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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Monk fruit sweetener has got good press. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/monk-fruit-sweetener/?q=monk+fruit+sweetener&_keyori=ss&sugg=monk+fruit+sweetener_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true I tried it. While it was OK, it wasn't appealing enough to me to buy more of it. Don't desire sweetener, really, having been on low carb for many years.
  2. Merely an ironic catchphrase created years ago by Pattaya trolls and now conveniently exploited for page view marketing purposes. The peanut gallery falls for it every time.
  3. Feels like a big cloud has lifted and the sun's finally coming out. And it's another good day to be at the beach in Pattaya.
  4. Turns out Michael Cohen isn't either, LOL. Now here's an average leftist actually going to move abroad.
  5. Reading today that Kamala had to pay Oprah $1 million to interview her, calling it "journalism."🤣 Oprah so concerned to "save democracy," LOL. Paid advertiser.
  6. I'd then say it sometimes often worked, partly depending on location, and it was quite convenient for those for whom it did work. If I were one of the unfortunates, no. If one of the fortunate, yes, with caveats. Ridiculous. You'd change methods of banking with the particular branch if you needed to use that branch. As for Immigration, you'd mail in your report or visit the office, as I have on occasion. One way or the other, you'd complete your report and get the slip. Yawn. You're merely childishly exaggerating (par for the course here) your personal dissatisfaction with online reporting into a blanket "utterly useless" description for everyone, which it most definitely isn't. Next.
  7. Since Immigration succeeded in providing an online supporting system reliable for many others, and may therefore be accounted among its many partial successes, then Immigration isn't totally useless. Next.
  8. Good article on Fox today from DNC National Finance Committee member and Harris campaign fundraiser Lindy Li claiming, or admitting, that Biden's immediate Harris endorsement was a poison pill: The Democratic Party official began by suggesting that Harris becoming the nominee was a bad choice instigated by President Biden to tank the party’s chances against Trump in revenge for pushing him out of running. She mentioned that if Trump was such "an existential threat" to America, like Democrats had been saying, they should have had a process of voting on Biden’s successor, "instead of just coronating somebody." "I actually think President Biden, you know, the whole endorsing her thirty minutes after he dropped out, I think that was a big F you to the party," she said. --Harris surrogate gives firsthand account of the ‘epic disaster’ of election night loss to Trump Pelosi similarly just threw Biden and Harris under the bus, lamenting the lack of a Democratic Party primary she'd supposedly expected, a point subject to constant gaslighting by the DNC, media, and of course our leftist parrots here. Biden's smile explained.🙂 He quits the field victorious in one sense anyway.
  9. Duh. Since you asked, here is it again, moderator. The online reporting system is not utterly useless. We can do without the hyperbole. There are daily reports of acceptance of online reporting. I'll repeat for you again if you'd like. I have in my clipboard manager now, easy to paste in. But I think bickering is usually cause for post removals etc.
  10. Nah, you're as good an Economic Analyst as you were a Political Analyst. As before, when one balloon is popped, you'll ignore it and blow up another. Not taking that bait, sorry. Waste of time.
  11. But does work for MANY OTHERS. Therefore, not useless. Maybe the system will improve over time. 🙂
  12. You got no credibility left, sorry. Having failed miserably in your election prediction, like all leftists the fallback will be to pick up demonizing again and predict coming DOOM. It's THE talking point now except for the blame going around for the election loss. Blaming anything but the reality of Biden/Harris/leftist failed policies, notably DEI that got Harris where she didn't belong in the first place.
  13. Some decency can be said to have been achieved, inadvertently.
  14. True, leftists will undermine, hoax, subvert, lie, sue, censor, foist talking points onto the mainstream media, motion to impeach, and everything they can do to obstruct. They had some real success his last term, though not as much as they had wanted. What's different now is that Trump's been burned by that experience and can better work around it, as indeed he did with the campaign. But the big difference is that he'll have the Senate and likely the House to pass the laws he needs. Won't need to rely so much on executive orders as time goes by. He's got convincing support from the voters. Even Walz's own district didn't vote for him. 🙂 Even so, it may take Vance's later terms to achieve satisfactorily the goals of MAGA, if they are to be achieved.
  15. We'll agree to disagree. 🙂 Been working fine for me since introduced w/ a couple of exceptions, including 2 weeks ago.
  16. As explained, because of the statistically accurate ANF Poster Inverse Indicator and Boomerang principles. What you predict means the opposite will happen. Hence, you've predicted Trump's success in reversing the Biden/Harris failures and ensuring a better USA and world. Good; please don't try to snatch defeat from victory. Pay attention. Funny how self-defeatism is a point of pride among liberals. Part of the education, high intelligence, and superior moral virtue. Or maybe it's owing the delusion from swallowing all the regime's propaganda. But we've seen what a mess liberal leadership has led to after Trump's first, successful term, and how accurate your predictions have proven. The people have decided they don't want to pay the price for move that liberal nonsense, Hence, Trump. You may take comfort in the agreement of the ladies of The View. The highly intelligent AOC came out with this yesterday: “This is going to be a very, very, very, challenging difficult time," she said. "This is going to be a very scary time." Oh, very. :) For the Dems, those are merely the issues and policies they think are best for their donors and vote-buying. You don't understand modern liberalism in the least. Comes of reading the fake news. Now Bernie was always pretty consistent, which is why he got pushed aside originally for Biden. They already did their best, controlling the media, censoring, persecuting and jailing political opponents, indoctrinating the students, implicitly condoning riots and looting by their militant arms, running through a billion in campaign financing in a few months. They lied like dogs and demonized and sliced and diced. The problem was their policies weren't "better" but much worse, as the "elites" are incompetent wasters of blood and treasure. All the lies and propaganda couldn't fool people with the Emperor's New Clothes. Rich elites don't have to pay the price for those failed policies, but the rest of the country does. Enough is enough. Leftism is a kind of religion, however. No point in discussion, just as with the Taliban or Hamas. Power is really all leftists understand--as they demonstrated quite well in the last election campaign. Owing to your college degree you of course know of Yuri Bezmenov, who describes the program of Marxist ideological subversion you're under. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. . . . Even if I shower him with information with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crashes into his balls, then he will understand, but not before. --A Long List of Leftist Lies Ironic and amusing, given your pretensions and elitism. This is why we need to get leftists out of the educational system and start teaching the 3Rs again. Did you know that the voucher system is quite popular in Hispanic districts? Never mind. Let's see if we can use ratiocination to figure this out. "ANF Poster" hmmm. Was ist das? "Poster." Pontificating about economic collapses and Tunnel floods. Posting pontifications . . . where? Where am I? Must the Aseannow Forum. Oh. How would I get ANF from that name? Left an exercise for the reader. Sharpen your pencils.
  17. I dunno how he got the money management gene usually missing from the leftist "brain." Inevitably leftists are the worst money managers, hence the national debt. All my former leftist friends, before they died of overeating, maxed out their credit cards and blamed the Republicans. Not surprisingly Kamala's campaign ran thru 1 billion in a few months and ended up 20 million in debt. Paying all the celebrities needed to get people to her rallies cost quite a lot. Though they all profess love for Kamala, they ain't volunteering, LOL.
  18. Been discussed ad nauseam. Doesn't matter anyway. Whatever you think you know, or decide, today can, and probably will, change tomorrow.
  19. They didn't in the first place. But if you're going to put it in, then the point is that you need to put in the correct date. Not knowing what it is suggests a problem. We can do without the hyperbole. It's a pretty good system, seems to work well most of the time, and I like it. If you don't, then go back to visiting the IO every 3 months.
  20. Yes, you did, and as I explained earlier, your expectation means the best case in both.🤡 So that was reassuring. As with most self-defeating liberals from their superior vantage points, we may anticipate your disparagements and cavils about Trump to continue throughout his term. An ANF Poster's Prophecy never, ever expires.
  21. A little decency brought to you by the head of the Biden crime family on the White House lawn.
  22. LOL. Like last time, when things were so much better? 'Course, Trump's got a much tougher job now that our posturing educated, highly intelligent, and virtuous morons have run up the national debt to absurd levels. Now, some economic pain, to be loudly denounced by our elites, may need inflicting a la Reagan and Volker. 76% of U.S. Income Taxes Go Toward Servicing Our Debt Perhaps Milei will have some experience to share as he returns Argentina to the real world. Argentina's Milei to meet with Trump, Musk next week in the US Well, ANF Poster predictions have always been excellent inverse indicators. You can make good money by simply buying shares whenever one of our ace Economists makes a doom prediction. When our Tunnel Construction engineers predicted the Tunnel would flood, it meant that it absolutely would never flood. And during the last year we've listened to our smug educated, highly intelligent, virtuous, elite ANF Political Analysts, the crème de la crème, assuring the peasants that Trump would never win.🤣 I could multiply examples further. It's all quite amusing. So, thanks to you, we may now rest assured that Trump's presidency will end up with the USA and the world in much better shape and Vance will ensure MAGA policies continue into the eight years following. You done good in spite of yourself.
  23. Tourist authorities in every country have the same job. They do it year after year. We understand this in, say, the Islamic Republic of the UK, but NOT in Thailand. Why is that? And you'd just lose billions in revenue, having little knowledge of economics. Why not do both, as Thailand is? Thailand approves $2 bln worth of investments in data centres, electronics Rubbish class warfare you've imported. Next.
  24. High season brings in the most tourists, above the average number. They didn't say they would definitely achieve the goal. A goal is just that: goal. No. What did they report for 2020 and 2021? Did that look good?
  25. Bannon and his PAC intend to continue looking into it.
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