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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. Apparently, Jessica Ward is now a digital nomad: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jessica-ward-41a25761_so-linkedin-its-been-over-two-years-activity-7178979264321482753-hxsj Best wishes to her and her family!
  2. What, exactly, are we discussing here? In reply to what post of a member asking for information or advice about a health problem is it? This topic should be in General Topics, not in the Health and Medicine forum. @Furioso Where is the link to the source of the information you posted? Without this link, this topic is not worthy of a discussion. The first thing I would want to check is the definition used for "obese"
  3. There was some talk in the newspapers ten years ago about a government official being involved in corruption with the rice support scheme (or whatever it is called). This accusation was investigated and just recently the official was found not guilty. Perhaps the rice was evidence in this investigation and could not be disposed of until the final judgment was made.
  4. I wish you had added a link to the source of your statement. Here it is now: Source: https://thai.news/news/thailand/phumtham-wechayachais-culinary-adventure-thailands-commerce-ministry-revives-aged-rice-for-modern-palates
  5. I have never heard of the type of app you describe.
  6. What makes you think that there is sny connection with MAGA?
  7. What big religion are you talking about?
  8. I have been wondering the same. Could it be that people dying from air pollution require treatment in an intensive care unit (ICU) or occupying other hospital beds to a much lesser extent than people dying from Covid-19? I don't know.
  9. Is money laundering not already on the list of professions reserved for Thais?
  10. Hasn't it always been free choice to get vaccinated or not?
  11. It was kind of you to google it and to post that did so. If you had not forgotten to add the link to the results page, which would have taken only a few more seconds, you would have gained a lot of esteem and respect, and you could have saved the time and effort you employed in posting your offensive and abusive replies in the discussion that ensued. I am now posting that link for you with the search results obtained with the keywords you mentioned: https://www.google.com/search?q=drugged+and+robbed+in+Thailand&oq=drugged+and+robbed+in+Thailand&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQwNTFqMGo0qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  12. How many times did you come?
  13. Leave a dog in a closed car in the sweltering heat for hours without air conditioning and you get fined for cruelty to an animal, but leave passsengers in a plane under the same conditions and it is "not to be taken seriously"?
  14. Bit it is an answer to the OP's question.
  15. The OP did not ask about proof of consent, did he?
  16. It depends on what the rental contract says. Generally, the deposit is not intended as advance payment for the last months of the rental period, but to be refunded after the end of the rental period, minus the cost covering loss or damage, if any, for which the tenant is liable.
  17. IMO they who post confused emogies are avertising that they are a bit thick.
  18. On what days of the week does EVA fly from Bangkok to Shsanghai?
  19. My guess would be Télévision Française, English translation: French Television.
  20. One has to make allowance for the possibility of a testing error with these home testing kits.
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