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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Get advice and maybe alternate meds from a doc to help you taper off.
  2. Oh, well. One man, one vote.
  3. Yep, that's what it's come to, sadly. That's why outsiders are the only hope to root out at least some of the leftist corruption permeating the gov't, media, legal system, and schools. And he thinks for himself, doesn't just swallow the propaganda press as you do. Man at least has common sense, unlike most of Hollywood, and the brainwashed Dems. When running scared, the DNC always trolls around the graveyards and dives into bins and comes out with disgruntled failed state actors who'll rip a fart and impress the gullible. They'll say anything to curry favor and get back a little recognition, get on the talk shows and act as "consultants." John Kelly indeed. ‘Spies Who Lie’ were CIA contractors when they falsely implied Hunter Biden laptop was Russian fake And the Hitler trope is typically used by the Dems all the way back to Truman. It's about all Kamala has left. It's getting worse. Seems they're calling for another assassination attempt, after all that "unity" and "joy" BS. You'll suck this right up: Hillary Clinton accuses Trump of 'reenacting' infamous Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden
  4. When running scared, the DNC always trolls around the graveyards and dives into bins and comes out with disgruntled failed state actors who'll rip a fart and impress the gullible. They'll say anything to curry favor and get back a little recognition, get on the talk shows and act as "consultants." John Kelly indeed.
  5. Looking good: Brain responses to intermittent fasting and the healthy living diet in older adults
  6. Sounds good. Let's resurrect Walter Cronkite and have real news again. Kamala's the first fake candidate, a purely media creation to front for The Machine, we've ever had.
  7. You probably won't be carrying your passport. I made and had laminated a wallet card. Gives the Thai SS logo, announces I have SS insurance, gives my number (pink ID card number) and the name of my designated hospital. So this stays in a window pocket to be seen the moment my wallet is opened. On the other side of the pocket is my pink ID card. I figure that'll do. The same method or something like it could be used to tell responders to take you a public hsp rather than a private, if desired. Emergency responders will have to know quickly, and obviously you might not be able to tell them verbally. In theory, if you'd best be brought to the nearest private hsp in an emergency, you could get emergency treatment and then a transfer to your hsp, both covered.
  8. Lovely place, really. Its dystopian aspects lend it that comforting feeling of reality that Singapore, say, lacks, help put life into a more universal perspective, and remind us to party like hell while we're able, against the End. Been known on the forum for almost 2 decades. @Addicted2Pattaya on 2008-10-13 00:39:08: @Sommaz on 2008-10-13 10:47:57:
  9. Of course, but, personally, I'd upgrade, so cheap to do so.
  10. https://www.amorngroup.com/find-a-store
  11. Buy one of the cheap options on Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/microsoft-word/?q=microsoft word&catalog_redirect_tag=true I dare not throw out a cursory example but must leave that to our resident Authority. So you can uninstall your 2019 and enjoy an upgrade.
  12. Way to go, low carb. Basically what I do, but no erythritol. Monk fruit sweetener's useable, but the taste doesn't impress me enough to buy more of it. Oh. Well, it's downhill from there. Yes you did. 'Course, the question is how to take of yourself and how to measure the results of doing so. What we really want to know is, how to take care of yourself w/o doing anything, or rather, doing whatever your impaired insulin sensitivity demands. We ain't gettin' any happy answers, however.
  13. DNC redefinition of common sense. Ain't working. Today's coolness is the Hitler thing, pay attention; desperate times call for desperate measures. Why would they vote for a fence post? A miserable track record, an appalling track record, no policies to speak of, and she's got the IQ of a fence post," he added. --Mel Gibson backs Trump for president, says Harris has 'the IQ of a fence post'
  14. Impose fine, extract B20,000 settlement
  15. But you wouldn't know, as you've never watched any. Unable to think for yourself, all you can do is read what the fake news reports for propaganda purposes and parrot it back. Now that seems like moronic behavior, no? And what about voting merely on that basis, against your own best interests. The reason Trump will be elected again is simply because Biden/Harris governed so poorly during their tenure, and things were overall so much better under Trump. They were so moronic as to open the border, among other mistakes. One has to be thoroughly brainwashed, as you are, not to realize this and vote in his own best interests. Let a former NY Democrat (worst of the ilk) explain it to you. You've been having such a hard time, ready to hide behind the sofa. Demonizing is quite expensive. I must say that my liberal friends I once knew were uniformly bad money managers and in debt up to their ears--just as the US is now drowning in debt. Part of their overall detachment from reality, long as it isn't in their own backyards.
  16. Oh, just the usual rubbish leftist demonizing on your part. If you watch any of Trump's speeches, they're all about following the policies in the platform. Complaints about Dems, beneath all the hyperbole and satire, are fundamentally attacks on their policies and the mess they've led the country into--the mess the policies derived from the platform are intended to fix. So he promises to implement them, as he tried to do during his last tenure, though hamstrung by leftist political hostility at every turn. Hopefully, he's learned better how to deal with it.
  17. The Substance A morality tale bitterly satirizing Hollywood's, and by extension, society's, obsession with youthful appearances, notably those of women (feminist slant, check); and warning, via body horror, against falling victim to it. Quite simplistic, doesn't bother with suspension of disbelief, just rolls with an absurd premise from the beginning and gets down to it. Demi Moore and her hot young counterpart Margaret Qualley, and their novel situation, may hold your attention for about an hour and half. By that time, there's nowhere to go but to more of the same, and you know how it's going to end: with ultimate body horror and degradation. So, unless you're really into that and appreciate remarkable special effects, that'll do. Time to switch off and try to forget about it, as I did. Could have been deeper with a great writer behind it, I suppose. The Fly had far more substance. Death Becomes Her, with Bruce Willis (probably doesn't remember it now), did the same theme in a comic fashion and is worth watching more than once. Limitless and The Nutty Professor don't insult you from the start.
  18. Nowhere to go after being kicked out of Wyoming and now exposed as a J6 fraudster. Warmongering for the Dems actually hurts them w/ Repubs and independents, and she and the Dems don't really like each other. So, all to the good. Meanwhile, Trump's got Tulsi Gabbard. 🙂
  19. The hack web content writers of the headline knew you and most here would fall for that click bait and then thread would get lots of page views and responses. You might call it clever marketing, except it's just marketing for predictable simpletons. Works every time.
  20. Fortunately, as otherwise they'd have no hope against a Dem party controlled by indoctrinated leftist cadres busily destroying the country. Power is all they respect and understand. Repubs have been left with no choice but to fight without quarter. It's the same with our indoctrinate leftists here. You might as well be talking to the Taliban. Yuri Bezmenov describes the program of Marxist ideological subversion. There are four steps: Demoralization (Indoctrination), Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization. Here’s a transcript. Bezmenov describes the results of Demoralization: Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. ... Even if I shower him with information with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crashes into his balls, then he will understand, but not before. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization. --A Long List of Leftist Lies
  21. No. That's why minorities are supporting Trump in numbers previously unheard of. "Authoritarianism" is the last desperate DNC lie being amplified to hysteria as Kamala's losing. The Dems have become a party of fear. The number of people invited and joining the Repubs vastly outnumbers the disgruntled and disaffected. Censorship, cancellation, and shouting down are, again, the province of the left. Observe the call for Maoist-style mass re-education camps for half the population:
  22. Trump rightly wants to end the unwarranted subsidies given to Europe. Europe detached itself from the USA w/ its leftist and globalist agenda. A lot of damage has been done already, esp to the Islamic Republic of the UK, which detached itself rather belatedly. That might have turned out much better, but--a topic for another day.
  23. 5:2 is well-established and works well. Not water only on fasting days. There's something to be said for a 24-hour water fast, though most people won't find that very appealing. Testimonial:
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