not very good, unfortunately. Too low budget. Good settings at the beginning that recall the era. No copyrighted Beatles music. Too much compression. Notably deviates from history, really a work of fiction. Poor casting, though the lead did as well as he could w/ the material. Jay Leno as Ed Sullivan was the worst. Actress playing Cilla Black did so very convincingly and gave the movie one of its best little moments. Liked the recognition given her from the beginning as the coat check girl at the Cavern, though it was unhistorical to have the Beatles call attention to her at their first meeting w/ Brian in their "dressing room." Great to have Brian and his contribution remembered, and hardcore Beatles fans should watch it, perhaps with remote in hand to skip over less savory parts. I suspect interest in him will never support a large budget movie. As a star, Cilla Black got this 3-part series, so much better: Cilla We do have this documentary: The Brian Epstein Story which looks pretty good and is available. I think I'll download and watch it. The Beatles are in for some quality treatment: Sam Mendes to Direct Four Separate Beatles Movies on Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr
  11. I doubt you "delete' embedded hardcoded subs, but you can remove them via cropping. In Kodi you can simply deselect a soft subtitle track for another, and select English as default in the player's subtitle options. Deleting the other files makes more sense when you have an entire series to deal with. However, if they're in mkv format, then you'll have to go thru each file w/ an MKV tool or convert them w/o the subtitles. A small issue is that downloaded subtitle files may contain some lines of advertising that get old every time you watch a new episode in a series. I use TextCrawler to remove all those in batch. Occasionally, the downloaded subtitles are out of sync or missing. Sync can often be dealt with easily enough in Kodi but in the worst cases will require getting out a subtitle editor. If missing, then you're back to the embedded subtitles. These can be extracted so that Kodi can apply your preferred formatting, but that's probably too much work when it comes to a series, if you're as lazy as I am. Ran across the issue in a 3-season series recently.
  12. If an issue is found at the store, they'd replace it with another one on the spot. I don't know about their policy about defects discovered after the phone's left the store. I'm sure there is one of some sort, but we'd need definite information. I don't think so, as you paid for a working phone in the store, but they themselves found that they didn't deliver a working phone. It's not like you broke it in the store after you bought it. To verify that your new phone is in good working order and set up for immediate use.
  13. No, the point is to find a possible fault before the phone leaves the store and also set it up. If there's a fault out of the box in the phone you ordered--which would have been detected at the store--you'll have to go through the bother of returning it and getting a new one and then go through, or attempt to go through, your check and setup again. The question really isn't mainly about your losing money. In the time you've taken to post here, Studio 7 could have set up at least 3 phones for you. I agree it's unlikely the ordered phone from Apple with be defective, but--shock!--it can be. If you look on the 'net, you'll find plenty of users reporting issues with their new iPhones out of the box. So you'll find support pages like this: How to fix iPhone 16 Pro Max Stuck on Setup? If your iPhone won't turn on or is frozen Now, I don't care in the least where you buy your phone. Since you posted your complaint, I'm merely pointing out, for your edification, that a store's rational policy, which might even have benefitted you, isn't "bonkers" merely because you don't like it. Please inform us of the store's bankruptcy in the near future.
  14. You wish, but in fact they can sell cases and accessories for phones bought elsewhere. Reasonable store policy for ensuring goods leaving the store are in good working condition and already set up, so avoiding later ignorant customer complaints that something doesn't work; and distinguishing customer misuse, and spurious accusations resultant therefrom, vs. an original fault with the phone. Saves time and money. Takes little time to perform a quick check & setup; I'd guess most customers appreciate it or in any case don't mind. If you don't see that, then it's merely because you stubbornly refuse to, a not atypical forum poster behavior. The real issue is that you just don't like the policy. THANK GOD. How ironic, though, if it's DOA or has some issue that compels you to return it.
  15. To demonstrate exceptional shrewdness regarding the wily behavior of Thais. +1 in forum cred w/ the peanut gallery. Remain vigilant!
  16. Police: Bath man arrested, attacked stranger for Trump hat
  17. Company policy they're obligated to follow, business is good, don't really care, up 2 u. No one's uncomfortable except the occasional bothersome farang oddball who happens to wander in, who in turn would make them uncomfortable.
  18. Yes, the logic is that they need to check it themselves to verify its working condition before it leaves the store with the consumer. Best not to trust the consumer to do the check first, as he may not know what he's doing and just create confusion. He also doesn't know the checklist the store follows. He can check after their check. It's quite helpful as they can do it much faster in Thai because they're Thais. It's not necessary to do it in English. Same checks, Thai or English. Nothing illogical, for the reason above. After the setup, they change the language to English for you. No. You walk out of the store with a device that's been tested and verified as working, not something that may have problems out of the box, might not even boot. The store also has that verification. Too much paranoia here as usual. Try buying a phone at a USA Verison store in a sealed box w/ no check or setup. OMG.
  19. Bigoted, paranoid nonsense.
  20. It's one of the persistent forum myths that Thais are reading comments here. They never have, and don't. If so, then you should worry about the constant bigoted, negative, Thai-bashing comments. Negative comments about negative farang behavior they can understand and agree with, happy that farang aren't supporting such behavior, as indeed they often do with a barrage of excuses and whataboutism. Negative comments from farang about negative behavior by other farang makes things go better. Thais can be a little more reassured that good farang recognize and condemn the problem and don't encourage other farang to do the same.
  21. No, simply means the normal good foreigners also don't think highly of the bad foreigners. Nor should they.
  22. ESU pricing announced. 1 year only, for now anyway. Want to keep getting Windows 10 updates? It’ll cost you $30
  23. It wasn't actually a gaffe, though he walked it back later by "clarifying." He simply said what he truly believes and what his Dem supporters believe. They love it! Just the latest in a long list of slurs on his part and that of other Dems. WATCH: Focus group uses dials to react in real time to President Biden's 'garbage' comments But it did steal Kamala's spotlight and generated a lot of noise from the right, so he wimped out of course. No surprise here, really. See the same thing from our leftists on the forum. Love that name-calling, demonization, and preening themselves on their superiority. Amazing how a country led by such educated, highly inteliigent, righteously virtuous elites could have left the country in such a mess. That Kamala promises to make worse, can't think of a thing she'd have done differently. Quite right, ironically. We're doing our best to excuse Biden's hate, WH released a phony transcript, media's working overtime. Trump made the spin a lot harder by creating some great, laughable theater out of it. Hee.
  24. Misquoted in the transcript, yes. You've cluelessly sucked up a lie as usual, because you needed to. In an email viewed by Fox News Digital, a supervisor sounded the alarm on the White House press office's "breach of protocol and spoilation of transcript integrity between the Stenography and Press Offices." Director of White House Stenography Amy Sands also reprimanded the White House press office after the debacle, writing in an email, "After last night's process, our team would like to reiterate that rush drafts/excerpts the Stenography Office sends to assist the Press Office are not intended for public distribution or as the final version of the transcript. "Please avoid sharing rush drafts/excerpts, which are subject to review and might create confusion among staff, media, --White House altered Biden's 'garbage' transcript despite concerns from stenographers
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